From the sword of the third master

Chapter 132 The Wife Is Mine

Chapter 132 The Wife Is Mine
Although Sun Jian has a quick temper, he is not a fool. He resolutely refused Chen Sheng's request of "half the meeting".

Chen Sheng wasn't discouraged either, because he got another benefit.

——3000 taels for food.

If you are a brother who raises a woman for you, you have to spend money on food and drink, right?
Lie first in the first quarter, ah no, ask for a part of the silver first, and then we will continue in the second quarter.Anyway, he is a big fat sheep, not bald.

This is called sustainable development.

Sun Jian was very moved: "Brother Xiaowu, thank you, my troubles are finally solved."

Chen Sheng was also serious: "You're welcome, I should do everything, wait until next time..."

Sun Jiandao: "Don't worry, I will look for you next time."

Chen Sheng said: "You can't just talk about it, do you dare to swear a poisonous oath?"

Sun Jian: "..."

The two brothers were chatting happily, but there was a call from the shadows in the distance.

"Eldest young master, the old man has an invitation, brother Xiao Wu, you also go with me."

Sun Jian glanced at Chen Sheng: "What do you want me to do?"

Chen Sheng said: "Let's go!"

in the garden.

The Sun family's garden has always been the most mysterious place on the rivers and lakes, and it is indeed a real garden.

There are a large number of flowers such as peonies, peonies, roses, crabapples, hibiscus, etc., each of which has its own garden, and each garden is closely connected, forming a maze-like "eight trigrams array".

If there is no special guidance, if you rush in, you will only be trapped to death in the end.

Even better, Sun Yubo also built seventeen mansions in the garden.

The seventeen white mansions looked exactly the same.

The advantage of doing this is obvious: only he knows where he sleeps every night, and no one else knows.As far as cautiousness is concerned, Sun Yubo is definitely an old man, and even Chen Sheng is willing to bow down.

It is autumn now, and the chrysanthemums are in full bloom.

Sun Yubo was waiting in the chrysanthemum garden with a pair of scissors in his hand.

With ordinary facial features, ordinary clothes, and a short stature, he looks like an old farmer farming, with nothing special about him.

"Crack, click."

Sun Yubo didn't speak, but concentrated on pruning the flower branches.

He didn't speak, Chen Sheng and Sun Jian didn't dare to disturb him, they stood there quietly.

This has been waiting for a long time.

Chen Sheng was still the same, standing straighter than a javelin, but Sun Jian was a little impatient, he changed several postures, and even yawned.

Hearing the yawn, Sun Yubo stopped his movements.

He looked at his son, then at Chen Sheng, and a trace of helplessness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Shall we have chrysanthemum soup tonight?"

Sun Jian frowned and said, "Father, this is why you called us here?"

Sun Yubo said: "Not all, I'm waiting for someone."

Sun Jiandao: "Who are you waiting for?"

"wait for me……"

As soon as the words were finished, a figure flickered under the moon gate, and a young man walked over.

What an outstanding young man this is, with long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, gentle and elegant, with a warm smile on his face.I believe that whoever sees him will feel like a spring breeze.

Chen Shengquan was expressionless, but he was deeply moved in his heart.

Lil Kagawa!

Since Shengyu and He Shengliang, this demon is quite good-looking, and he is actually on par with him.

"Old man, big brother, little brother Wu." Lu Xiangchuan greeted everyone and saluted everyone respectfully. "Sorry, I'm late."

Sun Yubo smiled and said, "You're not too late, let's go."

He put down the scissors and led everyone into the mansion.

There were three tables in the flower hall, and each table was tidy, with pens and ink spread on them.

? ?
Chen Sheng was very surprised. Why does it feel like an exam?
He really guessed right.

Sun Yubo asked everyone to take their seats as soon as possible, and then said, "I'll ask a question, and you guys will answer. Write down the answers on paper."


I saw Sun Jian sneaking around, suddenly lifted the table, and moved slowly towards Chen Sheng, as if he wanted to copy.

Some scumbags are such ghosts.

With sharp eyes, Sun Yubo said angrily, "Huh?"

"Oh, cough cough."

Sun Jian gave a dry laugh, quickly lifted the table again, and retreated in despair.

Fortunately, he was his own, otherwise he would have been beaten to death long ago.

Then Sun Yubo said: "If a person wants to gain a foothold in the world, what should be his greatest strength? Or, how should he handle things?"

Lu Xiangchuan thought for a moment, then asked: "Old man, there are tens of millions of people in Jianghu, but I don't know which one you are talking about?"

Sun Yubo said indifferently: "People like me."


The three young people fell silent at the same time. After a while, some started to write immediately, some were beaming with joy, and some had blank faces.

The first one to hand in the paper was Ritsu Kagawa.

On the rice paper, he took the lead and wrote four beautiful characters: morality first.

Sun Yubo received the answer and was very satisfied.

No matter whether you seized the world by force or by conspiracy, it must be "morality" that rules the world in the end. Morality is the human heart, and once you lose the human heart, you are finished.


Sun Yubo smiled and said, "Xiangchuan did not disappoint me, Xiaojian, what about yours?"

Sun Jian didn't know what he wrote, he seemed very swollen.

"Father, I won't disappoint you either, hehe."


Sun Jian lifted up the rice paper and showed it to everyone triumphantly.

Leaving aside how well the words are written, his answer is—fist!
The corners of Sun Yubo's eyes began to twitch wildly, but there was no expression on his face: "What do you mean?"

Sun Jiandao: "If I am like my father, then I will speak with my fists. I will kill anyone who refuses to accept him. I will kill his ancestors for eighteen generations."


Sun Yubo was silent for a long time: "Do you think you are right?"

Sun Jian patted his chest: "Of course."

"Well, that's great, that's great..."

Sun Yubo said five or six "excellent" in one breath, and then shouted: "Come on!"

A few black shadows flashed in from outside: "The subordinate is here."

"Drag the eldest son out and beat him with thirty sticks!"

Sun Jian was surprised and said: "Hey? Dad, why did you hit me? What's wrong with me?"

"It's you, a fool, you're being beaten, drag it out quickly, and add another twenty sticks."


Soon there was the sound of "crackling" beatings outside, but Sun Jian didn't ask for mercy.He is a man of iron, he would rather die than say a word.

Sun Yubo finally looked at Chen Sheng.

He has regained his composure: "Xiao Wu, what are you writing?"

Chen Sheng held up the rice paper, there was not even a single word on it, so he handed in a blank paper.

Sun Yubo frowned deeply, waiting for his explanation.

Chen Sheng said: "I will never become an old man, so I don't know how to write."

Sun Yubo was stunned, and then laughed heartily.

——If Ritsu Kagawa "substituted" the old man from his own point of view, then Chen Sheng cut in from reality and saw himself clearly.

In terms of superiority, Lu Xiangchuan's answer is of course better, but Sun Yubo is equally satisfied with Chen Sheng.


Sun Yubo shook his head, then nodded again: "You kid is just too honest."

After living for several lifetimes, it was the first time for Chen Sheng to hear others praise him for being honest. Chen Sheng felt quite fresh.

Sun Yubo looked at them with admiring eyes: "I'm old, and the world in the future belongs to you. Well, Ritsu Kagawa obeys orders."

Lu Xiangchuan immediately cupped his fists and said in a deep voice, "This subordinate is here."

Sun Yubo said: "From today onwards, you will take over the position of chief manager of the garden."

Lu Xiangchuan was moved and said: "Here, what is the virtue and ability of this subordinate, I am afraid that there will be a heavy trust from the old man..."

Sun Yubo said: "Don't refuse, just go down."

His order was like a sharp knife cut out, it would never be taken back, Ritsu Kagawa nodded, and left as he said.

Chen Sheng couldn't see his emotions, but his heart was churning silently.

——History is always strikingly similar.

What does the position of chief executive mean?
that power!

Countless money is in your hands, countless people are at your disposal, call the wind and call the rain, all sides are majestic!
Ritsu Kagawa is still on the road to the top.

It's just that this road seems to be full of flowers, but it is actually full of dangers. Most people will lose themselves and end up in a catastrophe.


Sun Yubo asked: "Xiao Wu, how long have you been with me?"

Chen Sheng's face was paralyzed: "I have been with my old man since I was seven years old, and now it has been 17 years. In five months and nine days, it will be 18 years."

Sun Yubo smiled and said, "Good boy, when you grow up, it's time to share my worries. Xiao Wu obeys orders."

Chen Sheng waited with his hands clasped.

Sun Yubo said: "From now on... the 'pigeon group' will be handed over to you."

Chen Sheng said: "Obey."

In the vast Jiangnan area, the two largest organizations have always existed side by side.

One of them is the Twelve Feipeng Gang.

The other is the Sun Family Garden.

The Twelve Feipeng Gang has twelve sub-helms, and the Sun family also has seven groups of people, which are their respective core strengths.

The seven groups of the Sun family are:

Pigeon group, responsible for intelligence.

Eagle group, responsible for guarding.

Dog group, responsible for tracking.

Tiger group, responsible for storming.

The crow group is responsible for collecting money.

Shadow group, responsible for infiltration.

The knife group is in charge of the punishment hall.

Chen Sheng was so happy that he was actually promoted just after time travel.

If he is assigned to the "pigeon group" as the boss, then he will be the "ace pigeon" in the future.

It's not easy to collect information outside. If the leader disappears every now and then, it should be normal, right?

Absenteeism is a must!

And there is a hidden benefit here.

My subordinates walk the streets every day, of course they will be familiar with the surrounding terrain, if they are familiar with the terrain, will they be familiar with various distinctive hooks?

You see, the start comes with a Fengyue guide, and it can be updated from time to time...

Sun Yubo patted Chen Sheng's shoulder: "You and Xiang Chuan are both fine. I already have a daughter, Xiaodie. Someday in the future, I hope one of you will become my son-in-law."

After sending off the future, you want to send your wife?

Chen Sheng knelt down like lightning: "Meet my father-in-law!"


Sun Yubo was stunned by his actions, and then he laughed and said, "As for choosing a son-in-law, I have to let Xiaodie choose by herself. Xiangchuan is also a good boy, why do you think he can definitely win?"

Chen Shengdao: "This subordinate is dull-tempered. In terms of brains, Ritsu Xiangchuan is actually smarter than me."

Sun Yubo said: "Everyone has their own strengths, so don't underestimate yourself."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes. But being smart doesn't mean you'll be liked by women."

Sun Yubo said: "Does Xiaodie like you?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes."

Sun Yubo couldn't help asking, "How can you see it?"

Chen Shengdao: "Xiao Die always likes to tease me, and she will blush when she sees her. She even made clothes for me."

Sun Yubo is someone who has experienced it, of course he knows what this means.

He smiled and said, "Since you two are in love, then I have no objection."

Chen Sheng hurriedly said: "Father-in-law, it's not too late. Can you see if the wedding can be held within three days?"

Sun Yubo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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