Chapter 133

In the end, Chen Sheng's wish came true.

Get married in three days?
Faced with this unreasonable request, Sun Yubo flatly refused.

There are some things that a father must come to understand, you can't just say what you say, and in his capacity, marrying a daughter is not that simple.

In the end, Chen Sheng was thrown out.

It's only because someone was stalking, teasing, and hugging Sun Yubo's thigh...

"Hmph, the old man is quite energetic."

Chen Sheng got up from the ground, muttered a few words, and left resentfully.

Leaving Chrysanthemum Garden, Taoyuan is not far away.

A small house is looming, hidden deep in the greenery.

This is from Ritsu Kagawa.

Ritsu Kagawa's residence is exquisite and clean, everything is exactly where it should be, and there is absolutely no trace of dust.

Although the house is tidy, it looks quite deserted, not like a home.

Because Ritsu Kagawa is not married yet, a house without a woman will never be a home.

"Brother Wu?"


There is a smell of beef stew here, and it smells delicious.

Ritsu Kagawa smiled warmly: "You didn't have breakfast either?"

Chen Sheng walked to the side and sat down at the dining table: "Yes."

"May I serve you a bowl of noodles?"

"it is good."

The two of them grew up together and knew each other's temperament very well. Ritsu Kagawa had long been used to his silence.

Pour water, turn on the fire, and cook the noodles.

It's hard for ordinary people to imagine that the dignified Mr. Lu can actually cook, and he does it well.

Looking at his busy back, Chen Sheng was in a daze.

Such a quiet and lonely person, how did such a person become a devil later on?

"Snort, snort."

They huddled around the small dining table and started eating noodles.

The noodles are cooked just right, soft yet firm, and the taste of the beef is even more mellow and extremely crunchy.

Lu Xiangchuan said: "You must be able to see that I don't really have any friends. The older a person grows, the fewer and fewer friends he will have."

Chen Sheng buried his head in eating the noodles: "Yes."

Lu Xiangchuan said: "Brother Xiaowu, will you and I change?"

Chen Sheng said, "Why do you ask that?"

Lu Xiangchuan said: "We work together for the old man, and each of us has our own development. If you become my subordinate later, or I have to take orders from you, everyone will become competitors..."

Chen Sheng said: "Probably not, I have no ambition to surpass anyone, I have to climb up."

Ritsu Kagawa smiled: "I knew you wouldn't change, and I hope we never change."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes."

Lu Xiangchuan said: "Would you like some more salted fish? Dry fried."

"No need."

Chen Sheng pushed away the bowls and chopsticks, and said casually: "There is something I must tell you. In a few days, I plan to propose to Xiaodie."

Ritsu Kagawa's fingers trembled.

He slowly raised his head, and slowly looked directly into Chen Sheng's eyes: "If I remember correctly, you seem to have always regarded Xiaodie as your younger sister, why did you suddenly ask for a kiss?"

Chen Sheng said: "That was in the past, I was not mature enough in the past."

Ritsu Kagawa remained silent.

Chen Sheng said: "Why, do you have any objections?"

Ritsu Kagawa smiled: "We are best friends, I am too happy to be happy, how can I have any objections? Congratulations."

Chen Sheng nodded: "Okay, goodbye."

After he left, Ritsu Kagawa was still smiling.

He smiled and cleared the table.Smiling, washing dishes and mopping the floor.

Smiling, he came to the mirror in the bedroom.


Ritsu Xiangchuan suddenly backhanded and punched himself hard, and two streams of blood immediately hung from his nostrils.

The blood was shockingly red, but he smiled brightly.

Very very brilliant.

"It doesn't hurt enough."

Ritsukagawa muttered to himself, his eyes fell somewhere.The direction he was looking at was the head of the bed, the head of the bed, beside the pillow, where lay a short knife quietly.


On Fenglin Street in Suzhou Fu, there is a two-story restaurant.

A very ordinary restaurant with ordinary decoration, named "Taibaiju".

The chef of Taibai House, surnamed Ma, is a fat man with a round figure and a pleasant smile. He is good at cooking pigeons.

Like oil shower, brine, stew, charcoal grill, eight treasures... and so on.

Fatty Ma knows a lot of tricks, but because of his poor craftsmanship, Taibaiju's business is half-dead, with good times and bad times, and the bad times are far higher than the good ones.

At about Shen o'clock in the afternoon, Fatty Ma was sleeping in his room, snoring loudly.

Suddenly, the snoring stopped, and Fatty Ma slowly got up.

His eyes were bright, sharper than knives, and he didn't look sleepy at all.

There was an extra person in the room, it was Chen Sheng.

Fatty Ma stared at him closely without making a sound, as if he was waiting for something.

Chen Sheng nodded, and suddenly said: "The bright moon is here to take a picture."

Fatty Ma replied immediately: "The Yellow River flows into the sea."

When the two of them talked and answered, the corresponding poems were inexplicable, and they were not next to each other at all.

Fatty Ma then asked, "Where are the things?"

Chen Sheng took out a white jade brand from his pocket, as well as the old man's autographed letter.

Fatty Ma's expression was extremely serious. After repeated identification and confirmation, he finally grinned and said: "Haha, so you are really Brother Xiaowu?"

Chen Sheng said: "You and I knew each other six years ago, how can this face be fake?"

Fatty Ma hurriedly said: "People in our business must be careful. If you make a wrong step, there will be an abyss below. Brother, please don't blame me."

He then clasped his fists in salute, and said solemnly: "The subordinate pigeon group Ma Qianjun, I have seen the commander."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes. Where is the chief rudder? Take me to see it."


Fatty Ma actually took him to the backyard. There was a "cuckoo" sound in the backyard, and there were many pigeons, including meat pigeons and carrier pigeons.

It's pretty smart to do that.

Under the current conditions, the only way to deliver news is by carrier pigeons. Keeping pigeons in a restaurant will not arouse suspicion, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see the difference between meat pigeons and carrier pigeons.

Fatty Ma clapped his hands three times.

After hearing the applause, a boy quickly flashed out from the shadows and moved away a large water tank.

Below is a dark passage.

There is something strange in the secret passage, and a large space has been dug out. There are bright lights burning here, and more than ten companions are writing and writing something.

Fatty Ma introduced: "Our pigeon team has a total of [-] members, and they have penetrated into all walks of life and scattered all over the land of Jiangnan. Any troubles and grasses can't escape our eyes."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes."

Fatty Ma said: "Brothers use carrier pigeons to send messages, and they will screen and summarize the content received every day, and finally form a 'briefing', which will be sent to the garden as quickly as possible, and handed over to the old man for review."

Chen Sheng nodded.

This is really great.

Sun Yubo's energy has far exceeded his expectations. The organization is strict and the division of labor is clear. You can't accept it.

Chen Sheng walked and talked with Fatty Ma, and fully understood the process of handling affairs.

"I have three requests."

Fatty Ma lowered his hands and said, "My subordinates are all ears."

Chen Shengdao: "The first point, you should draw out eight people as soon as possible, and choose the one with the best martial arts, and then divide them into two shifts, day and night, to protect the second lady Sun Die with all your strength, as long as she leaves the garden for half a step, you must follow closely."

Fatty Ma asked suspiciously: "Protect Second Miss? So what if you get out of the garden, the whole of Suzhou is our territory, is it necessary?"

Chen Shengdao: "It's scary when it's dark under the lights. Now the old uncle is very popular, and the second lady is his only weakness. If Sun Die is might as well think about the consequences."

Fatty Ma was stunned, his forehead began to sweat.

Chen Sheng said: "If there are omissions, they must be blocked in advance. If something happens and then make up, it will be too late for regret."

Fatty Ma said: "Yes, my subordinates will do it right away."

Chen Shengdao: "Remember, the weapons carried by brothers must be simmered with poison, and signal arrows are also essential. If you encounter suspicious people, you will be killed without mercy."

Fatty Ma was surprised.

It was the first time for him to see Brother Xiao Wu talking so much, but every sentence was on point, the logic was very clear, and it was also precise and concise, effective.

It seems that past impressions can be overturned.

Chen Shengdao: "Second point, you have asked your brothers to go to the Goulan more recently, don't miss any one, try to screen out outstanding women, and it is best to record their appearance, body shape, including specialties."

Fatty Ma thought for a while, and thought it was a serious matter: "Could it be that the commander is looking for someone?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, as for who you are looking for, don't worry about it, it is extremely important to the organization anyway."

Hearing the word "organization", Fatty Ma's expression instantly became solemn: "Follow orders!"

Chen Sheng added: "Be careful, don't let the wind leak."

Fatty Ma said: "There is no need to order from the commander, and the subordinates will naturally save it."

"it is good."

Master Chen secretly laughed.

Well, the two things he did after he took office were all "private use of public equipment", one for his wife and one for himself, neither of which had anything to do with intelligence.

While speaking, Chen Sheng quietly made a move and stuffed a 1000 tael bank note in the past.

Fatty Ma was tongue-tied: "Oh, Brother Wu, what do you mean?"

The boss has just arrived, and I should have come forward to meet the wind, so how can I ask for his money?

Chen Shengdao: "Lao Ma, we are so close that you are a newcomer. I am not familiar enough with the current affairs, so I must ask you to take care of me. You take this little money first, and treat everyone to a glass of wine."


Not only did he take the initiative to show his favor, but he actually delegated power to his deputy?
Tsk tsk, brother Xiaowu is very good at life.

Fatty Ma smiled, and the action of collecting money was skillful: "The subordinates should do their best to fulfill their mission."

Chen Sheng also laughed.

——Although Sun Yubo's organization is strict, it is still composed of people. As long as it is a living person, it will inevitably produce various living emotions, even bad habits and rules, and no one can be an exception.

Fatty Ma suddenly said: "Brother Wu, what about the third point? You haven't said the last point yet."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, we should also change the password when we meet, otherwise it will not be conducive to keeping secrets."

Fatty Ma said: "This is fine, what should I replace it with?"

Chen Shengdao: "The last sentence is, the king of heaven covers the tiger of the earth."

Fatty Ma was stunned. This seemed to be a quack phrase, but he hadn't even heard it.

"What about the next sentence?"

"At noon on the day of hoeing..."

(End of this chapter)

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