From the sword of the third master

Chapter 153 The Unkillable Man

Chapter 153 The Unkillable Man
On the precipitous mountain, the sea of ​​clouds, and the pine forest, stands a majestic old castle.

In the majestic castle, there is a majestic giant.

He was a giant indeed, well over nine feet seven inches tall, sitting there like a god.

Someone once said that a person with too strong limbs has a simple mind.

But this person is an exception.

Because he is Wanpeng King.

His eyes are cold and determined, flashing with infinite wisdom, as if one glance can pierce your heart, making people dare not stare at him.

His hands are broad and thick, containing the power to destroy everything, like a terrifying giant axe, capable of knocking down incoming enemies at any time.

Before Sun Yubo's rise, even now, King Wanpeng is still the biggest overlord in the south of the Yangtze River.

Moreover, he is also recognized as an invincible master, perhaps not one of them.

King Wanpeng's real surname is Wan, but the exact name is no longer known.

His past is like a myth.

When Wanpeng Wang was young, he used to be a traveler. Half a year after entering the Escort, he killed his father-in-law, who was also the owner of the Escort, and took the entire property as his own.

Two years later, he sold the looted property and became a head catcher.

In the three years as a policeman, he traveled all over the world, captured 47 thieves, killed nine of them, and let go of 38 people.

Since then, the heroes on the road have cast their eyes on him.

At the age of 27, Wanpeng Wang suddenly resigned from his post and started the "Dapeng Gang" by virtue of his past reputation.

After 30 years of development, the Dapeng Gang has become the Twelve Feipeng Gang.

His fortune was incalculable.

In almost every city, there are his people.

Almost everyone can die for him at any time.

From a small traveler to a recognized generation of heroes, King Wanpeng's experience is legendary.

At this time, King Wanpeng was enjoying his breakfast.

A big pot of Cloud Leg Hen Soup.

A big piece of roast beef.

Five boiled eggs.

Twenty fried buns.

A big guy must have a big appetite. His breakfast is amazing, and the whole family outside may not be able to finish it.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

There was a light knock on the door.

When Wanpeng Wang was dining, he hated being disturbed by others the most. Maybe there was only one person who would dare to knock on the door.


The person who came in was named Tie Yi, a one-eyed old man, he was short and thin, and he was currently working as the chief housekeeper in "Fei Peng Castle".

King Wanpeng said, "What's the matter?"

Tie Yi clasped his hands and said: "Send to the leader, those merchants have arrived."

King Wanpeng nodded: "Well, I'll go right away."

Once men get older, their enthusiasm for women starts to wane, and they tend to develop other interests.

For example: some people like fishing, some people like playing chess.

And Wanpeng Wang's interest is - antiques.

Every two months, on the morning of the ninth day of the ninth day, there would always be a large number of antique dealers outside hearing the news, rushing over with their own treasures for King Wanpeng to choose from.

Wan Peng Wang has always had a unique vision, and he can afford the money.

A guest like this is naturally a rare good customer.

At about three o'clock, King Wanpeng finished his breakfast, he took the tea from the butler Tie, rinsed his mouth, and left his seat.

Today is the ninth day of the ninth day.


On the mountainside, outside Feipeng Castle.

Twenty cowhide tents were set up at the scene.

A tent is a business.

No one dared to come out at will, and no one dared to make a loud noise. They just waited for King Wanpeng to arrive, just like welcoming an emperor.

"Hello, helper."

"Banglord Da'an."

The attitudes of the businessmen are extremely humble, each of them is bent over, with smiling faces.


Wanpeng Wang didn't bother to look at them, so he turned around casually.

The ancient jade of the Shang Dynasty, the precious sword of Persia, the calligraphy and painting of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Jianzhan of the Northern Song Dynasty...

I have to admit that what they brought was really good things.

But King Wanpeng had seen too many of these things, and he didn't seem to be interested in them.

King Wanpeng shook his head, and walked towards the largest tent, which had a conspicuous signboard—Bai Lexuan.

Bailexuan is the most famous antique store within a thousand miles. The owner's name is Yu Baile, and the word "Baile" on the signboard comes from his name.


Yu Baile went up to meet him, cupped his fists and said, "How is the boss? The villain misses you very much, and I've been hungry and thin recently."

Looking at his weight of three hundred catties, King Wanpeng rarely smiled.

"Do you want my people, or my money?"

Yu Baile grinned and said, "Think about it, think about it."

King Wanpeng said: "Let's gossip less, what good things did you bring?"

Yu Baile said: "Oh, helper, please move."

Inside his tent were piled up all kinds of exquisite boxes, obviously used to store antiques. In the corner on the west side, there was a big red cloth covering it, and some kind of treasure was hidden under it.

Seeing this scene, Wanpeng Wang was inevitably aroused curiosity.

"Boss Yu, don't be a fool."


Yu Baile walked over, gently pulled the red cloth with his hands, and tore off the red cloth.

Impressively placed below is a square tripod.

There is an old saying that "the bell rings and the Ding eats". Since ancient times, the function of the tripod has gradually evolved from a cooking utensil to a ritual vessel, and its connotation and status have always been transcendent.

Yu Baile's tripod is especially special.

It is made of clay, not only is it huge and dignified, but also has a light orange color on the surface, decorated with simple checkered patterns.

King Wanpeng glanced at it, and said movedly: "This is... a painted pottery four-legged tripod from the Xia Dynasty?"

Yu Baile said, "Yes."

King Wanpeng walked around Fang Ding to appreciate it carefully, then shook his head suddenly and said, "It's a pity it's not bronze."

Yu Baile said with a smile: "The bronze tripods of the Xia Dynasty only exist in legends. No one has seen them yet. Even if they exist, they may be from the Shang Dynasty. According to the villain's estimation, with the technical conditions at that time, it may be difficult to make." get."

King Wanpeng nodded: "Well, it is true, this thing is good, I will take it."

The more Yu Baile laughed, the happier he was: "Thank you, the boss, I knew that the boss has sharp eyes, haha, the villain will definitely quote a reasonable price."

King Wanpeng didn't care about money, so he asked, "Is there anything else?"


Next, Yu Baile winked, and quickly asked the two guys to do it, and brought over a long box, which was also big enough.

Wanpeng Wang found that the box seemed to be made of red sandalwood.

Needless to say the value of red sandalwood, the packaging is so exquisite, the things inside must be very important.


There was a person lying there!

It is not a living person, but a "jade box" woven with jade pieces and gold threads, showing the outline of a human body.

Yu Baile said: "Master, please take a look."

King Wanpeng's eyes lit up, and he blurted out, "Golden Jade Clothes."

Yu Baile was very proud: "That's right, this is a king-level jade robe. The jade pieces used are even in size and smooth in texture. All of them come from Hotan. The villain even counted them specifically. There are 420 pieces in total. "

Wanpeng Wang said: "Okay, it's really a good baby, and Boss Yu has taken care of it."

Yu Baile asked, "Is the boss satisfied?"

King Wanpeng exclaimed, "Of course I am satisfied."

Yu Baile said: "However, this thing is unusual. There is a structure that I still can't understand. I hope the leader can give me some pointers."

King Wanpeng said, "Oh? Where is it?"

"it's here……"

Yu Baile pointed to Yuyi's chest, because the things were placed on the ground and King Wanpeng was too tall, so he lowered his head, ready to look over.

In an instant, an astonishing change happened.


The precious jade clothes burst open suddenly, shattered into thousands of pieces, and a living person popped out from inside.

A man in gray.

I can't see the face clearly.

Can't tell the age either.

His speed is faster than the poisonous snake.

When this person appeared, a cold light flickered in his sleeve, it was a sharp iron awl.

He pierced King Wanpeng's heart with one blow!

——Han Tang.

Of course it was Han Tang.

In the early days of Sun Yubo's business, there were bloody days, those days were full of darkness, and he never wanted to look back.

And this Han Tang is the killer he raised!
I'm afraid no one would have thought that the fair and just Suzhou Sun Yubo would have done such a thing.

He will kill anyone who blocks his way, and he will do it secretly if he is not clear. Anyway, as long as he can achieve his goal, he will do everything he can.

How many people did Sun Yubo assassinate?

He can't remember.

He only remembered one thing: Han Tang was very easy to use, he was sure to hit every shot, and he never lost his life.

This person is the real king of killers!
What happy forest, what Ye Xiang, Xiao He, and Meng Xinghun, in front of Han Tang, they are like children who haven't grown up.


Han Tang shot like a ghost, and pierced into King Wanpeng's arms with one stab.


He did stab King Wanpeng, but he didn't seem to.

Because the iron awl stopped unexpectedly, it couldn't continue to push down, piercing his flesh.

In an instant, Han Tang's pupils dilated.

There is only one color left in his eyes: horror!
King Wanpeng smiled.

It was a smile that looked down upon the world.

It was a cold and cruel smile.

In the next second, King Wanpeng waved his giant iron palm.


Han Tang's head was beaten until thousands of peach blossoms bloomed, turning into horrible crumbs, red and white, splashed everywhere.

He died immediately, and his headless body fell heavily.

Han Tang fell down, Yu Baile's breath seemed to be cut off by a knife, and his facial features were deformed in shock.

He staggered back a few steps, surprised: "You, how could you..."

King Wanpeng said calmly, "How can I not die?"


Yu Baile could see clearly that there was clearly a small hole in his chest, and the sharp iron awl had pierced through the skirt of his clothes, why couldn't it penetrate into his body?
King Wanpeng said: "You have also been in the rivers and lakes for a few days, so you might as well guess."

Yu Baile shuddered: "The master's palm technique is unprecedented and unique, it's called 'Fei Peng 49 Style', don't tell me you have horizontal skills besides palm techniques?"

Wanpeng Wang said: "Well, Sun Yubo once said a famous saying called 'Never let others know your hole cards', and my real hole card is horizontal practice, as for palm technique, it's just a cover."


Yu Baile felt cold all over.

Wanpeng Wang has been famous for more than 30 years, but he actually lied to everyone!
This kind of scheming, this kind of martial arts, can no longer be described as "terrible".

Wanpeng Wang said: "Boss Yu, we have known each other for many years, and I have only seen your true face today. Tell me, is your master Sun Yubo?"

Yu Baile didn't answer, but instead asked, "How did the leader find out that I'm waiting?"

King Wanpeng said: "The cicadas were aware of the golden wind before it moved. I smelled it when I first came in. The murderous aura in the tent is very strong."

Yu Baile: "..."

Murderous aura is invisible, how can it be smelled?

This kind of remark is so mysterious that he can't understand it at all, so he can only rely on "intuition".

King Wanpeng stared at Yu Baile with sharp eyes: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Yu Baile shook his head: "I have nothing to say."

King Wanpeng said: "Oh? Good man, it's okay if you don't say anything, I will always find a way to make you speak."

Yu Baile actually laughed, very sadly: "The leader is too confident, I have already made preparations...From the moment I went up the mountain, my brother has no plan to go back alive!"

While speaking, his face turned black.

Deathly black.

Not only Yu Baile, but also the two boys he brought with him were in the same situation.

King Wanpeng frowned and said, "Have you taken the poison in advance?"


Yu Baile swayed slowly, bleeding from his nostrils, ears, lips and eyes at the same time, and suddenly fell down.

Soon, three people were killed in succession.

King Wanpeng looked at them indifferently, and said, "Come here!"

The chief butler, Tie Yi, has been guarding outside, and when he heard the call, he flitted to his side lightly: "Master, the subordinates are here."

King Wanpeng said: "You know the situation, hurry up and spread the news of my 'death' to the outside world."

News of death?


The iron butler glanced up at him, then immediately lowered his head.

"Guild Master, with this trick of feigning death... Maybe you can't fool Sun Yubo."

King Wanpeng sneered and said, "Who said that? Is the 36 strategy old-fashioned enough? Why is it still useful today? Sun Yubo is a gambler. Whether it is true or not, he will always try."

Tie Guanjia said: "Yes, this subordinate understands."

King Wanpeng glanced outside and began to sneer.

"Even if you can't attract Sun Yubo, you will attract others. Some people can't hold back anymore..."

(End of this chapter)

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