From the sword of the third master

Chapter 154 Bring Lime, Bring Tinder

Chapter 154 Bring Lime, Bring Tinder

The Sun family's garden is like a gossip, there are eight exits in total, but for some reason, Chen Sheng always likes to go in and out through the west gate.

Doing so is easy to be caught by the enemy, and it seems not smart enough, but he doesn't care.

A winter evening.

Because of the rain, Chen Sheng walked for a while.

After all, being the boss is a privilege. No matter if it is windy or rainy, the weather is too cold, or the weather is too hot, his old habit of being lazy will recur as scheduled, and no one dares to control him anyway.

This time Chen Sheng still left the west gate.

Outside the west gate is a residential area, which looks ordinary, similar to other places.

In the process of rushing, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Far away, there is a small two-story building in the southeast direction. The windows of this small building have never been opened, but today, the windows facing the street are hung with hooks.

——Opening the window on a rainy day will not attract attention. People will only think that the owner may be careless and forget to close it.

And because the windows are flushed down and the opening angle is small, it is difficult for rainwater to get into the room.

Chen Sheng remained calm and pretended not to see it.

He continued to walk for half an hour, found an excuse to distract the guards, then quickly turned back and swept into the small building.

On the second floor, there is a majestic man - Tu Dapeng.

Tu Dapeng was wearing a coir raincoat that was still dripping, and he seemed to have traveled a long way.

"Second brother, long time no see."


Chen Sheng's face was full of kindness, and he cupped his hands and said, "Brother suddenly invited me to meet with younger brother, what can I tell you?"

Tu Dapeng looked tired, but his eyes were particularly bright, shining with a kind of excitement.

"problem occurs!"

Chen Sheng observed his words and expressions: "It seems that something good happened?"

Tu Dapeng said: "Brother guessed right. Two days ago, King Wanpeng was assassinated suddenly, and his death has been confirmed."


King Wanpeng is actually dead?
This person has been mixed from the bottom to the present, and has experienced countless bloody storms and intrigues in his life. How could he be easily plotted against?
Chen Sheng didn't speak.

Tu Dapeng looked at his face and knew that he didn't believe it: "Don't say brother didn't believe it, I didn't believe it at the beginning either. Such a strong person will definitely not die easily. However, I have seen his corpse with my own eyes."

Chen Sheng was taken aback.

"you sure?"

"It's true."

Tu Dapeng said: "I have known King Wanpeng for many years, and there is absolutely no possibility of misreading it."

Although what the other party said was convincing, Chen Sheng still had doubts.

Goujian pretended to be crazy, Sima Yi pretended to be sick, Qi Huangong, one of the five tyrants of the Spring and Autumn Period, also pretended to be dead, who can't lie!
As for the corpse...

If King Wanpeng had been prepared for a long time, he would have found a person of similar size in the Jianghu, and then disguised him through the Disguise Technique, or simply used a knife to slowly transform that person into his own appearance, and he would be able to deceive the world.

According to information, he has a very large size. Although it is not easy to find a "substitute", who can guarantee that he will not be found.

Chen Shengdao: "Who is the assassin? Or, which force did it?"

Tu Dapeng shook his head: "All those who did it were killed. It's not clear yet."

Chen Sheng thought for a moment, and smiled happily: "It's a good death, a wonderful death, I'm here to congratulate my elder brother."

Tu Dapeng said: "Oh? Where does the joy come from?"

Chen Shengdao: "When the surname Wan dies, the Twelve Feipeng Gang is still not your world. Master Tu, why do you ask why you know it?"

After waiting for nearly 20 years, I also endured for nearly 20 years.

The sound of "Bangzhu" was very helpful, it scratched Tu Dapeng's itchy spot immediately, and he also grinned.

Tu Dapeng smiled, and then quickly restrained his emotions.

"With my brother's good words, it is not easy to become the master of Feipeng Castle. Without your help, it will be extremely difficult."

Chen Sheng's eyes flickered: "How to say?"

Tu Dapeng said: "Four of the Twelve Feipeng have died, and among the remaining seven, there is one who is quite threatening. If he does not die, I am afraid it will be very difficult for me to get him."

Chen Sheng asked, "Who is this person?"

Tu Dapeng said: "The head of the Quzhou branch, Zuo Feipeng. Zuo Feipeng's qualifications are older than mine, and he has a close relationship with Tie Yi, the steward of King Wanpeng. If these two join hands..."

Chen Sheng said: "Understood, big brother means, let me get rid of Zuo Feipeng for you?"

Tu Dapeng said: "Yes, brother Bingxue is smart. With the current situation, I must try to avoid suspicion as much as possible. Zuo Feipeng can die, but he must not die at the hands of his own people."

Good trick to kill with a knife.

The usurper must also pay attention to the righteousness of the name, otherwise, it may arouse a strong "civilian uprising" and draw fire on him.

Chen Sheng was very happy: "No problem, leave this matter to me."

Tu Dapeng said happily: "Thank you, hahaha, after Brother Yu stabilizes the situation, I will definitely wish you a helping hand to bring down that Sun Yubo."

Chen Sheng said: "That's right, King Wanpeng can kill his own father-in-law, why can't I kill him?"

Tu Dapeng nodded, laughed and applauded: "A real man should be like this!"

The two were making plans in the room, and just after they had said a few words, a bell rang outside.It was a grand and far-reaching chime, three tight and one long.

After hearing this voice, Chen Sheng's expression changed.

Tu Dapeng is not stupid: "Could it be that Sun Yubo is looking for you, and looking for you very urgently?"

Chen Sheng said: "Yes, it is urgent."

Tu Dapeng said: "It seems that he also knows the news of King Wanpeng's death, that brother, hurry up, I'll wait for your good news."

"Okay, little brother, let's go first, goodbye."


After Chen Sheng left, Tu Dapeng sat quietly in the room, his expression was alternately joyful and apprehensive, and he didn't know what he was planning.


In the plum garden.

Sun Yubo's complexion was actually similar to that of Tu Dapeng's, joy mixed with worry, but joy was far greater than worry.

Han Tang hasn't come back yet.

He may never come back.

Before parting, Sun Yubo still remembered what he said: Either I die, or he dies, or we die together.

For someone like King Wanpeng, even if you have your hands, how can you get away with it?

Sun Yubo sighed, a burst of sadness welled up in his heart.

He has never been a weak character, but recently he has become sentimental, and he always recalls the past inexplicably, recalling those old friends, maybe he is really old...

"Father-in-law, are you looking for me?"

Sun Yubo turned around, the light in his eyes was firm again.

"King Wanpeng is dead. Although the news has been concealed for a few days, and the concealment is tight enough, there is no impenetrable wall in the world."

Chen Sheng disagreed.

——Is it a deliberate "hidden secret" or a deliberate trap?

He shook his head: "King Wanpeng has a deep mind, I'm afraid he won't die so easily, this matter is probably a hoax."

Sun Yubo praised: "It's good that you can think of this, but there are exceptions to everything. Back in the world, there was a boss named Yan who was famous for his 'zombie punch'. Everyone thought he was unkillable, but The results of it?"

Chen Sheng had heard the story: "In the end, he was killed by his father-in-law."

Sun Yubo laughed and said, "Yes, an Invincible man will still bleed and pee his pants just the same."

Chen Shengdao: "But King Wanpeng didn't do it yourself."

Sun Yubo said: "You must have guessed it. This action was arranged by me. Although I was not the one who did it, I have full confidence in the person who did it. The chances of King Wanpeng's death... should be great."

He was so sure, could it be Han Tang who made the move?

Han Tang was indeed terrifying, but if he wanted to kill the even more terrifying Wanpeng King, he would be damned.

Chen Sheng asked: "What is father-in-law going to do next?"

Sun Yubo said: "Whether the news is true or not, I will give it a try. King Wanpeng never suffers. If the Feipeng gang reacts quickly and immediately fights back, it means he is cheating death. If they don't Response, or slow reaction, it means that the Feipeng Gang is in chaos, and there is really no leader in the group."

The sudden death of a lifelong enemy is too tempting.

Even Sun Yubo couldn't bear it.

Chen Sheng said: "How to try?"

Sun Yubo said: "I have sent a group of people to attack a certain sub-helm of the Feipeng Gang. As for the second group, I want you to go."

Chen Sheng didn't talk nonsense at all: "Okay."

Sun Yubo said: "If King Wanpeng really dies, there may be two candidates to succeed him, one is Tu Dapeng from Hangzhou, and the other is Zuo Feipeng from Quzhou."

Chen Sheng said: "Who does my father-in-law want me to touch?"

Sun Yubo asked with a smile: "Tu Dapeng is tough and powerful, and Zuo Feipeng is exquisite and more popular. If you were asked to make a move, who would you choose?"

Chen Sheng said: "Of course I choose Zuo Feipeng."

Sun Yubo said: "Why?"

Chen Shengdao: "Too hard is easy to break. Even if Tu Dapeng wins the position of leader, the following may not be able to grow. Compared with these two, Zuo Feipeng is more cohesive and poses a greater threat to us."

Satisfied, Sun Yubo patted him on the shoulder.

"You go, remember to bring more people."


Chen Sheng understood what his father-in-law meant.

What Sun Yubo wanted was not only Zuo Feipeng's life, but also the destruction of the entire Quzhou branch.

So he selected carefully and brought ninety people.

The risk of this operation was huge, but the brothers who were selected were very happy.

After all, Master Chen became famous in the last battle in Wuxi, and he has already established a "brilliant" image, and there are additional benefits to hanging out with him.

Meng Xinghun also noticed this situation.

He quietly grabbed a partner and asked: "The Twelve Flying Pengs are not easy to deal with, why are you so..."

The partner said: "So excited?"

Meng Xinghun said: "Yes."

The partner lowered his voice: "Tell you, the manager is a generous person. Every brother who has been with him has become rich in the end. Look at those boys in the pigeon team, who is not good at food and drink?"

Meng Xinghun nodded.

What are the men who are wandering in the rivers and lakes planning and for what purpose?
After all, it’s still—money.

Ninety people were quickly assembled and all received "equipment".

Meng Xinghun, as the manager's accompanying bodyguard, of course also has his own part.

When I opened the bag, I saw that there were dry food, water bags, signal arrows and other items inside. These things are few but fine, and they will never cause a burden when taking action.

Meng Xinghun picked it up, and saw the last two things.

One is Huozhezi.

The other one turned out to be lime.

Huozhezi is easy to understand. It can be used for cooking and lighting in the dark, but what is the lime used for?

Meng Xinghun was stunned: "..."

It's really embarrassing that the chief executive's behavior is so despicable.

What a mess!

(End of this chapter)

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