Chapter 149
Although Sun Yubo was crying, there was no expression on his face.

This expressionless expression was actually terribly suppressed, and at the same time more painful.

Chen Sheng remained silent.

He only hoped that it wasn't Sun Jian who had the accident.

Young Master Sun may not be smart enough, but he is definitely a rare good friend. For the word "brother", he would even give his life.You may never meet a person like this in your life.

Sun Yubo looked at Chen Sheng: "You may be wondering why I lost my composure."

Chen Sheng nodded.

He handed over a small note.

The message on the note was very short, only nine characters——Yi Qianlong was stabbed, and his death was confirmed.

Yi Qianlong?
Chen Sheng finally understood.

Sun Yubo came from a small mountain village. He came from an ordinary background. He had neither a prominent family background nor money. He was able to get to where he is today, of course he could not do without the help of his friends.

After experiencing countless bloody storms, his old friends basically died.

This Yi Qianlong is the last one.

If Lu Mantian is equivalent to Sun Yubo's "left arm", then Yi Qianlong is equivalent to the "right arm", and the weight is much heavier.

Yi Qianlong is proficient in water skills, and has formed a large-scale boat gang. In recent years, his power has grown stronger and stronger, and he has become the overlord of the Yangtze River Basin, continuously providing manpower and money to the Sun family.

The sudden assassination of Yi Qianlong meant that Sun Yubo lost his most powerful support.

At the same time, he also lost his last comrade-in-arms.

For Sun Yubo, this kind of blow was not insignificant.

Chen Sheng can understand his feelings. Old friends have withered one after another. Now that he has become a "lonely man", he will inevitably feel sad.

Fortunately, Sun Jian was safe and sound.

Chen Sheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Does father-in-law know who did it?"

Sun Yubo said: "It's not clear yet, but it should be the Twelve Feipeng Gang. This incident happened by coincidence, and it fits King Wanpeng's personality."

What is Wanpeng Wang's personality?
The method is cruel, and every grievance must be repaid!
Chen Sheng said: "Did the assassin catch him?"

Sun Yubo shook his head: "The assassin has escaped and was not captured. I only heard that he is proficient in using a sword. He may be a professional assassin."

Chen Sheng's eyes moved.

Professional killer?
Could this have something to do with Happy Forest?

Sun Yubo asked: "You came to look for me now, did something happen again?"

Chen Sheng explained what happened to the Tiger Group.

Sun Yubo was silent for a long time, neither sad nor happy on his face, but his eyes became very cold.

"The matter of the tiger group shows that besides Lu Mantian, there are other ghosts in the family, and this person may be his henchman."

Chen Sheng agreed.

Sun Yubo said: "You continue to investigate, and don't act rashly for the rest."


Sun Yubo waved his hands, seeming a little tired.

Chen Sheng withdrew.

He knew in his heart that Sun Yubo was actually the same kind of person as King Wanpeng, and he would definitely not swallow his anger, and the revenge from below would only be more violent.

The night was getting darker and it was windy outside.

Sun Yubo listened quietly to the wind, and suddenly whispered: "Call Han Tang over here."

There seemed to be no one in the room, but a voice in the shadows quickly said: "Yes!"

No matter who Sun Yubo summoned, that person usually came very quickly, but this one named "Han Tang" was different.

It was not until noon the next day that he slowly walked into the mansion.

Han Tang was an indescribable person.

He was dressed in a plain gray coat and was between forty and fifty years old.

He is not tall, not short, not fat, not thin, neither handsome nor ugly, even if you have seen him a few times, you can't remember his appearance.

As soon as Han Tang entered, he knelt down.

He knelt at Sun Yubo's feet, even lowered his head, and kissed his toes.

This is really a rare etiquette.

The way Han Tang looked at Sun Yubo could only be described in one word: God!

He was less like his friend than a slave.

Sun Yubo accepted it calmly, and did not humbly refuse, his behavior was equally strange.Because the old man seldom accepts big gifts from others, his subordinates have also formed the habit of bowing at most.

Sun Yubo said indifferently: "How have you been doing these past few years?"

Han Tang said, "Okay."

Sun Yubo said: "Are you still raising fish recently?"

Han Tang said: "Nurture."

Sun Yubo said: "What about the woman?"

Han Tang said: "Even if I want to find a woman, I don't need to raise one. I never trust women."

Sun Yubo smiled.

Han Tang asked the question for the first time: "Who is this time?"

Sun Yubo restrained his smile: "King Wanpeng."

Han Tang said, "Oh."

Sun Yubo said: "What else do you want to say?"

Han Tang said: "Either he dies, or I die, or we die together."

Sun Yubo said: "Okay, then you can go."

Han Tang kowtowed three times, turned around and left without any extra nonsense.

Sun Yubo looked at his back, his face was clouded, as if he remembered some days that he didn't want to recall.

He didn't want to see Han Tang because he wanted to draw a line from the darkness of the past.

Unfortunately, he didn't succeed.


Under the same sky, in the happy forest, in a hidden corner, there is a small wooden house.

The young man was as drunk as a dead dog.

He was so drunk that he couldn't get any more drunk, but he was still drinking.

Spicy spirits flowed out of the jar quickly, half of it flowed on his body and half flowed into his mouth, his whole body was numb.

Numbness and dizziness.

The young man threw up.

When he was vomiting the most, there were footsteps outside.

The person who came opened the door, revealing a gentle smiling face and a fiery red dress. It was Gao Jiping.

When Gao Jiping saw the young man, the smile on his face froze instantly: "Meng Xinghun, you have changed, you have disappointed me."

With drunken eyes, Meng Xinghun asked, "How have I changed?"

Gao Jiping said: "In the past, I was ten feet away, and you would react, but now? You don't seem to know that I'm here."

Meng Xinghun said: "Oh, if you weren't the eldest sister, you might have died three times already."

Gao Jiping laughed again, and she walked over slowly: "You did a good job this time."

Meng Xinghun said: "Where is it good?"

Gao Jiping said: "Yi Qianlong is a very difficult person to kill, but you killed him cleanly and without injury."

Meng Xinghun looked at her smiling face, with deep pain and tiredness in his eyes.

He doesn't like killing people.

Where is he, he can't enjoy this kind of stimulation.

He just felt sick.

But there is no way, his life was given by Sister Gao, he can't stop, and he doesn't dare to stop, he owes Gao Jiping all his life to pay off.

Sometimes he feels like a donkey pulling a mill, perhaps only death can stop him.

Meng Xinghun said: "What are you looking for me for? Want to kill someone again?"

Gao Jiping nodded without speaking.

Meng Xinghun raised the wine in his hand, and used the wine to counteract the constant vomit.

Gao Jiping said: "This is life. Although we are very similar to the women in the Goulan, we can only go on like this, because we have to eat."

"Bang" sound.

Meng Xinghun threw the empty wine jar against the wall and smashed it to pieces: "There are other ways to eat. I can cook and fish. Why can't I change my way of life?"

Gao Jiping said coldly: "You are wrong. For us, there is no other way to eat, only one, which is the current one."

Meng Xinghun fell silent.

Gao Jiping said: "You should know how He Fang died and at whose hands."

Meng Xinghun blinked blankly: "Wei Wu."

Gao Jiping said: "Yes, Suzhou Wei Wu, this person has become our biggest threat, so he must die."

Meng Xinghun said, "Why did you let me go?"

Gao Jiping said: "Shi Qun is in Yunnan, Ye Xiang is in the capital, I have no choice but to let you go."

Meng Xinghun nodded mechanically: "Okay."

Gao Jiping said: "This time Sun Yubo was severely injured by King Wanpeng and lost a lot of troops, so he will definitely recruit again. You have a great chance to sneak in and personally assassinate Xiao Wu."

Meng Xinghun said: "Okay."

Gao Jiping said: "I'll give you half a year, this is the longest time, you might as well be safe and start slowly."

Meng Xinghun said: "Okay, if you want me to go, I will go."

Gao Jiping said sweetly: "You look very tired, you must have not slept well recently."

Meng Xinghun said: "Yes."

Gao Jiping said: "You must have met many women, why can't they let you sleep well?"

Meng Xinghun said, "I don't know."

Gao Jiping put her hand on the button, and suddenly made a movement: "Maybe, they are not mature enough to learn to make you relax..."

The cabins have windows.

The room was not dark.

Gao Jiping's whole body is shining, her waist is very thin, her legs are very long, she looks like a goddess.

She is staring at him.

He was also staring at her.

Meng Xinghun was in a daze, his throat was tight and his heart was beating wildly.

For this moment, he waited for a long time, he had already forgotten the past, his sins, and even everything.

He even dreamed of having Gao Jiping.

Gao Jiping spoke in a dreamlike voice, and said softly: "Xiao Meng, what are you waiting for?"


Meng Xinghun made a sudden move and punched himself in the face.

He ran out like crazy, crying while running.

His heart longed for it.

But dare not.

He didn't want to use this method to complete the "exchange" with a sister-like person.

He will never forget that in that cruel winter, a pair of big warm hands gave half a steamed bun to him who was shivering in the corner.

At that time, Gao Jiping's smiling face was forever fixed in his heart.

He didn't want to destroy this face, and he didn't want to turn himself into a beast...

Gao Jiping was stunned.

She seemed to have been slapped, and her face suddenly twisted.

Some people are weird.

Being insulted is not an insult, not being insulted is an insult.

(End of this chapter)

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