From the sword of the third master

Chapter 148 The Storm is Coming

Chapter 148 The Storm is Coming
Since the First World War in Wuxi, many people have been waiting.

Waiting for King Wanpeng to make a move.

As the leader of the Twelve Feipeng Gang, his dignity is absolutely not to be challenged, and he will definitely take actions, and such actions will definitely leave a deep lesson for the enemy.

The mountain rain was about to come, and the wind filled the building. For a while, the whole garden was in tension, shrouded in unknown clouds.


"Ding ding ding dong..."

In Chen Sheng's mansion, a night banquet is about to begin.

The Twelve Flying Peng Gang has twelve branch halls, and the Sun Family Garden also has seven groups of people, namely: the pigeon group, the eagle group, the dog group, the tiger group, the crow group, the shadow group, and the knife group.

It was the leader of the seven teams that Chen Sheng wanted to entertain.

He has successfully completed the handover these days, and it's time to meet his brothers.

Fatty Ma has excellent cooking skills and is responsible for cooking, while Mr. Chen is also diligent for a rare time, and he is beside him.

Of course, you can go to better places to treat guests to dinner, such as various restaurants, but choosing it at home is different, and it seems more sincere.

There are warm round tables in the flower hall.

The bright palace lanterns were lit.

The exquisite tableware is also arranged.

Everything is ready, only the guests are owed, the time Chen Sheng agreed with his brothers is at the beginning of Xu Shi.

Before Xu time came, everyone came one after another.

He knew some of these people, some didn't, and even if he had known each other for many years, he still didn't know the identity of the other party!

For example, the leader of the film group is named Qin Duxiu, who was originally a famous tailor in the Jiangnan area.

Qin Duxiu is good at making women's clothing, known as "Golden Scissors", because of his outstanding skills and handsome looks, he is very popular among women.

His client base is all over the place, such as rich ladies, ladies, and even girls in Goulan.

People like this turned out to be the old man's subordinates, and they were responsible for foreign infiltration.

Chen Sheng was startled: awesome!
"Hahaha, Manager Da'an." Qin Duxiu walked into the flower hall, clasped his fists and smiled.

Chen Sheng sighed: "Brother Qin made it hard for me to hide it from me, today I can count as getting to know you again."

Qin Duxiu said: "This sentence should also be sent to the manager. If it doesn't fly, it's fine. If it flies to the sky, why didn't you hide it from everyone?"

Chen Sheng showed his face and said: "Well, brother Qin rolls around in the pile of makeup every day, so he must know something about women?"

Qin Duxiu blinked: "How do you say it?"

Chen Shengdao: "I've always been curious, are those cold wealthy ladies difficult to get started with?"

Qin Duxiu lowered his voice like a thief, "The manager is wrong. Ladies are often more lonely. They are more enthusiastic than you think, and they don't have to be responsible."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh..."

Qin Duxiu said: "Do you want my subordinates to make a list for you? I know a few women who are the most interesting, hehe."

Chen Sheng said happily, "Yes, yes!"

They both looked at each other, grinning their teeth.

Next, Chen Sheng continued to welcome the guests, and was surprised again.

Gao Muyun from the dog team also arrived.

During the recent operation in Wuxi, Gao Muyun was seriously injured, because he was still unable to move his hands and feet, and was actually carried in by several people.

Chen Sheng quickly said: "Brother Gao, why bother, you should stay at home and rest."

Gao Muyun insisted: "That can't be done, the manager is hosting a banquet today, brother, as long as he has one breath left, he has to crawl over even if he crawls."

Chen Sheng shook his head.

With a sincere expression, Gao Muyun stared into his eyes and said: "Brother Xiao Wu, thank you for your kindness, you saved my life, and you will definitely repay me in the future."

Chen Sheng said with a smile: "Brother Gao is serious, please come in."

The guests took their seats one after another and went to the flower hall to sit one after another. They drank tea and chatted and laughed, the atmosphere was quite lively.

Chen Sheng's home also has a "clepsydra" for timekeeping.

Slowly, the scale rose to the first moment of Xu Shi, and in an instant, everyone's smiles froze and became silent.


When the time came, there was an empty seat on the table.

It belonged to the leader of the tiger group - Zhao Feng.

The tiger group is in charge of the storm, they value time more than anything else, how could they be late?

Fatty Ma's face changed slightly, and he forced a smile: "Perhaps Commander Zhao was delayed by something, so he should be here soon."

"Yes, yes, not bad."

Everyone hurriedly smiled and started chatting again.

However, for a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, the food on the table was cold, but Zhao Feng still disappeared.

Several leaders collectively fell silent.

Dead silence.

Chen Sheng said slowly: "He hasn't come yet at this time, so he probably won't be able to come."

Everyone is an old Jianghu, of course they understand the seriousness of the matter.

Chen Sheng called out: "Yang Jun."

Yang Jun said quickly: "The subordinate is here!"

Chen Sheng said: "You immediately mobilize the brothers in the pigeon team to find Commander Zhao, and you must move quickly."


After Yang Jun left, the air became heavier and heavier.

In the flower hall, there was only the sound of water dripping from the clepsydra. Although the sound of the water droplets was small, it was like thunder at this moment, beating on everyone's heart.

About half an hour later, Yang Jun came back again.

Chen Sheng said: "How to say?"

Yang Jun said: "Reporting to the manager, Commander Zhao took the brothers from the Tiger Team out for training before dusk today, and they were all in the wild forest in the west of the city."

Chen Sheng said: "And then?"

Yang Jun paused for a few seconds: "We have sent out signal arrows, but...we can't get in touch."

Chen Shengdao: "How many people are there in Tiger Team?"

Yang Jun said: "Three of 170."

Chen Sheng said: "There are three people in 170, but none of them responded?"

Yang Jun bowed his head: "Yes."

Chen Sheng stood up and ordered: "Everyone perform their duties, go back as soon as possible, the brothers in the pigeon group follow me and go to the west of the city."

"As ordered!"

That night, the well-prepared dinner broke up unhappy.

Chen Sheng rode on horseback, followed by Yang Jun and others, and rushed to the destination at high speed.

They go fast.

What I saw was a terrible scene: there were a large number of corpses kneeling on the scene, neatly divided into two rows.

All corpses, not half a living person.

The desolate forest, the terrifying scene, this place has become like hell, it has become a carnival for crows and beasts.

Yang Jun was stunned.

A look of horror rose on his face, and then his eyes were tearing apart, and he clenched his teeth angrily, even biting his lips to the point of bleeding.

Different from Yang Jun's performance, Chen Sheng was very calm.

"Count the number of people and see if Commander Zhao is here."

Yang Jun's voice was low: "Yes..."

It didn't take long for the results to be clearly counted: there were 170 three corpses at the scene, including quite a few brothers from the Tiger Group, and Commander Zhao was among them.

Zhao Feng was stabbed to death with a single knife, stabbing into the chest from the front, killing him with one knife.

His eyes widened, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

It seemed disbelief, more disbelief than fear.

Chen Sheng stared at Zhao Feng quietly, and suddenly said: "Does everyone else have wounds?"

Yang Jun said: "The subordinates have checked carefully, and the other brothers have no wounds, but Commander Zhao was killed by a sharp weapon."

Chen Shengdao: "Oh, apart from Zhao Feng, there are 170 or two living people in the tiger group. There are so many people without wounds, what method must be used to kill them?"

Yang Jun thought for a moment, then replied: "Poison!"

Chen Sheng agreed: "Then check it out, Commander Zhao will also check it out."

Yang Jun immediately asked his brothers to do it, and found that after piercing the corpse with a silver needle, it turned black when it was pulled out, but Zhao Feng was the only exception, he was not poisoned.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Sheng also turned around.

There were traces of a fire not far away, and the cooking utensils were still warm. Everyone had obviously eaten their dinner.

Chen Sheng knelt down and smelled it lightly, then nodded.

Yang Junhui reported: "Commander Zhao was fine, and the rest died of poisoning."

Chen Sheng said: "What does this mean?"

Yang Jun's eyes kept flickering, and he suddenly said angrily: "Could it be...could it be him..."

Chen Sheng said: "That's right, Zhao Feng is a spy. I've seen it just now, food and drink are all poisonous, only he can make brothers eat food without any defense."

Such conclusions are terrifying!
Yang Jun recalled Zhao Feng's strange expression, and then looked at the traces on the scene, he couldn't help but believe it.

"Since he was a spy, why did he die in the end?"

Chen Sheng sneered and said: "It's just an abandoned son, the Twelve Feipeng Gang is determined to build a reputation, so they forgot Zhao Feng's 'contribution', turned around and stabbed him to death. How can a person who betrays his brother get Wanpeng King?" reuse."

Yang Jun didn't speak, his eyes were full of pain.

Since ancient times, rebels will not end well, and this person died too cheaply. How innocent are those brothers who were plotted against?

Hundreds of fresh lives just disappeared.

The Twelve Feipeng Gang has dealt a heavy blow to the Sun family!
What's even more frightening is that the revenge may have just begun...

Chen Sheng has not forgotten to track down Lu Mantian recently, and has touched many suspects, but in the end he got nothing.

Zhao Feng may be his accomplice.

As the old man's close assistant, Lu Mantian has been in business for many years, and his network of relationships can be described as intricate. Who else will be involved?

Chen Sheng said to Yang Jun, "Take them all back and bury them properly."

Yang Jun said: "Yes, this subordinate understands."

After explaining some matters, Chen Sheng flew on his horse and rushed back to the garden as fast as he could.

In such a serious situation, it is natural to report to the old man.

In the plum garden.

In the mansion.

Chen Sheng met Sun Yubo.

He never expected that Sun Yubo was crying.

Chen Sheng was taken aback.

Some people can bleed but not cry, Sun Yubo should be such a person.So the question is, what kind of accident happened to make him so sad?

Could it be...Sun Jian?
(End of this chapter)

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