The next morning.

Yan Nantian got up early in the morning and made a special trip to pay a visit to apologize to Chen Sheng.

He also took the little fish with him.

Xiao Yu'er's eyes were red, as if she had cried.

The two of them must have talked a lot last night, and Xiao Yu'er must have known about his life experience. From then on, this poor child has another relative.

Yan Nantian said apologetically: "Brother Sanguang, Xiao Yuer is Jiang Feng's only blood and blood. You also know the friendship between me and him. If you hadn't shot me many times, this child would have died long ago. What happened last night is all due to Brother Yu Reckless, wronged a good person, please forgive me."

Saying that, Yan Nantian actually bent down to give Chen Sheng a big gift.

He always repays his kindness and admits his mistakes. This is his character. Yan Nantian has always lived a pure life.

Chen Sheng gave him a hand, but he didn't let the other party really bow down.

Yan Nantian came to his door last night and had an inexplicable fight, he was inevitably a little displeased.

Chen Sheng really wanted to kill him.

But think about it later, what can I do?Xiao Yu'er is by his side, if Yan Nantian is really killed, how painful will this child be?

just forget it.

Aiwujiwu, that's all.

Chen Shengdao: "I can't blame you entirely. After all, my reputation has been stinking for 20 years. Hero Yan has spent his whole life fighting violence and keeping the good. How can I hold back my hands?"

Yan Nantian coughed awkwardly.

Xiao Yu'er also hurriedly said: "Master, Uncle Yan just got out of trouble, and there is inevitably a bad breath in his chest, he..."

Chen Sheng said: "Okay, okay, this matter is over, don't bring it up again in the future, I'm not so narrow-minded."

Xiao Yu'er smiled and said: "Well, I knew that Master has a big heart, haha."

——Yan Nantian and Chen Sheng are his closest relatives, and it is of course best to turn hostility into friendship.

Another point is that although the five villains are bad, they have been kind to Xiao Yu'er in nurturing them. Knowing that they are out of trouble, Xiao Yu'er can't help but feel secretly happy.

This might be the best ending.

Chen Sheng suddenly said: "Brother Yan, the days of the decisive battle are numbered. Since you are here, please share with Xiao Yu'er about practicing kung fu."

Mr. Chen is lazy, so we can't let him suffer alone, can we?
Ready-made people should use it.

Yan Nantian nodded and said: "I have no shirkable responsibility for this. Xiao Yu'er is your disciple, you have taught him well enough, I will never interfere with swordsmanship, but I can help from other places. For example, the use of internal force, Battle experience and so on."

"it is good."

Chen Sheng said with a smile: "Then we will make a deal."

From that day on, Xiao Yu'er had another master.

Yan Nantian was stricter than Chen Sheng, he practiced Xiao Yu'er to death every day, Xiao Yu'er didn't complain, on the contrary, he was cheerful.The world's top experts are willing to be your target, where can you find such a good thing?
In addition, Yan Nantian is quite knowledgeable.

Chen Sheng had two houses, but Yan Nantian didn't live in them brazenly. Instead, he went far away and bought a small wooden house by the sea.

This way, firstly, it will not disturb others, and secondly, it will also be quiet, and both parties are happy.


One day, Yan Nantian invited Chen Sheng to his home as a guest.

When the wine was hot, he raised his glass and said: "My dear brother, recently I have encountered a bottleneck in my exercises, can you help me with the details?"

Chen Sheng clinked the glasses: "Just kidding, what kind of person is Brother Yan, and he will also encounter bottlenecks?"

Yan Nantian said: "Actually, my aptitude is not good, it's just that I practice more frequently, and the stupid bird flies first."

"Your aptitude is not good?" Chen Sheng laughed loudly: "Brother Yan insists on saying that, so what should others do? You can't buy a piece of tofu and kill him."

Yan Nantian looked serious: "Would you like to help me?"

Chen Sheng looked at him and found that the other party didn't seem to be lying, so he became serious: "Okay then, brother Yan, please tell me."

Yan Nantian immediately recited a formula.

"Sit and forget to think, take a rest to concentrate your mind, gather the true strength inside, don't let it travel outside, melt the five hearts smoothly, and don't let it leak out..."

Chen Sheng listened carefully while thinking in his heart.

This seems to be some kind of inner strength method, but it is not comprehensive. More precisely, it seems to be a certain kind of advanced "skill".

"Closing the gate of ghosts at the same time, if there is a continuous flow, the water will not stop, and it will not be used diligently."

Yan Nantian finally finished reading.

There are more than a hundred words in the area, but Chen Sheng is extremely moved when he hears it, his eyes are even shining!

Yan Nantian sighed: "Brother, I have practiced smoothly before, but I have not been able to understand the method of closing the 'Gate of Ghosts'."

——Ghost gate, that is, gas door, in layman's terms, it is a pore.

Chen Shengdao: "I'm almost on the top of the mountain, and the last step is still difficult? With the previous foundation, it is easy to close the pores, as long as you, Brother Yan..."

Yan Nantian stared at him closely: "Just what?"

Halfway through Chen Sheng's speech, he suddenly froze, blinked, and then laughed.

He laughed, Yan Nantian laughed too.

Chen Sheng said: "Brother Yan, why is this so?"

Yan Nantian poured a glass of wine for Chen Sheng, and said solemnly: "In terms of silver, you are more than me, and in terms of swordsmanship, you are no worse than me. Brother Yu really can't think of what can be used to repay your favor, so I have to use deception Lie to you. This kind of kung fu comes out of my mouth and enters into the ears of the king, and I don’t care if I want it or not.”

Chen Sheng said: "Then what is this kung fu called?"

Yan Nantian said: "It is Brother Yu who has practiced for many years, the "Shu Qi Chapter" of the wedding dress magic skill, also known as 'Close the Gate of Ghosts'."

The unyielding hero Yan seldom owes favors.

He is repaying Xiao Yuer's favor.

What kind of benefits will Mr. Chen get after practicing "Close the Gate of Ghosts"?
The full version of the wedding dress is the most rigid and powerful, the real power is hotter than the flame, more violent than the thunder, the more frustrated, the more courageous, and the stronger it is.

Its signature feature is: the internal force only circulates in the body, but it will not leak out.

If Chen Sheng had learned "Close the Ghost Gate", it would definitely not be as exaggerated as the full version of the wedding dress magic skill, but it could also preserve his internal strength and prevent his own consumption.

Once less or no internal energy is consumed during fighting, the personal durability will inevitably increase.

The reason is very simple.

Like circulating water, it will never run dry.

——This also means that he will become a "perpetual motion machine" in the future, able to keep fighting at his peak!
Chen Sheng praised: "The inner strength is endless, life is endless, it really is a magic skill, thank you brother Yan."

Yan Nantian shook his head: "Unfortunately, this thank you is still too light."

Chen Sheng said: "Is this still light?"

Yan Nantian said: "Your swordsmanship can be as short as three or five moves, and as long as more than a hundred moves, the opponent has already fallen, how much internal energy can you consume? For you, closing the gate of ghosts is at most just icing on the cake."

Chen Shengdao: "Brother Yan can't say that. The world is so vast. There will always be opponents that I can't defeat in a short period of time. Once I start fighting for consumption, the method of holding my breath will come in handy."

Yan Nantian said: "Oh? Even you won't be able to attack for a short time, for example who?"

Chen Sheng said: "Brother Yan and I have become friends, it should be very difficult for the two of us to fight again."

Yan Nantian smiled and said, "That's natural."

Chen Sheng looked up into the distance: "In the future, there may be a person, Yihua Palace, who invites the moon."


Time flies, time flies, and it is the coming year in a blink of an eye.

August next year.

At noon on the eighth day, Yan Nantian brought Xiao Yu'er to the door to bid farewell.

Chen Sheng said in surprise: "There is still one month left for the decisive battle, isn't it too early for you to leave now?"

Yan Nantian said: "It's not early. I want to take Xiaoyuer to the battlefield, familiarize myself with the terrain in advance, adapt to the local climate by the way, understand every inch of soil nearby, including every tree, and take all factors into account .”

You see, this is called professionalism.

Yan Nantian has experienced hundreds of battles all his life, he is worthy of being an old senior.

How important is familiarity with the environment?
Let me give you a simple example: If you are fighting someone in a strange place, you are fighting, and suddenly you stumble over a rock, what will happen next?
- tragic death!
Either he was accidentally dropped to death, or he was hacked to death by his opponent.

Chen Sheng said: "Brother Yan is very thoughtful, I admire you, you go first, I will be there on September [-]th."

Yan Nantian clasped his fists and said, "Okay, then we'll see each other, see you later!"


Xiao Yu'er was about to follow after saluting, but Chen Sheng stopped him: "Brother Yan, please wait a moment, I still have a few words to explain to Xiao Yu'er."

Yan Nantian nodded.

Chen Sheng took Xiao Yu'er to the study, and took out a bank note of 3 taels.

"Remember, you must pay attention to rest during this period, and don't feel burdened. Here, take the pocket money."

"3 taels of pocket money?"

Xiao Yu'er quickly snatched it, grinned and said: "Master, don't worry, that kid is just an ordinary person, with two arms and one mouth, how can he be better than me?"

Chen Shengdao: "Be humble, people are different, Hua Wuque has fairer skin than you, and looks better than you."

Xiao Yuer: "..."

Chen Sheng laughed and said, "Just kidding, of course a man must be masculine, he is far behind you."

Only then did Xiao Yuer smile.

Chen Sheng waved his hands and said, "Go quickly, the journey is smooth, listen to your Uncle Yan on the way."

Xiao Yuer said: "Yes!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Sheng was humming a ditty behind him, and suddenly began to chant a poem.

"Boil the beans for soup, drain the bean for juice, burn the bean under the cauldron, and weep the bean in the cauldron. They grow from the same root, so there is no need to cook them too quickly."

"It's born from the same root, so why rush each other? Hiss..."

Xiao Yu'er looked back suspiciously: "Master, isn't this a farewell poem?"

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