Chapter 109
Wu Gang's boxing is steady, no matter whether it is attacking or defending, it can be watertight, and Xu Tingfei's kicks are very sharp and fast, and the speed has already left afterimages in the air.

Both of them used the fighting skills taught by Wang Ming, but according to the characteristics of several people, Wang Ming slightly improved the characteristics of the fighting skills.

For example, when he taught Wu Gang, he focused on teaching him how to use fist attacks better, while when teaching Xu Tingfei, he taught him how to better use leg attacks. When teaching Li Haotian, Wang Ming found that he was more suitable for using fist attacks. Swordsmanship, so I focused on teaching him the method of fighting.

The three have their own strengths, and Wang Ming can be regarded as teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Otherwise, if he taught the original fighting skills to the three of them one after another, these few people would have been out of the teacher for more than a month. Don't even think about becoming a teacher, and Wang Ming doesn't have that much time to spend on them.

"Stinky fart, you're not bad at all."

The two were at a stalemate for a while, Wu Gang couldn't help but mocked, and Xu Tingfei replied not to be outdone.

"Silly old man, you have some skills."

"How dare you call me an idiot!"

"You still call me a fart!"

The more the two got angry, the more angry they became, especially after hearing the nickname given to them by the other party, so when they saw that they couldn't tell the winner with fists and kicks, they both jumped back in a very tacit understanding, and took Out of the weapon summon card.

'Shadow Knife! '

'Explosive drill! '

After the two summoned their weapons, the battle started again. There was a constant sound of clanging irons at the scene. Those who didn't know it thought there was a blacksmith's shop in the park.

The battle lasted like this for three to five minutes, and the two of them really got angry. Immediately, they stopped holding back and used their skills.

"Mixed Element Drilling Method!"

"Phantom Knife Technique!"

Wu Gang's body exuded a hazy khaki-yellow light, and the next moment the power added by the thunderbolt drill in his hand became even greater.

And Xu Tingfei was not to be outdone, his body also lit up with a light blue light, and his speed was more than doubled than before, and layers of knife shadows flashed and slashed at Wu Gang.

However, the two still had nothing to do with each other. Wu Gang's Thunderbolt Drill was extremely powerful and not slow. Every time Xu Tingfei fought with him with weapons, he had to use several knives to barely resist his attack.

It wasn't that Xu Tingfei didn't want to take advantage of his speed to attack from behind, but that Wu Gang defended too well, and he really showed the profound meaning of the diamond armor that is immovable as a mountain.

Although Xu Tingfei is a gale that destroys everything, he is helpless when he encounters an extremely solid mountain. The reason why Wu Gang can defend so well is because although the two focus on different directions, they both practice the same fighting method.

To put it simply, they are all taught by the same master, so there is no way to break the trick.

In the end, the two of them exchanged another move, and then both took a few steps back. They were both out of breath at this time, and the consumption of the summoning armor was still a bit high for them now.

After all, they don't have Wang Ming's abnormal physique. Although their physical strength has increased now, they are still within the range of human beings.

Both of them stared at each other with unkind eyes. If they knew in their hearts, they probably couldn't take each other down, and it would be pointless to fight any longer. It would just be a waste of energy.

"Let's stop here today, and play next time. I still have a game competition to participate in, so don't waste my time."

In the end, it was Wu Gang who spoke first. Xu Tingfei had the same idea as him, so he also walked down the steps.

"Do you think you are the only one who has something to do? This young master is also very busy. That's all for today. Let's fight another day!"

"A word is settled!"

The two said a few harsh words, and after feeling that they had not lost face, they also removed their armor one after another, and then they walked in opposite directions.

When the two of them reached the point where they could no longer see each other, at almost the same time, they sat down on the grass and gasped for breath.

"This fart is really annoying, flitting around like a fly."

Wu Gang made a complaint, and Xu Tingfei on the other side also cursed as if he had a heart.

"This stupid big guy is nothing but brute force, his hands are numb to me, he is simply a hopeless reckless man."

After a short break, the two went their separate ways. Wu Gang didn't lie to Xu Tingfei, he really had a game competition to participate in, and Xu Tingfei drove his only remaining asset, a BMW Z-4, to the scene. Bank gate.

He came to withdraw money, to take out his last assets, if he didn't take it out, the bank would detain him. Just after Xu Tingfei finished withdrawing the money and got back in his BMW, the bank sent a text message.

It probably means that his car loan failed to repay on the specified date, and the bank would take his car back.

He was absolutely not short of money before, after all, he was the son of the boss of the shipping company, but their family was bankrupted by Bawang Group, so Xu Tingfei is also poor now.

"Oh, it's really annoying..."

Looking at the content of the text message on the phone, Xu Tingfei scratched his head a little irritatedly, and at this moment, he saw ghost monsters attacking passers-by outside the car window.

"One or two, I really don't want to worry about it. You are unlucky. If I am in a bad mood today, I will send you to hell."

Xu Tingfei's tone was a little impatient, but he still opened the car door and walked down. After getting out of the car, he took out his Feiying Summoner without any hesitation.

"Flying Shadow Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

A phantom flashed, Xu Tingfei successfully summoned the armor, and then he flew directly towards the Nether Demon that was attacking passers-by.

Xu Tingfei kicked the Nether Demon directly, and the latter rolled on the ground several times before stopping. Only then did the Nether Demon look at Xu Tingfei in a daze.

He is a little confused about the situation now, why the strength of the armor summoner has suddenly become so much stronger, it is different from what he said.

But he is not an ordinary Nether Demon, he is also a Nether Demon who is good at legwork. He was a little embarrassed just now because he was attacked by surprise. Now that he has reacted, he will definitely not let this kid continue to be arrogant.

"Are you the only one who can kick!"

The Nether Demon roared and rushed towards Xu Tingfei. Then it turned [-] in the air and kicked towards Xu Tingfei. Its speed was so fast and its movements were so weird that it was impossible to guard against.

If it was Xu Tingfei from before, he would definitely be tricked, but now Xu Tingfei is different from before. Under Wang Ming's violent teaching and devil training, he is now completely different from what it used to be!

(End of this chapter)

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