Chapter 131 Xiao Wu
"You're pressing my hair."

"Oh. Huh??"

In a daze, Chen Sheng moved to the side, and then woke up instantly.

This is by no means his own house, let alone his familiar voice!

Could it be...

Chen Sheng adjusted his breathing, his eyes moved around: the ivory bed, the pink tent, the soft quilt, and there was a fragrant woman in the quilt.

Sure enough, everything was strange.

"It's dawning so fast."

The woman muttered something, sat up from her side, stuffed her white and tender feet into the wooden clogs, and said "quack quack", and went to the mirror to comb her hair.

Judging from the reflected picture, her appearance is quite good, and her figure is also remarkable.


After 20 years, Chen Sheng traveled through time again.

In the long 20 years, he has been running back and forth between several women, and he has long been exhausted.

Chen Sheng learned an important lesson: it is not impossible to have a home away from home, but the distance must be well controlled, and it must not be too far apart, otherwise people will really run away to death.

This time travel was very timely, and he was finally freed.

So which world are you in now?
The woman looked left and right in the mirror, pulled her hair up high, and suddenly sighed.

Chen Sheng could only keep silent.

Because the memory of the original owner has not yet arrived, his eyes are now darkened, and he doesn't know what's going on, so he simply lies there and pretends to be dumb.


The woman began to sigh again: "Why don't you ask me, why are you troubled?"

Chen Sheng said: "Then why are you troubled?"

The woman said: "A boss spent a lot of money, and my mother has already agreed...Maybe in two or three days, I will leave Suzhou."

It took Chen Sheng a long time to say: "Oh."

The woman was very angry, and turned to stare at him: "Then what? What should you say?"

Chen Sheng said: "I wish you the best of luck."


The woman stomped her feet, her red face immediately turned pale, and there was still a bit of livid in the white.

But it's boring to be angry alone, and then she showed her face again: "Fortunately, we are not far away, you can come to Jiaxing to find me in the future, hehe."

Chen Sheng learned smart this time, and quickly asked, "Where is Jiaxing?"

The woman said: "Happy Forest."

What the hell!

Happy forest?
It turned out to be "Meteor Butterfly Sword"?
Chen Sheng gasped and blinked his eyes.

Compared to other worlds, the Meteor Butterfly Sword is the Jianghu, the real Jianghu.

This place is full of conspiracy and betrayal, it is cold and bloody, there is almost no good thing, and people are dying all the time.If you compare "Peerless Twins", the last world is heaven.

The three words "Happy Forest" are like a key, unlocking a brand new memory, countless fragments come one after another, piercing into the body violently.

My head was buzzing, and I was dizzy.

After the familiar dizziness, Chen Sheng collected himself and began to summarize his current situation.

Name: Wei Wu.

Wei is the Wei of Wei Wu's legacy, and Wu is the Wu of Wei Wu's legacy. This is easy to remember.

Appearance: quite handsome.

Waist Strength: Very strong.

Age: 24 years old.

Weapon: An iron fan.

Status: A subordinate of Suzhou tycoon Sun Yubo, the original owner was once one of his schoolboys. Because he was watched growing up from an early age, he was highly regarded by the other party.

Personality: Loyal and loyal, taciturn.


In the entire "Meteor Butterfly Sword", there is no doubt that Sun Yubo is the real hero. His aura is so powerful that others are more or less pale.

Has he actually become the old man's confidant, or is he a brand new character?

Chen Sheng was speechless.

The woman in front of the mirror looked longingly, and said again: "I heard that there are so many beauties in the 'Happy Forest', tell me, after I pass by, can I pass through layers of screening and become one of the oirans?"

Chen Sheng shook his head: "I don't know."

The woman said: "You are always bored like a piece of wood, so can't you say a few more words?"

Chen Sheng said: "Okay, come here."

The woman stared and said, "What did you do in the past?"

Chen Sheng said: "Since we don't have many meetings, let's hurry up and sleep together for a while."

With a "puchi", the woman bit her lip and said, "Damn ghost."

——By the way, this woman's surname is Liu, and her double name is Yiyi. She is a famous artist in Suzhou Mansion, and the old friend of the original owner for many years.

Liu Yiyi walked to his side, and suddenly said: "Brother Wu, have you never thought of redeeming me?"

Chen Shengquan was expressionless: "Why do you want to redeem yourself? Since becoming the oiran is your goal, you should persevere. I can't delay you."

Liu Yiyi: "..."

"What are you still doing, come up!"


After half an hour.

Chen Sheng left Miss Liu with a refreshed face.

He turned into an empty alley, suddenly reached out and pulled out the iron fan behind him.

This iron fan is heavy to the touch, with a length of two feet and six inches. When it is closed, it looks like a four-edged iron mace. When it is opened, the edge is extremely sharp, like a machete.

The iron fan is relatively unpopular in the Jianghu. It is not only a blunt weapon, but also a sharp weapon. It can fight normally and fight close to the body. It is also born to restrain hidden weapons. It is a good weapon for both offense and defense.


Chen Sheng fiddled a few times, put the weapon back on his belt, and fell into deep thought.

According to the normal development of the plot, there will be a battle between the Twelve Feipeng Gang and the Sun family, and the Jiangnan area is likely to be in chaos. The so-called gentleman can't stand under a dangerous wall, why bother to enter this muddy water?
Chen Sheng has already made up his mind: Withdraw!

He is not interested in working for others, the world is so vast, wouldn't it be fun to walk around with money?

Just do it.

Chen Sheng remembered that there were still tens of thousands of taels of silver bills hidden at home, so he rushed back quickly, preparing to pack up his things and set off as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got near the residence, a man jumped up from the side of the road.

This is a lazy man with big eyes and a straight nose. His skin is dark and shiny from the sun, and his muscles are like iron blocks.

——The young master of the Sun family, Sun Jian.

Sun Jian had a good cultivation in the original book, but it's a pity that his mind was too simple, and he was plotted to die early, and he died very miserably.

He reached out his hand to stop Chen Sheng: "Brother Xiao Wu, help!"

This kid looks good, what kind of life can he save?
Chen Sheng kept his "personality" firmly in mind - taciturn, so he didn't say anything, but took out a 500 tael bank note from his sleeve and handed it over.

Sun Jian sighed: "I am not short of money."

Chen Sheng quickly took back the bank note and waited for the next article.

Sun Jiandao: "You know me well. I have always been very attractive to women. Since I was 14 years old, my luck has never been broken."

Chen Sheng: "..."

Although this was true, his words sounded wrong, as if he deserved a beating.

Sun Jiandao: "Men are a kind of strange animals. No woman thinks about women. If there are too many women, you will be very sad, alas."

Chen Sheng said lightly: "Can we talk about the key points?"

Sun Jian hurriedly laughed and said: "Okay, okay, that's okay, how many girls did I take in in the other courtyard, do you remember?"

Chen Sheng said: "There seem to be four."

Sun Jian frowned: "That was last month's old calendar, and now there are six."

Chen Sheng: "..."

Damn, what good food did this kid eat?

No, take the time to ask.

Sun Jian continued: "Women are like little swallows, a small number is okay, but if they become a group, it will be terrible. Not only do they chirp and make a headache, but they also fight and fight in their spare time, causing a smoky atmosphere everywhere. "

Chen Sheng sneered and said, "You deserve it. Even if you want to eat eggs, you don't have to keep hens at home, let alone a large flock."

Sun Jiandao: "Yes, I have already understood this truth, but it's a pity that I understood it a little later."

Chen Sheng said: "Then, what are you going to do?"

Sun Jiandao: "I'm going to send the woman who caused the most trouble out, so that they won't meet again, and by the way, I can make an example of others."

Chen Sheng said: "Smart, send it away early and get rid of it."

Sun Jian looked at him and coughed twice: "But here comes the problem, where can I send it? I don't feel relieved to give it to ordinary people, and I can't bear to throw it away casually."

Chen Sheng was stunned suddenly: "You... Could it be that you..."

Sun Jian said with a smile: "Good brother, you are the only one who knows me best in the world, hahaha, yes, I just want to entrust her to you for 'keeping'."

Chen Sheng said: "Aren't you afraid that I'll guard you?"

Sun Jian waved his hands carelessly: "It doesn't matter, if you can steal it, it's your skill."

"You don't hate me?"

"How is it possible, what is our relationship!"

Chen Sheng originally planned to run away, but now he changed his mind: "How many do you want to send?"

Sun Jian said strangely: "Why is your memory getting worse? You clearly said it just now. Now there is only one."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, since you are a good brother, why are you afraid of getting stabbed? I can still share some more, six women, how about giving half of them directly?"

Sun Jian: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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