From the sword of the third master

Chapter 155 I also brought a fishing net

Chapter 155 I also brought a fishing net
Ninety subordinates were broken into pieces, and after various disguises, they sneaked into Quzhou City in batches.

But Chen Sheng was not in a hurry to do it.

Now that he has booked a bathroom, he actually finds time to take a bath, slowly.

There is another person in the bathroom——Yang Jun.

There was a map spread out in front of Yang Jun, and he introduced: "Chief Manager, this place is called 'Qinghe Street', and Zuo Feipeng's hall is located here."

Chen Sheng said: "Yes."

Yang Jun said: "His hall is actually a private garden. There are more than [-] people hiding there, but we only have [-]. If we attack rashly, it may cause heavy losses."

Chen Sheng agreed: "Forcing the attack is not advisable."

Yang Jun said: "In addition, fire is not acceptable, because the garden is too big, and it is difficult to burn it in a hurry. In addition, Zuo Feipeng's people are of outstanding quality, so there should not be a situation where people disperse in a hurry."

Chen Sheng suddenly said: "How about poisoning?"

Yang Jun shook his head: "My subordinates have inquired about it. They eat in batches every day, and there is no possibility of being wiped out. Moreover, food and drinking water are strictly managed, and there are even special personnel in charge of inspection."

Chen Sheng: "..."

Fuck, this Zuo Feipeng is a character!
Chen Sheng made a decisive decision: "Since it is difficult for the chief hall to break through, let's take the next best thing, find a way to get rid of him first, and wait for the rest."

Yang Jun said: "Well, Zuo Feipeng lives in a simple way and has a cautious temper, but fortunately he has a fatal weakness."

Chen Sheng said: "What kind of weakness?"

Yang Jun said with a smile: "Zuo Feipeng's original partner was a tigress. It was said that he was very fierce and seemed to bite people, so he raised a concubine outside. This concubine's name was Su Qing, and she was born like a flower Siyu has a particularly gentle temper."

Chen Sheng also laughed and said: "Okay, the hero is sad at the beauty pass, so I will go there and wait for him..."

The two of them deduced several situations and made some plans before they split up.

South of the city.

Zuo's outer house.

Under the hazy moonlight, the lights in the room were flickering, and a woman in white was sitting.

Yang Jun was wrong.

It is not appropriate to describe this woman as "like a flower like a jade", a more accurate term should be: the beauty of the country and the fragrance of heaven.

Her black hair was like satin.

The ten fingers are like spring onions.

The brilliance in the eyes is full of autumn water, and the tenderness is full of affection.

While embroidering a brocade handkerchief, the woman sang: "Silently go up to the west building alone, the moon is like a hook, the lonely sycamore tree is locked in the deep courtyard, the autumn is locked, the cutting is constant, the reason is still chaotic, it is the sorrow of parting..."

It seems quite resentful?

Master Chen floated in from the window, sat beside her as soon as he entered, and held her hand with a smile.

"Is the girl missing her lover?"


Su Qing's eyelashes trembled, and she was about to shout, but found that she could not make a sound, and her body could not even move.

She was terrified, and the tears in her eyes froze quickly.

Chen Sheng said: "Miss afraid of me?"

Su Qing blinked.

Chen Shengdao: "I am so handsome, why are you afraid?"

Su Qing: "..."

Chen Sheng sighed: "Don't cry, I will let you go now. Although there are a few strong nursing homes outside, they are not fast enough. You'd better not shout, understand? Miss, you don't want me to Destroy flowers with hot hands, right?"

Su Qing blinked again, tears slid down her pink cheeks.

As expected, Chen Sheng let go, and immediately said: "I ask a question, you answer, understand?"

Su Qing said: "Understood."

Chen Sheng said: "Is the girl Su Qing?"

Su Qing nodded.

Chen Sheng said: "How old are you this year?"

Su Qing said: "19 years old."

Chen Sheng said: "Are you the concubine of Zuo Feipeng and Zuo Hall Master?"

Su Qing said: "Yes."

Chen Sheng smacked his lips and said: "It's too much, that old boy is over 50, right? What are you trying to do with him? This person is simply inferior to a beast!"

Su Qing plucked up her courage and said: "Please don't insult my husband, my husband, he is a hero..."

Chen Sheng sneered, "Hero? Do you know how many people he killed? How many families he destroyed?"

Su Qing didn't dare to argue anymore, so she had to tightly shut her mouth.

Chen Shengdao: "Let me ask you, how often does Zuo Feipeng come to see you?"

Su Qing said: "About two or three days, after all, there is a lady in his family."

Chen Sheng said: "Then will he come over tonight?"

Su Qing said: "It's hard to say, it should be."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh, fine, I'll wait for him in the girl's room, what are you supposed to do, just pretend that I don't exist."

Su Qing looked at him, bit her lips and said, "Master, you must come late at night to harm my husband. I advise you to leave as soon as possible to avoid being bumped into by him."

Chen Sheng said: "Why?"

Su Qing said: "My husband's swordsmanship is superb, no one can threaten him, maybe you will be hurt."

Chen Sheng said: "Really? Then if I use you as a threat, will he dare to do it?"

Su Qing shut her mouth again.

The two people below stared wide-eyed and did not speak.But Master Chen's eyes were like knives sweeping her body, and the girl's face gradually turned red, showing embarrassment.

Su Qing had no choice but to pick up the embroidery in front of her and started to be a female celebrity.

Maybe it was because she was too nervous, she trembled, and actually pricked her index finger.

Chen Sheng frowned and said, "Look, why didn't the girl be more careful... Tell me, will you come or I will come?"


Su Qing didn't understand.

Chen Sheng said: "Stop the bleeding, suck it."


Su Qing was so intimidated that her face turned pale, she quickly took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around her hands: "I, I can do it myself, don't bother me."

Chen Sheng smacked his lips, as if it was a pity.

The feeling of being stared at was really depressing, Su Qing felt like she was sitting on pins and needles: "My lord, may I pour you a cup of tea?"

Chen Sheng said: "Okay."

Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got up to pour water. The tea and kettle were not far away, and the exquisite candlesticks were also placed there.

She pretended to be indifferent, pulled out a hairpin from her head, and picked up the wick with the hairpin.

With a "crack", the lights became brighter.

Su Qing made tea and handed the cup to him.

Chen Sheng said: "This is not poisonous, is it?"

Su Qing forced a smile: "Young master's suspicion is too serious, and I didn't know you would come tonight, how could you be so stupid as to poison your utensils?"

Chen Sheng said: "It makes sense."

Sure enough, he picked up the tea and took a few sips lightly.

Su Qing was still laughing, but the taste of the smile was different: "Could it be that the young master belongs to Sun Yubo?"

Chen Sheng stared and said, "How do you know?"

Su Qing said: "King Wanpeng was assassinated suddenly recently. My husband once mentioned that it might be done by Sun Yubo from Suzhou. The young master came here without invitation. I just guessed wildly according to his intention."

Chen Sheng said: "You are very smart, you guessed right."

Su Qing said: "Then are you Sun Jian or Wei Wu?"

Chen Sheng said: "Miss, guess again."

Su Qing's eyes turned: "It is rumored that Young Master Sun's figure is not outstanding, and his skin is darker, but the young master is tall and fair, obviously it should be Wei Wu."

Chen Sheng praised: "Yes. Huh? The girl is a woman, and Zuo Feipeng has told you a lot about things in the world."

Su Qing said: "As a woman in a foreign house, she will always be more intimate with the master. If you don't even have this kind of affection, wouldn't it be too pitiful?"

Chen Sheng said: "Oh."

Su Qing stared into his eyes: "Master's tea is already dry, do you want to add more?"

Chen Sheng said: "No, thank you."

Su Qing said leisurely: "If you don't drink such a good tea, in the future... Maybe you won't have a chance to drink it again."

Chen Sheng was taken aback: "What do you mean?"


The cup in his hand suddenly fell to the ground and shattered, and his body gradually softened and fell down.

Chen Sheng hissed, "Is there poison in the water?"

"Gluck cluck cluck..."

Su Qing changed her complacent face and smiled happily: "People say that Xiao Wu is very alert, but I think that's just the case. There is no poison in the tea. What is really poisonous is my hairpin."

Chen Sheng scolded: "Damn bitch, did you expect it long ago?"


Su Qing clapped her hands and called out, "Husband, what are you waiting for?"

As soon as the words fell, a man walked in.

This is an old man with a good appearance, although he is a little older, but he is quite handsome, with a handsome beard.

Chen Sheng said: "Master Zuo?"

The man showed his face and said, "It's me."

Chen Sheng said: "Leader Zuo knows I'm coming?"

Zuo Feipeng said: "Not bad."

Chen Sheng said: "Then tonight's plan is your idea, or King Wanpeng's?"

Zuo Feipeng said: "King Wanpeng is dead, so it was my idea. If you can assassinate one person, you can assassinate the second one. I must be prepared."

Chen Sheng asked suspiciously, "King Wanpeng is really dead?"

Zuo Feipeng said: "Indeed."

Chen Sheng blinked, with a strange expression on his face.

Zuo Feipeng looked at him condescendingly: "Xiao Wu, what else do you have to say? Do you want to consider surrendering me?"

Chen Sheng sneered, "Your Excellency, don't waste your saliva, just kill me quickly."

"kill you?"

Zuo Feipeng snorted coldly: "You led so many people to sneak into Quzhou today, how could I be willing to let you die first before destroying them."

Chen Sheng said: "If there is no order from me, they will not move around. Do you have a way to find them?"

"I really have."

Zuo Feipeng came to his side and turned around on his body.

Chen Sheng's expression changed.

Zuo Feipeng touched a signal arrow from his bosom, smiled happily, and walked happily to the window.

"A cloud-piercing arrow, brothers come to meet each other! If I release this thing, what will happen next?"

Su Qing interjected: "Needless to say, the people from the Sun family will of course rush over to die. When they all come, my husband will send out our signal and launch a siege from behind..."

Zuo Feipeng laughed and said, "Madam is really smart. Xiao Wu, are you sure you won't surrender? This is your last chance!"

Chen Sheng sighed: "Alright brother, I surrender."

Zuo Feipeng: "..."

Su Qing: "..."

This man looked like a tough guy just now, how could he be persuaded so quickly?

Zuo Feipeng said: "Okay, but you have to wait until I have dealt with all your people, then we can negotiate terms."


The signal arrow flew out of his hand.

but! !! !!

A silver fishing net was thrown from outside, instantly enveloping the signal arrow and pulling it into the darkness.

At the same time, Chen Sheng, who was already unable to move, moved.

No one can describe his flexibility.

No one can describe his speed.

Chen Sheng jumped up and rushed towards Su Qing.

At this time, Su Qing's face was full of sweetness, and there was also a touching smile.

This is the last expression of her life.


Chen Sheng shattered her throat with just one punch.

Su Qing's eyes protruded, blood spurted from the corner of her mouth, and she fell down heavily.

There was no reaction at all.

Chen Sheng scolded: "Hey, is it disgusting for a big man to pretend to be like this? Do you fucking think I can't see it?"

As he spoke, he raised his foot and stomped on Su Qing's crotch...

(End of this chapter)

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