From the sword of the third master

Chapter 123 Excalibur and Sword God

After seeing off a few old friends, Chen Sheng walked home like a crab, and shouted loudly from a long distance: "Su Ying, come and see what I caught?"

There are two types of men who finish fishing.

Either they are cursing and a little shy to meet people.

Either they are arrogant and want to let the whole world know.

It is clear at a glance whether there is any gain.


Su Ying came out of the kitchen and exclaimed, "Such a big eel, sir, is amazing."

Chen Shengdao: "It was very distressing. In fact, I caught a total of more than 60 catties. It was really inconvenient to take it home, so I took the biggest one and released the rest."

"Fishing, how much did you catch?!"

"Maybe seventy catties."

Su Ying glanced at it, smiled and said: "The small ones are easy to handle, but I heard from others that the bigger the moray eels are, the more aggressive they are. When they are caught, they will try their best to drill into the reef, and they have sharp teeth and sharp mouths." Yes, sir, luck is good, such a thin fishing line is not broken."

Chen Sheng: "..."

Su Ying said again: "Also, is the sir's fishhook too small, can it really hold it?"

"Hmm." Someone began to clear his throat.

A broken bamboo pole, a small rotten iron hook, and very low-quality hemp thread, if it can catch such a big sea fish, it will be called hell.

Chen Sheng said with a dry smile: "Well, I can't hide it from Madam. I jumped into the sea to fish it, and I just caught one."

Su Ying knew that she wanted to save face for the man, so she clapped her hands and said, "Oh? Catching fish is much more difficult than fishing. Mister's kung fu is really unparalleled in the world, this one is even better!"

Look, what does it mean to be able to speak?

Chen Sheng was very pleased with what he heard, and said cheerfully, "Madam, I'll go and see Xiao Yu'er."


Su Ying nodded, then picked up the moray eel and walked back to the kitchen.

in the backyard.

Xiao Yu'er was still kneeling there, honestly.

Chen Sheng said: "Things that don't improve, do you know that you are wrong?"

Xiao Yu'er said: "I know I was wrong."

Chen Shengdao: "Let me ask you, what are the three types of people in Jianghu who must not be underestimated?"

"Old men, young children, and women."

"Very well, then how did you do it? Su Ying practiced under her nose every day, why was she able to deceive you?"

Xiao Yu'er couldn't speak.

Chen Shengdao: "Many seniors have higher martial arts skills and richer experience. You can't even beat horses, but why did they also die in the gutter? You are a smart person, think about it yourself."

Xiao Yu'er was ashamed and ashamed.

Chen Sheng said: "Hmph, I've been kneeling all day, get up to eat."

Xiao Yuer said: "Yes."

Chen Sheng glanced at him inadvertently, and suddenly his face changed drastically.

"Su Ying, Su Ying, come here!"


Su Ying trotted to the side, and found that her husband's expression was terribly cold, and she felt a little uneasy.

She had never seen Chen Sheng like this before, like a stranger.

Chen Sheng said indifferently: "Madam, did Xiao Yuer steal something today?"

It was broken, and it was discovered!
Su Ying was speechless: "I...I..."

Chen Sheng sneered and said: "After being exposed to the sun for a whole day, and the water and rice haven't been eaten, why is the corner of his mouth not dry and cracked, but still moist?"

Xiao Yu'er hastily said: "Master, it's none of Master's wife's business, it's the disciple himself..."

"Shut up, keep kneeling, when I ask you to get up, you get up again."

As expected, Xiao Yu'er didn't dare to speak, so she knelt down.

Su Ying bit her lip, lowered her head and said, "Sir, I know I was wrong, I gave Xiao Yu'er something to eat."

Chen Shengdao: "Xiao Yu'er kowtowed to me and recognized me as his master. I will be responsible for his life. You did not benefit him at all, but harmed him. If I discipline my disciples in the future, you will not be punished." Do not interfere, understand?"

Su Ying saluted and said, "I understand."

Chen Shengdao: "There are no rules, nothing is perfect. If you make a mistake, you should accept the punishment, and you are the same."

Su Ying was very docile: "But according to Mr.'s handling, I will never complain."

Chen Sheng said: "Okay, I will punish you to go to the room to think about your mistakes and write a self-criticism."


——The vocabulary of self-criticism existed in the Tang Dynasty, and Su Ying could understand it.

Chen Sheng said with a straight face again: "Remember, the writing must be deep enough, and it must not be perfunctory. I ask you to write no less than five hundred words."

Su Ying whispered: "Huh? Need to write five hundred characters? Can you write less?"

Chen Sheng said: "Okay, it's six hundred now."

Su Ying hurriedly said: "All right, I'll write! I'll write now!"

When she left, Master Chen secretly laughed.

Xiao Mian, I still can't cure you?You dare to expose the fishing cheating, how shameless I am?

There were three people in the family, one was kneeling in the backyard and the other was thinking about his mistakes in the room, so Chen Sheng had to eat alone.

He lit a lamp in the front yard and poured himself a drink.

The "cook" had already been sent to write a review, so Chen Sheng cooked the kitchen himself, making four dishes and one soup.

Although I haven't done it for many years, the taste is not bad, especially the conger eel, the meat is extremely tender, which is very suitable for drinking.

Just as Chen Sheng took two bites, his body suddenly stopped.

He said into the darkness: "The door is open, please come in, Mr. Yan."

There was a moment of silence outside, and there was a real "squeak", and someone pushed the door open.

Yan Nantian!
It was indeed Yan Nantian.

Yan Nantian used to be tall and strong, but now he is skinny, as if he could be blown down by a gust of wind.

He was wearing very old clothes, and there was an iron sword stuck under his waist. The sword was ordinary and didn't even have a scabbard.

This shriveled and emaciated man has a murderous look in his eyes, which is terrifyingly cold!
Yan Nantian stared at Chen Sheng, and approached slowly step by step: "You knew I would come?"

Chen Sheng showed no signs of fear, he should drink and drink, and eat vegetables.

"Yes, Hero Yan has followed Du Jiaojiao and the others all the way. As long as he enters this small fishing village, he will definitely find me. After all, my brother is a foreigner, so he must not be able to hide."

Yan Nantian nodded and said: "How sharp your mind is, you can't trust rumors, Yan admires you."

Chen Sheng said with a smile: "Brother Yan is full of dust, why don't you sit down and rest your feet and eat something?"


Yan Nantian was not polite at all, he started to fight as soon as he sat across from him, eating like crazy, and drinking was not slow.

Chen Sheng has sharp eyes and has already seen the problem.

—He is very weak now.

Very very weak.

It's a miracle that a person has been soaked in the potion for nearly 17 years, and he didn't die. Even if Yan Nantian has practiced the "marriage dress magic skill", his body must be riddled with holes, leaving only a shell.

In the original book, Yan Nantian even went into hiding and passed on his martial arts to Lu Zhongyuan, allowing others to pretend to be him and walk the rivers and lakes.

There is also an ironclad proof: Yaoyue killed his sworn brother, with Yan Nantian's character of jealousy, he didn't make a move the first time they met, what does this mean?
The truth speaks for itself.

Now Yan Nantian's vitality is seriously injured, and it may take a long time to recover.

"The eels were well done."

"Well, eat as much as you like."

"Eat more too."

Yan Nantian drank a glass of wine and said casually, "I'll give you a ride when you're full."

Chen Sheng frowned and said, "Brother Yan wants to kill me?"

Yan Nantian said: "Hmph."

Chen Sheng said: "But there must be a reason for killing people, right?"

Yan Nantian said: "The five villains have a deep hatred with me. You waited to appear in the same place. Didn't they come after you? You must have come forward to help them escape overseas."

Chen Sheng said: "If I say that all these are coincidences, would you believe me?"

Yan Nantian sneered and said: "Evil gambler, your words can only deceive a three-year-old child, of course I don't believe it! Ten evil people are working together, how can there be a good thing?"

He suddenly picked up a chopstick and stabbed Chen Sheng's heart like lightning.

Chen Sheng originally wanted to explain, but now he can only fight the battle first.

After all, no one could speak in the face of the attack of "Excalibur" Yan Nantian.


Chen Sheng also picked up a chopstick and cut in from the right side, first deflected Yan Nantian's chopstick, and then counterattacked Yan Nantian's throat with a swipe.

At this moment, the two ordinary chopsticks have turned into the two scariest fast swords in the world. If one is not careful, someone's blood will be splashed on the spot.

Yan Nantian didn't even look at it, the sinking chopsticks suddenly floated up and continued to stab Chen Sheng's heart.

Bravery for courage, life for life!
Who would have thought that Chen Sheng was fierce enough, and he remained unmoved, but still wiped him out the same way!

If you stab me to death, I will kill you too!
One wiped the throat, the other pierced the heart. At the last moment when both jade and stone were destroyed, the two of them made a backward movement at the same time, avoiding the lore blow.

Lean back and stand up at the same time.

"Clap clap clap..."

The two chopsticks come and go, they have clashed dozens of times in an instant, and the technique of killing each other happened as many as six times!

Yan Nantian's swordsmanship combines hardness and softness, which can be used for both violent wind and rain, as well as trickling water.

And Chen Sheng's swordsmanship is exactly the same, sometimes strange peaks protrude, and sometimes flat mountains.

The two of them have exhausted all the changes in the world, and have completely entered another level, which is close to the essence of "Tao".

What is the essence of Tao?
is natural.

The sky is yang, the earth is yin, everything is born, heaven and man are united, there is always, there is no time.

No one can defeat nature, or even destroy nature.

except themselves.

Yan Nantian was shocked, he never imagined that in such a small place, he would be forced into a desperate situation by a "low-class" vicious gambler!

Driven by Chen Sheng, he couldn't stop anymore.

Stop or die!

"Clap clap clap..."

Yan Nantian suddenly coughed, and an abnormal blush appeared on his face.

Chen Sheng took a huge risk and flipped backwards, leaving his seat and flying far away.

He seemed to lose, but in fact he won.

But this kind of victory is meaningless, after all, Yan Nantian is injured, and the victory is not military.

Yan Nantian was stunned, and then said: "I believe what you say."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh? Brother Yan, why do you believe it again?"

Yan Nantian said: "Only a person with a clear conscience can use such a sword technique. You are not afraid of death, so you will not die."

His words were very confusing, but Chen Sheng understood.

Yan Nantian then stood up and solemnly bowed his fists: "I'm sorry, Yan made a mistake of blaming you, Brother Sanguang, don't take it to heart."


Chen Sheng returned the salute, and said with a big laugh: "Yan Nantian is so magnanimous, he really deserves the name of a hero, how can I blame you? Well, brother Yan, please move to the backyard, there must be a child who wants to see you very much. "

Yan Nantian said, "What kind of kid?"

Chen Shengdao: "His name is Xiao Yu'er, and he is the baby you brought into the Valley of the Evil 17 years ago, Brother Yan..."


Before he could finish speaking, Yan Nantian exclaimed and ran faster than his eyebrows.

"This man is quick-tempered."

Chen Sheng shook his head, and didn't want to continue eating and drinking, so he simply went back to the bedroom to check the progress.

I saw Su Ying sitting under the lamp deep in thought, and she was still scratching her hair vigorously, muttering while scratching.

"A six-hundred-word review, six hundred words, it's too difficult..."

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