Chapter 140 Murder

For seven days, there was still no movement, and even the feeling of being spied on disappeared.

Chen Sheng couldn't help but start to wonder, did he make a mistake and everything was an illusion?
Fortunately, what should come will come sooner or later.

On the evening of the eighth day, Chen Sheng returned home as usual, the moment he opened the door, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The home has been "visited".

The kid who came to the door was very professional, leaving almost no traces, he was indeed a master.

But Chen Sheng knew it.

After enduring it for nearly a month, the opponent finally entered the room. How terrible is his patience?
Chen Sheng came to his bedside, and his eyes fell on the booklet.

The booklet was originally hidden under the pillow.

The same position, the same angle, even the creases that were pressed out of the pillow, and the order in which a few strands of hair were scattered, were exactly the same as when they left this morning.

But it didn't work at all.

Chen Sheng has a pair of magical eyes. Once something is moved, it is difficult for you to put it back as it was.

Ordinary people just "see blindly" when they see things, but he can zoom in on parts and zoom in again, without hiding any details.

What is a real master?

There is no god in this world, if you have to find someone close, that person must be Chen Sheng.

"Good boy, welcome to..."

Chen Sheng nodded, and began to take a bath and change clothes.

According to the order of the picture album, he is going to visit the eighth girl tonight.

The eighth girl is named Qiuyue, a private business owner. It is said that she is ingenious and good-looking. Of course, she has to see and see.

After taking a shower, Chen Sheng went out leisurely.

A secluded alley.

An exquisite round door.

"Papapa", reach out and tap.


The door opened quickly, revealing a pretty face like a flower and jade.

The two looked at each other, Miss Qiu flashed her watery eyes and complained, "Cousin, why did you come to see me?"



Chen Sheng reacted quickly, and immediately smiled and said, "Oh, I'm really sorry for my cousin, I was only free recently."

"Come in you!"

As soon as Miss Qiu stretched out her hand, she pulled Master Chen into the room.The so-called people should not be judged by their appearance, let alone, her hands are quite strong.

"How is my cousin?"

"it is good."

"Then have you ever had supper?"

"I've eaten."

Chen Sheng looked around and found that Miss Qiu's house was small, but it was small and warm, and it felt a bit like coming home.

so comfortable.

It seems that this is the right time.

After entering the room, Qiuyue treated him hospitablely, asking about his health and care, and even gently pinched his shoulders.

"My cousin is really hard in business. Look at yourself, you've lost weight recently."

Chen Sheng smiled and said: "Yes, although it is tiring to do business outside, but I am not busy in vain, and finally I have gained a little..."

As he spoke, he took out a bracelet from his pocket and handed it to Qiuyue.

"Take it and play with it."

This bracelet is made of top-grade suet white material, which is warm and delicate, with a crystal luster, and it is very expensive at first glance.


Qiuyue was very happy, her eyes narrowed into small slits: "What a beautiful jade bracelet, cousin really want to give it to me?"

"Of course."

"Thank you brother, in this world, only you are the best to others."

"Hahaha, we're all a family, so you're welcome."

Qiuyue put something on Bai Nen's wrist and showed it to him: "How?"

Chen Sheng said: "It's very beautiful."

Qiuyue was very happy, and continued to press his shoulders.

"Cousin must be tired after traveling here from outside. Should I go to bed early tonight? If you are not sleepy, I just learned a dance..."

Chen Sheng hurriedly said: "How can I get sleepy if I watch the dance? Please!"

"Then cousin wait."

Qiuyue walked into the bedroom quickly, and when she came out again, she had already changed into a fitted red dress.

She is spinning out.

It turns so fast.

I saw Qiuyue raised her sleeves high, and her steps were vigorous and vigorous, like snowflakes flying in the air, and like grass swaying in the wind.She turned left and right without getting tired, and the frequency of her dancing was even more exaggerated than the wheels, which was breathtaking.

Could it be...

The long-lost Hu Xuanwu?
Chen Sheng shouted: "Cousin, wait a minute."

Qiuyue stopped her movements and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Chen Shengdao: "This dance is very interesting, can you take me with you? I want to learn too."

Qiuyue said: "Take you? I haven't taken anyone else to skip."

Chen Sheng bared his teeth: "The first time is raw, the second time is familiar, you might as well give it a try."

Qiuyue smiled charmingly: "Then you come."

Ever since, under her guidance, Chen Sheng also started to spin, and the two of them spun around, lost their way, and turned into the house together.


It was getting late outside.

In the shadow of the corner, there are already a pair of black eyes, which blend perfectly with the night.

Where is it.

As one of the top killers, he has long learned to turn himself into an animal.

As ferocious as a wolf, as cunning as a fox, as tolerant as a snake, when necessary, he can even chew the cud like a cow, not eating or drinking for a few days.

He was very tired these days.

Well, it's finally coming to an end.

He Fang waited silently, he knew what kind of person Chen Sheng was, and he also knew what would happen next.


Gradually, there were other voices in the room.

He Fang waited again and again, estimated the time, and finally rushed out.


He broke through the wall brazenly, rushed into the bedroom in one breath, pointed at Chen Sheng's back and swung his right hand, hitting seven cold stars.

Meticulous planning.

Perfect timing.

A deadly move.

The corner of He Fang's mouth showed a smile. In his opinion, the opponent should be dead!

In the blink of an eye, Master Chen, who should have had no time to care about him, actually got up and made a beautiful somersault in the air.


Chen Sheng opened the iron fan and waved it like chasing away mosquitoes.

The seven hidden weapons jingled and were all shot down by him in response, not even a single hair was injured.


How can it be?

The target looks like it has been prepared for a long time?

He Fang paled in shock, immediately kicked the ground back as fast as he could, and ran outside.

He is a professional killer, and he will not continue to pester you. If the killer fights with the target, it will not only mean failure, but also a great shame.

Amidst the girl's screams, Chen Sheng laughed.

"Want to go?"

It was dark and windy outside.

He Fang flew against the gust of wind.

The night wind in late autumn blew on him, his hands were very cold, and his heart was even colder.

This was the first time in his life that he failed in action. If he rushed back to Happy Forest, how would he face his eldest sister?

He Fang dare not imagine.

His life was given by his elder sister, and he was most afraid of seeing her disappointed eyes.

"Clap clap clap!"

After only a few breaths, He Fang suddenly realized that there was a shadow beside him.

His hair stood on end, and he immediately stepped up, sprinting, feinting, and changing direction.

However, no matter how he sprints, feints, or changes direction, the person who comes is always following him, sticking to him so easily.

He Fang has no choice.

He had no choice but to take a deep breath, pulled out a slender soft sword from his waist, and stabbed like a poisonous snake.

The sword light flashed three times.

Chen Sheng grabbed it three times with his left hand.

No one can shake the blade with flesh and blood, but he can.

Because his "ground sinking fingers" are perfect, his hands are harder than steel, and he is not afraid of any weapons at all.

He Fang drew his sword for the fourth time.

Chen Sheng still waved.


The sharp weapon that had been tempered and tempered was broken by his claws.

In the next second, Chen Sheng looked like a ghost, and kicked out his right foot like a shooting star, hitting He Fang's crotch precisely.


He Fang's facial features were distorted, and he fell down heavily.

A cruel smile flashed across Chen Sheng's eyes, and he kicked out again, hitting him in the face.


He Fang originally had a handsome face, even more beautiful than a girl, but at this moment, he was kicked out of shape and turned into a broken doll.

His body twitched, and tears and snot flowed out at the same time.


Things didn't end there.

Chen Sheng came over and continued to "do it", bang, bang, bang, bang, smashed his left and right knees, and two arms...

He Fang is not dead yet.

Because Chen Sheng had something to ask, he spared his life.

"Who sent you? What's your name?"

He Fang lay there like a dead dog, keeping silent.

"Don't talk? Good."

Chen Sheng said lightly: "I like tough guys the most. We will have a long time to come. I hope you can hold on."

He turned his face and let out a long howl into the distance.

——After all, Suzhou is the territory of the Sun family, and they can find their own people in almost every inch of land.


Not long after, several figures flashed out of the darkness, followed by the cold light of various weapons.


Chen Sheng didn't speak, just waved his fan.

Everyone took a closer look, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "So it's Brother Xiaowu."

Chen Sheng said: "Do you have a brother who doesn't have a pigeon group?"

A man took two steps forward, cupped his fists and said, "This is my subordinate."

Chen Sheng said: "Okay, you take this kid back to the chief helm, no matter what method you use, you must pry his mouth open."


Although the subordinate agreed, he did not leave.

Chen Sheng frowned and said, "Why don't you leave?"

The subordinate coughed twice and said something inexplicable.

"Brother Wu, it's windy outside, are you... are you cold?"

Chen Sheng glanced at himself, it turned out that because he was in a hurry to go out, he seemed to be shirtless.

A certain person's skin is thicker than a city wall, so naturally he won't be ashamed.

"You go first, I'm fine."

The subordinate said: "Brother's clothes are very clean, they were just changed tonight, do you want to help you?"

Chen Sheng said carelessly: "No, I still have something to do..."

(End of this chapter)

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