From the sword of the third master

Chapter 141 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 141 The Lion's Big Opening


Chen Sheng returned to the main helm and was enjoying his breakfast.

It's because medicine is three-point poisonous, and medicine is not as good as food tonic. He always eats a lot.

Only when a man eats well can he be full of energy, and only when he is full of energy can he do what he likes.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a tall subordinate walked in.

Chen Sheng asked, "Did that kid open his mouth?"

The subordinate's expression was so ugly, he shook his head: "His mouth is very hard, the brothers have exhausted all methods, but he still refuses to recruit."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, then you continue to interrogate."

The subordinate said: "It may not be useful to continue."

Chen Shengqi said: "Why do you say that?"

The subordinate said: "He should have received some kind of professional training. As long as the pain is severe, he will suddenly pass out, and he can pass out if he says he is in a coma. I have never seen such a person."

Chen Sheng was stunned.

Good guy, with automatic power off?
Coma is a perfect protection mechanism. If a person loses consciousness, he will not be afraid of pain.

Chen Sheng said: "Did he not say anything, even half a word?"

The subordinate said: "I also said a word, I repeated it over and over again, and I would repeat it every time I was tortured."


"My last name is He."


Like lightning flashing across his heart, Chen Sheng suddenly realized.

Little boy, surname He, strict tone of voice, special training, isn't this guy the killer in Merry Woods, isn't he?
As a time traveler, no secret can be kept from him.

The truth finally came out.

Some people want to use the assassin's hand to put themselves to death.

Liu Yiyi's sudden disappearance may have been forced by someone to inquire about something.

Such as taste or whereabouts and so on.

Of course, the killer will try his best to understand the target before acting.

Countless examples have proved that the more outstanding a woman is, the more miserable her fate is. It is a pity that a fresh life is annihilated.

Chen Sheng continued to eat, and wiped his mouth after eating: "I have two things for you to do."

The subordinate said solemnly: "Please give orders from the commander."

Chen Shengdao: "The first thing, you want that kid to die slowly, for seven to seven days, not one day more or one less day."

Seeing his calm face, the subordinate suddenly shuddered: "Let's not ask anymore?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, there is no need to ask again."

The subordinate said: "Understood, what about the second one?"

Chen Sheng said: "Prepare me a fast horse, I want the best one, I will go out for a while."



Chen Sheng went outside to beat his horse and galloped straight into Happy Forest.

To solve the problem, we must find the root cause. Who wants to kill himself?

He Fang is nothing, at most it is someone else's tool, his eldest sister Gao Jiping should know the inside story.

An hour later.

The sky is gloomy, and the footsteps of winter are approaching.

Because it is never open during the day, the happy forest is quiet and still dreaming.

Chen Sheng rode his horse straight in and was quickly stopped.

This is a young guy, who seems to be smiling brightly, but his right hand is quietly hanging down and retracted into his sleeve.

"Hello, guest officer, we are not open yet, you may have come a little early."

"I know the rules."

Chen Sheng nodded and said: "But I'm not here to have fun, where is your boss Gao, please tell me."

The boy blinked: "Why do you want to find Boss Gao?"

Chen Sheng said: "Talk about business."

"What kind of business?"


The boy's face changed, and he forced a smile again and said, "Guest officer is so funny, we, Happy Forest, do all kinds of business, except killing people."


Chen Sheng sneered: "May I ask what is hidden in your sleeve? Such a sharp knife, is it used to cut fruit?"

The boy was still laughing, but very stiffly.

"But I don't know the honorable name of the guest officer?"

"From Suzhou, Wei Wu."

"Alright, Mr. Wei, please follow me..."

In a hidden bamboo building, Chen Sheng finally met Gao Jiping.

Gao Jiping is a good-looking woman, mature, elegant, and quiet. Although she is no longer young, there is no trace of time on her face.

She has a pair of white hands.

For women, these hands may be a little bigger, but they are really beautifully maintained.

Perhaps no one can imagine that her hands once dug coal in the ice and snow, and even competed with wild dogs for food.

"Brother Wu?"

"it's me."

The two are separated by a table, on which there are teacups and pastries, and the etiquette of hospitality is impeccable.

Although Gao Jiping smiled beautifully, her heart was sinking.

She has rarely seen such terrifying eyes, cold and sharp, so sharp that they can pierce the soul.

Like similar eyes, she has only seen one person.

The leader of the Twelve Feipeng Gang-Wanpeng King!

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Brother Wu is so beautiful, even I was tempted, hehe."

Chen Sheng said: "Do you like me?"

Gao Jiping said: "Who doesn't like a good-looking man?"

Chen Sheng said: "If you like it, why not be my woman?"


Gao Jiping was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, "I'm old, I'm afraid I won't be good enough for you, when you're 30, I'll be over 40, if there are younger girls who also like you, what should I do? If you like someone, you don't necessarily have to have it, I can't stay by my side to hinder you and delay your happiness."

Chen Sheng said: "It's okay, happiness lasts for a while, I like older women."


Gao Jiping smiled but said, "Brother Xiao Wu came here today to tease me?"

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, of course not, let's talk about serious things first."

As he spoke, he pulled out his sleeves and put something on the table.

It was a hilt, a broken hilt.

Gao Jiping's heartbeat stopped suddenly, and her pupils constricted violently.

She couldn't help but recognize the hilt.

It's Xiao He's thing!

The sword is in the hands of the target, and the sword is in the hands of the target, which can only mean one thing: Xiao He is finished.

Gao Jiping looked the same on the surface, and was even a little dazed: "The hilt?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, does Boss Gao recognize it?"

Gao Jiping shook his head.

Chen Sheng smiled: "Don't speak dark words in front of Ming people, He Fang has died in my hands."

Gao Jiping asked in surprise, "Where is that?"

Chen Shengdao: "Boss Gao is boring, his mouth is not tight enough, so I still know about Ye Xiang, Shi Qun, Meng Xinghun, and everything about you."

Gao Jiping became silent for a long time.

Her face became very sad: "You are so courageous, Wei, you came to my place alone, aren't you afraid of death?"

Chen Sheng said: "I may not die."

Gao Jiping sneered: "Why do you think so?"

"That's it."

Chen Sheng stretched out his right hand and slowly covered the teacup.

The cup of tea was still steaming, but when he withdrew his hand, the amber soup suddenly froze, turning into a solid piece of ice.

Looking at his eyes again, the blackness receded at the same time, and they also became crystal clear, as clear as ice.


Gao Jiping has lived for decades, and she has never even heard of such martial arts.

This is no longer kung fu, but magic.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, Gao Jiping has struggled to survive until now, of course she doesn't want to die.

"Well, what do you want?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, I like smart people. You are just a businessman at best. Why do you need to be buried with you? You hand over the list of employers, and we will let the past go."

Gao Jiping said decisively: "This is impossible! Every industry has its own rules, I can't..."

Chen Shengdao: "Rules are meant to be broken, to live or die, it's up to you to choose."

Gao Jiping gritted her teeth, the expression on her face was extremely painful and entangled.

Finally, she took a long breath: "Okay, I'll give it to you."

Gao Jiping opened the drawer in front of her and pushed a letter over.

Chen Sheng didn't move for a while.

"Liu Yiyi was killed by He Fang, this account has to be settled."


Chen Sheng said: "I will give 30 taels of silver to her family."

Gao Jiping almost jumped up: "Are you crazy? That bitch is worth 30?"

Chen Sheng stared at her eyes: "I say it's worth it, so it's worth it."

Gao Jiping's chest kept rising and falling, and slowly calmed down: "Okay, I promise."

Chen Shengdao: "Also, from today onwards, I will also account for half of Happy Lin's income!"

Gao Jiping suddenly smiled: "Master Xiao Wu, is your appetite too big? Be careful not to overwhelm yourself."

Chen Shengdao: "I have always had a big appetite. If you dare to refuse, I will set Happy Forest on fire and let you go back to 20 years ago, and then go outside to beg."

He continued: "Don't think that they are all your personal belongings. You should know who owns the land deed here, right?"

Chen Sheng's words could be said to have been sealed with an arrow.

——Because the title deed of Happy Forest is with Sun Yubo, and Boss Gao is just a tenant!
The land is dead, and no one can take it away or destroy it. If Happy Forest is really burned, Sun Yubo will never be injured, but it will be a fatal blow to Boss Gao.

Gao Jiping even dreamed of buying the land deed, but Sun Yubo was very obsessed with holding the land and only liked to keep it, so he ignored her at all.


Gao Jiping was limp all over, and said with a wry smile, "Brother Wu, do you have any other requests?"

Chen Sheng said: "Of course, I not only want money, but also people!"

(End of this chapter)

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