From the sword of the third master

Chapter 156 Killer, Wei Wuye

Chapter 156 Killer, Wei Wuye

The accident came too fast and too scary.

What does it feel like to suddenly fall from the heights of victory to hell?
Zuo Feipeng let out a mournful cry, "Qingqing!"


What a disgusting refrain.

If you use a similar title to call a woman, maybe you will find it cute, but if you change the object to a man...

Chen Sheng withdrew his feet, his stomach churning.

"Su Qing is really your good friend?"

Zuo Feipeng didn't need to speak, the distorted facial features already explained everything.

Chen Sheng sighed: "Leader Zuo doesn't take the usual path, he really is a strange man."

It took Zuo Feipeng a lot of effort to force himself to regain his composure. He glanced warily at the window and reached out to grab the hilt of his sword.

Grip very tight.

"You have already discovered the flaw?"

—He had to ask this question.

People think that keeping a foreign house is Zuo Feipeng's weakness, but in fact it is a deadly trap.Su Qing is not only good at disguising, but also good at using poison, and has saved his life many times.

Chen Sheng said: "I found out when I came in."

Zuo Feipeng said: "I would like to hear the details."

Chen Shengdao: "It's very simple. Su Qing's eyes hide malice. He secretly looked at me and looked at my throat several times. As for the part of the throat, don't you need to say more?"

Anyone who has been in the rivers and lakes knows that it is the key to killing.

Only those with evil intentions will stare at other people's vitals.

Zuo Feipeng was silent for a moment, then asked again: "You also know that he is a man?"

Chen Shengdao: "Yes. There is no real indiscriminate sex in the world. Although she has a good foundation, Su Qing still uses makeup to cover it up. No matter whether she puts on makeup or changes her appearance, she can never escape my eyes. In addition, I touched In his hand, a man has a man's pulse, a woman has a woman's pulse, his pulse is calm and strong, with strong energy and blood, which is completely opposite to a woman's thin and weak."

Chen Sheng added another sentence: "I am a normal man who likes women. I have experienced a lot, so I will inevitably have some experience."


Zuo Feipeng said: "Just because you are alert, so you are not poisoned at all?"

Chen Sheng nodded.

Zuo Feipeng sighed: "Good eyesight, good scheming, I really underestimated Your Excellency, but I haven't lost yet."

Chen Sheng said: "Oh?"

Zuo Feipeng said: "Quzhou is my territory after all, as long as I can kill you, the situation can be reversed."

Chen Sheng said: "Try it."

Zuo Feipeng said: "Just try it..."

Chen Sheng originally thought that he would rush over and try his best to avenge his "woman", but Zuo Feipeng actually made a feint and jumped to the side with the fastest speed, smashing a big hole in the wall.

Well, because Master Chen had killed four hall masters in Wuxi, he didn't dare to make any mistakes.


When the dust was flying, Zuo Feipeng had already rushed outside.

He was not afraid of running out of firewood to stay in the green hills. He deliberately avoided windows and gates when he fled. He really was an old man.

But there are people waiting outside the walls, too.

Zuo Feipeng met one of Chen Sheng's guards—Meng Xinghun.

One draws a sword.

One person draws a knife.

The two cold lights collided almost simultaneously.


Eyes met, Zuo Feipeng immediately swung his sword back and stabbed the opponent's liver.

Meng Xinghun swung his saber down, preparing to slash the sword's edge behind him, and then take advantage of the momentum to cut across his lower abdomen.

However, this is another feint.

The enemy's reaction was exactly as expected, Zuo Feipeng had just stabbed halfway, but his body suddenly fell to the right, intending to take the road and leave.

But Meng Xinghun seemed to have expected it a long time ago, following his movements, he changed from slashing to stabbing, chasing after him and stabbing his knife straight into his chest, accurately smashing his opponent's movements.


Zuo Feipeng had no choice but to be stopped, so he had to block first and then fight back.

His sword moves seem to have the shadow of the South Sea School, not only the changes are weird, but also the speed is astonishingly fast, and it is even more fierce when he is desperate.

When it comes to real martial arts, Meng Xinghun is no weaker than the opponent.

He can completely kill Zuo Feipeng.

But because of his identity, Meng Xinghun needed to hide his cultivation, so he "bravely" fought a few moves, and then deliberately got a sword.

How to hit the sword is particular: the injury should not be too light, nor too severe, and it is best not to affect the subsequent actions.

Therefore, Meng Xinghun made an opening and was pierced through the left shoulder well by Zuo Feipeng...

Zuo Feipeng finally "repelled" his opponent and his spirits lifted.

He drew out his bloody weapon and was about to continue retreating, but it was too late.

Chen Sheng had more than one guard!
Four more sharp knives flew over from below.

A stab in the back.

Cut the throat with a knife.

A knife pierced the left chest.

Cut off both feet with one knife.

The front, back, left and right were all sealed off, and Zuo Feipeng had only one way out. He had no choice but to soar into the sky like a bird.

But it's even scarier up there.


The silver fishing net came suddenly, made another meritorious service, and suddenly covered Zuo Feipeng tightly, covering his head and face.

So the flying bird became a dead bird.

Amid the howls of fear, he was dragged down and fell headlong to the ground.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"

The four sharp knives slashed down in an instant, splashing out bursts of blood.

Zuo Feipeng's head was in a different place, he had stopped breathing, and died an ugly death.

As if he knew the result a long time ago, Chen Sheng walked outside slowly.

He glanced at Meng Xinghun and asked, "How are you?"

Meng Xinghun gritted his teeth, and reluctantly said: "This subordinate can bear it, there is no serious problem."

"Very well, you did a good job."

Chen Sheng flipped through his sleeves and handed him a bottle of specially made golden sore medicine: "Treat the wound quickly, the next action is more dangerous."

Meng Xinghun said: "Thank you, Chief Manager."

Chen Sheng said, "You're welcome."


The most eye-catching person just now must be Yang Jun. He threw the fishing net twice, and he threw the fishing net twice, and he made a lot of contributions.

Yang Jun groped around Zuo Feipeng's body and found a flag flower rocket.

——That's from the Twelve Flying Pengs.

Yang Jun grinned: "Chairman, let's go according to the plan, and also come to 'treat the person in the same way'?"

Chen Sheng understood what he meant, and said with a smile, "Okay!"

The rocket flew rapidly into the night sky.

Regarding tonight's action, it is actually plotting and counter-plotting, encirclement and anti-encirclement, and it is time to close the net.



The rocket rose to the highest point, bursting out a little bit of starlight.

After a while, there was movement around, which was the sound of hurried footsteps, the sound of clothes, and the sound of swords being unsheathed.

Meng Xinghun couldn't help turning pale.

What kind of impact will everyone use their own bodies as bait?
The members of the Twelve Feipeng Gang were like a tide, gathering more and more, getting closer, and their ferocious faces gradually became clear.

Yang Jun shouted: "Protect the chief!"

The six people immediately surrounded Chen Sheng in the core, and raised their blades in unison.

It was a bloody night, seven men fighting hundreds of people, and it was deliberate. Such a spectacular scene is rare in Jianghu.


Chen Sheng stretched out his hand and drew his sword.

He doesn't need anyone's protection. Hiding will distract his subordinates and kill everyone in the end.

"You come with me."

He took the initiative to stand at the forefront, strode towards the surging crowd, waved out phantoms, and sprinkled frost.

Chen Sheng was faster than mowing the grass to clean up these little ones.

The sword swung out, and the blood burst out.

He can stab wherever he wants, and he can have whatever effect he wants.

He has used "power" as he pleases.

Each of his swords is a ruler, neither light nor heavy, but just right to stab people to death and reap life.

Each of his swords is art, extremely concise and graceful, just like the peak Wang Xizhi is using a brush, understatement, smooth and smooth.

"Chi chi chi chi!"


Chen Sheng led his brothers to advance towards the open place, attracting more power, pointing at the point of the sword, the enemies screamed and fell down.

No one can resist his sword.

The Twelve Feipeng gang was really ruthless. Although countless corpses fell, they were not afraid of death and surrounded them from all directions.

"kill him!"

"Continue calling!"

"Poof, poof."


The two leaders who were talking were found by Jian Guang, and suddenly they split open, crackling, and the contents of their stomachs scattered all over the floor.

What a terrifying sight!

Meng Xinghun finally saw the chief executive make a move, and even stopped breathing.

He has seen people kill people, and he has killed people himself, but he has never seen such efficient and precise killing methods.

Meng Xinghun had a chance to strike from behind and stab Chen Sheng to death.

He didn't dare to act.

Because he had a premonition: If he did it himself, he must be the one who died.

Yang Jun was drenched in blood, and suddenly shouted: "Chief Manager, do we want to send out the signal?"

Chen Sheng said: "Wait a minute, there are not enough people here..."

The siege is still going on, everyone's physical strength is gradually declining, and it has become difficult to support.

Instead, Chen Sheng turned around and protected everyone alone!

His sword light became more and more powerful, wherever it was splashed, it would fall down.

There were two times when Meng Xinghun was desperate when the weapon was about to pierce his body, but Chen Sheng quickly blocked him and saved his life.


Meng Xinghun had mixed feelings and was in a strange mood.

On the other side, Yang Jun waved his blade, chopped off a spear, and shouted, "Chief Manager, when will you send the signal?"

Chen Sheng said: "Let it go."



The signal arrow burst out of the streamer from mid-air, and the shout of killing resounded instantly.

In the distance, people from the Sun family emerged from various corners and launched a surprise attack from behind.

Lime, hidden weapon, cold arrow.

Use what works.

They fought more with less, divided into four teams and rushed into the encirclement, forming a cutting trend, as fierce as a tiger descending a mountain.

In order to prevent accidental injury to their own people, everyone tied a red ribbon on their left arm.

Well planned.

Abundant momentum.

The fate of the Twelve Feipeng Gang was already doomed, they couldn't take care of both inside and outside, and they had no leader, so they were immediately rushed away by the elites of the Sun family, killed and scattered, and began to flee in large areas.

The more they fled, the more people died.

Based on the battle tonight alone, at least [-] corpses were left behind in the Quzhou Branch Church, which is already in name only.

The pressure of the few people trapped in the core dropped sharply, and they cheered up accordingly, and soon joined the pursuit team.

"Ahem...the smell of lime..."

Chen Sheng had nothing to do, and slapped his nose with his hands.

His eyes turned, and suddenly dipped in the blood on the ground, and wrote a sentence on the street.

——The murderer, Wei Wuye.

These words are left on purpose.

One can act as a deterrent to the enemy.

Second, he can also rescue his "good brother" Tu Dapeng and remove his suspicion.

After all, Tu Dapeng is a strong candidate for the clan leader, and he has the most reason to kill Zuo Feipeng.

After half a quarter of an hour, Yang Jun rushed back to report.


With an excited face, he laughed loudly and said, "Boss, shall we withdraw now?"

Chen Sheng said indifferently: "Why do you want to withdraw? Go, go to their branch hall and take a look, take all the valuable ones, and set the worthless ones on fire..."

(End of this chapter)

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