From the sword of the third master

Chapter 125 September 9th, Overcast, Ominous

Chapter 125 September [-]th, Yin, Ominous

In late August, it was time for Chen Sheng to leave.

"Wow wow wow..."

There was a big bluestone in front of him, and he was concentrating on sharpening his sword.

The sword has two handles, one is long and the other is short, the long one is as bright as silver, and the short one is as black as ink. As the hands are constantly pushed and pulled, the two swords gradually enter their best condition.

Rinse with clean water first, then wipe with a dry cloth.

This process is very long.

Sharpening a sword is actually similar to playing chess. It is a process of cultivating the mind. He has long learned to be patient and wait.

Su Ying walked out from the room, carrying a bundle in her hand: "It's Xiao Yuer who is competing, not you, why bring so many things? Bottles and cans."

Chen Sheng smiled and said: "It's all about being prepared, I may not be able to use it."

Even though Su Ying was delicate enough, he still went to check it himself, and he was relieved after checking.

Chen Sheng asked: "Have the organs at home been arranged?"

Su Ying said: "Yes, ready to go."

"Have the hidden weapons been poisoned?"

"It's been quenched. The Fang Ziman given by the master said that poisoning kills people. I'm afraid even elephants can't stand it."

Chen Sheng nodded: "Okay. If someone dares to break in, you are welcome, I will take care of you when the sky falls."

Su Ying also laughed and said, "The sky won't fall, even robbers won't patronize such a remote fishing village."

"It's always right to be cautious. Then I'm going."

Chen Sheng always handled affairs straightforwardly, picked up his burden and left.

Su Ying looked at his back, with endless reluctance in her eyes: "Sir, be careful on the road, I will wait for you to go home."

Chen Sheng waved his hand, but said nothing.


September [-]th is cloudy and fierce.

Wuchang City.

Yellow Crane Tower, Yueyang Tower, and Tengwang Pavilion are known as the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River, also known as "the first building in the world".

But it is different from later generations. This famous building has gone through countless dynasties. It has been damaged by wars many times and has been rebuilt repeatedly by people.

This version of the Yellow Crane Tower is not on the top of the mountain, but at the foot of the mountain, on the edge of the Yangtze River.

There was continuous drizzle and wind by the river.

Generally speaking, cloudy days are not suitable for going out, but here is overcrowded, more lively than going to the market.

One of the two people in the decisive battle is from Yihua Palace, and the other is Yan Nantian's relatives. As long as the matter involves them, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world.

Chen Sheng took a look, all the heroes at the scene spoke various accents, from all over the world, and even the head of the Emei Sect, Taoist Master Shenxi, was alarmed.

Geez, what a pity.

——If he operated it himself, he would have to collect tickets, and each ticket would have to sell for 1 taels, alas.

"Evil gambler?"

"Hahaha, hello."

Chen Sheng was smiling, nodding to the familiar gamblers while searching for Xiao Yuer.

Xiao Yu'er and Yan Nantian arrived very early and stood side by side under a big tree.

Yan Nantian said warmly: "Your brother is here?"

"Well, hello brother Yan." Chen Sheng greeted this side, then turned to Xiao Yu'er and said, "Remember, boy, when it rains in the future, it's best to stay away from the big tree."

Xiao Yuer wondered: "Why? Isn't it just right to hide?"

Chen Sheng said: "You will be struck by lightning."


Xiao Yu'er looked at him, bared his teeth and said, "Master, don't lie to me, thunder will only strike bad people, and I have never done anything harmful to nature."

Chen Sheng said: "That's not necessarily true, listen to me for sure."


Chen Sheng suddenly discovered that there was another person hiding from the rain beside them. This was an old man in Ge Yi, with a pale face and a bit of elegance between his brows and eyes.

"Physician? I haven't seen you for many years, and you haven't aged. Could it be that you have taken the elixir?"

Wan Chunliu has always loved Xiao Yu'er the most, and he will definitely show up on such an important occasion.Yan Nantian's injury improved miraculously, which was also due to him.

Wan Chunliu said indifferently: "Thanks to you, the old man is still healthy, but if you want to say that you are not getting old, it is absolutely impossible."

Chen Sheng squeezed over quickly, and said in a low voice, "Doctor Wan, do you have a good prescription for invigorating the kidneys?"


This guy is outrageous!
Xiao Yu'er is about to face a life-and-death battle, he seems to be okay, and he still wants to nourish his kidneys?

Wan Chunliu looked at him: "Hmph, I don't think Your Excellency looks sluggish, and his eyes are piercing, and his voice is sonorous, he doesn't seem to be suffering from kidney deficiency."

Chen Sheng said: "That's now, it's hard to say in the future."


Wan Chunliu was so entangled that he had no choice but to dictate a prescription called "Ji Sheng Yi Qi Pill".

"Thank you!"

After winning, Master Chen grinned, looking very happy.

Next, he also walked around to familiarize himself with the environment.

The nearby river flows slowly and is slightly turbid.

The scene is a circular open area with no cover and no shelter around, which is very suitable for hands-on.Today, although there is rain, the rain is not heavy, and the soil on the ground is still solid, which will not affect jumping and movement.

should be no problem.

Chen Sheng nodded. He was about to walk back here when he saw an unexpected scene.

There were actually two more people under the tree.

Never expected that one is the little fairy Zhang Jing and the other is Zhang Sanniang!
What are these mother and daughter doing here?
Not only Chen Sheng was surprised, but even Yan Nantian was astonished.

His gaze was very strange, it seemed to be joyful, but it also seemed to be resisting, and it was also mixed with some inexplicable taste.

Zhang Sanniang looked at Yan Nantian with the same complex expression, full of resentment.


Chen Sheng couldn't help being stunned.

Are the rumors true?The two of them had a time?
This is obviously the way old lovers meet!
Zhang Sanniang walked to the side and said something to Yan Nantian, but Yan Nantian's eyes widened, very, very shocked, and then stared at the little fairy Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing's shoulders trembled slightly, as if she was crying.

She suddenly knelt down and kowtowed three times to Yan Nantian.

Yan Nantian helped Zhang Jing up, showing a rare look of guilt, and touched her small face, holding Zhang Jing in his arms.

Chen Sheng: "..."

Got it, Zhang Jing is Yan Nantian's daughter!
He should have thought of it earlier.

There are several reasons for this inference.

The first point: Zhang Jing's age is slightly older than Xiao Yu'er, so she should have been born before Yan Nantian entered the Valley of the Wicked, and the timing is right.

The second point: Zhang Sanniang has never been married in her life, so her daughter is of course born out of illegitimate, and her last name is her surname!
As the number one beauty in martial arts, who would she put in her eyes?Perhaps only the number one swordsman in the world - Yan Nantian.

The daughter took the mother's surname Zhang, which is even more telling. Yan Nantian may have broken up with Zhang Sanniang, and they did not get married in the end. Since they did not get married, the child born can only be named Zhang.

The third point is the most powerful.

From the very beginning, Zhang Jing chased Xiao Yu'er and Tie Xinlan fiercely, and insisted on snatching the treasure map from them, all because of Yan Nantian's swordsmanship.

Then the problem is coming.

My own mother is a top expert. If you want to learn martial arts, you can learn it at home. Why do you spend so much energy traveling all over the world to search for other people's secret books?
Unless it was Zhang Sanniang's order, we must find the "relic" of the child's own father!

Zhang Sanniang made an excuse to say that she "admired" Yan Nantian, but her behavior was a little too much, and she went beyond the scope of admiration.

With the facts in front of him, Chen Sheng could only speculate like this.

This mother and daughter are unruly and willful, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, he is quite disgusted in his heart.

Maybe Yan Nantian was confused too.

But anyway, congratulations to their father and daughter for their recognition.




Around the first quarter of the hour, a burst of pipa sound suddenly floated over.

No one knows the exact location.

Heaven and earth, omnipresent, pervasive.

Pipa is a special musical instrument. When it is tender, it is resentful and desolate, like complaining like weeping.

What floats into my ears now is the most murderous masterpiece, "House of Flying Daggers".


As if a cold hand came suddenly and tightly grabbed the throat, everyone at the scene changed color at the same time, and their stomachs began to churn.

One musical instrument, but a thousand kinds of magic.

Some people heard the sound of gold, flute and crossbow.

Drums, cannon, and hooves were heard.

The silver bottle was broken and the water sprayed out, and the iron cavalry protruded, and the swords and guns blared, the sound pierced the heart and lungs.

Sonic power?
The sound of the pipa is higher than the wave, continuing to tear the soul.Chen Sheng didn't respond yet, but some comrades with weaker martial arts had already lay down and rolled all over the floor.

Covering your ears doesn't help either.

At this moment, Yan Nantian suddenly took a step forward and roared, "Open!!!"

This roar pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks, and spread rapidly in all directions, like a thunderbolt blasting the sky, overwhelming mountains and seas, and many people who were closest to them were even stunned.

For a moment, the sound of the pipa died down, and there was no more movement.

Moments later, there was a piercing sound from the sky.

First of all, there are eight fairy-like girls, all dressed in white clothes, with bright eyes and bright teeth, holding pipas in their arms.

However, these girls looked very embarrassed, with a slightly painful expression, probably because they were hurt by Yan Nantian.


After the eight girls, another long carpet flew over in mid-air.

The carpet was actually made of flowers.

The fragrance is bursting, gorgeous and colorful.

On the beautiful carpet, the three figures floated lightly, riding the wind as if they had no weight.

As soon as the three of them arrived, the carpet was torn apart, and it immediately turned into a rain of flowers.

The scene is eerie and beautiful.

But Master Chen smiled.

In Wei Wuya's cave, seeing how they suffered with his own eyes, Chen Sheng couldn't have any other feelings, only felt a stomach ache.

Hua Wuque was still so handsome.

Lian Xing is still so pretty.

And invite the moon...

Inviting the moon is quite different.

She was wearing a fiery red long dress, that red was more gorgeous than blood, and it was so shockingly red.

In addition, there is a big silver hairpin on her bun.

——The shape of this silver hairpin resembles a crescent moon, and the whole body is inlaid with precious stones, which looks both mysterious and noble.

With a red dress and a hairpin, today's Grand Mistress is magnificent, like a queen who is about to rule the world.

Chen Sheng was not interested in what Yaoyue would wear.

He is interested in Yaoyue's eyes.

Yaoyue's eyes were radiant, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, unexpectedly there was no warmth at all, so cold that he didn't look like a living person at all!

Chen Sheng was taken aback.

I haven't seen you for two years, has this woman made a breakthrough?
The ninth level of Mingyu's divine art?
(End of this chapter)

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