Chapter 110 Are you two good at fighting?

Just when the Nether Demon was about to kick Xu Tingfei's chest, Xu Tingfei came late and kicked a roundabout kick from an incredible angle!


The Nether Demon didn't expect Xu Tingfei to have such a trick at all. Unprepared, he was kicked in the softer abdomen, and he flew backwards immediately.

"Playing kicks with me, I'm afraid you don't know how powerful my master is."

Xu Tingfei looked at the Nether Demon who was kicked to the ground and couldn't get up because of the pain and said very proudly, but the Nether Demon only had ten thousand muddy horses running past in his heart at this moment.

Because according to intelligence, this guy is obviously inferior to him, but why has he become so strong now?Could it be that General Lufa's information was wrong?

For a moment, the Nether Demon couldn't help but start guessing wildly, but when he thought of the arrangement this time, he put his mind back, and the Nether Demon shook his head and got up.

"Don't be too happy, I came prepared!"

Just as Xu Tingfei wanted to say something to taunt him, he felt that he had been slashed. It turned out that at some point, another Nether Demon walked behind him. He was attacked just now.

"When did you touch me behind my back?"

Xu Tingfei looked annoyed at the Nether Demons that suddenly appeared behind him, and then these two Nether Demons surrounded him one after the other.

"Hahaha, kid, let's see how you die today!"

"The six brothers who were sealed by you before all overturned due to lack of energy, but the two of us are different. Don't think you are so strong."

The two Nether Demons laughed wildly, and Xu Tingfei's expression became serious when he heard that. He had already felt it when he fought the first Nether Demon just now.

That Nether Demon was much stronger than what he had encountered before. At first, he thought it was just a coincidence, but now after hearing the self-exposure of these two Nether Demons, Xu Tingfei finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that none of the Nether Demons that appeared before was in a perfect state, but now these two Nether Demons should be considered in full bloom.

At this time, Xu Tingfei didn't know much about it. Although the devil's training strengthened his physical fitness, and the fighting training strengthened his skills. It stands to reason that few ghost demons can beat him in one-on-one, but his strength is still the biggest shortcoming. plate.

The speed is fast and there is no damage, isn't it the same as scraping?

"Go together!"

The two Nether Demons looked at each other and rushed towards Xu Tingfei. Although Xu Tingfei had no idea, he didn't hesitate in the movements of his hands.

clang clang...

He summoned the Swift Shadow Knife to fight the two Nether Demons, but he was not very good at sword skills, he was best at leg skills.

As for why he used a knife, it was because the two Nether Demons had summoned their own weapons. Wouldn't he be stupid if he used his legs to block the opponent's weapons?It's one thing to be able to stop it, it hurts, okay?

However, Xu Tingfei fell directly into a disadvantage when fighting against the opponent's field of expertise in a field that he was not good at. Besides, he was still playing one against two, so after a dozen or so rounds, he was cut to the ground.

"Hehehe, I thought how strong it is, isn't it just a brat, obediently die!"

The two ghost demons held their long knives and approached Xu Tingfei step by step, but the latter couldn't get up for a while because of the severe pain all over his body.

Seeing that he was about to be hacked to death by these two ghost demons, a slightly arrogant voice entered the ears of the three of them.

"No way, I just came out to have a meal, and I can meet you street-crawlers. Are you too lucky, or am I too lucky?"

When the three of them heard such arrogant words, they couldn't help turning their heads to look in the direction of the voice, and then they saw Wang Ming who was wearing a black windbreaker and walking swaying.


When Xu Tingfei saw Wang Ming passing by, he shouted excitedly, but the two Nether Demons just looked at him with some trepidation. They naturally knew Wang Ming.

After all, during this period of time, Wang Ming was hanging out with the three armor summoners every day, and he had made two shots before, so Lufa had already remembered him.

"It's that man."

"That's right, it's him, the man whose physical fitness is no worse than ours."

The two Nether Demons looked at each other and started whispering, while Wang Ming ignored the reactions of several people. He came to Xu Tingfei and knelt down, and said jokingly.

"Didn't I say it before? Run away if you can't beat it. Why do you say you are trying to be brave?"

"Coach me..."

After Xu Tingfei heard Wang Ming's words, he immediately lowered his head in shame. He had to admit that he was a bit over the top. If he wanted to run at his speed, these two guys really couldn't stop him.

Due to the fight of a few people just now, the surrounding citizens have all run away. There is no need for him to stay and continue to entangle with these two ghost demons. The best choice is to retreat temporarily and wait for the support of his teammates.

"Forget it, I'll teach you another lesson tomorrow, and I'll lend you this thing."

Wang Ming shook his head with a smile and didn't care, then he took off Xu Tingfei's flying shadow summoner from his belt. After the summoner was taken off, Xu Tingfei immediately canceled the transformation. He looked at it with some puzzlement. Wang Ming, but Wang Ming said with a light smile with his back turned to him.

"Look carefully, this is how the Flying Shadow Armor is used."

"Flying Shadow Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

A light blue phantom flashed, and Wang Ming summoned the Flying Shadow Armor. He didn't want to reveal his identity yet, so he didn't use his own card.

Because he was afraid of scaring Lufa. After all, Lufa hasn't been resurrected yet. If Lufa is scared by him, he still doesn't know where to find the Shura armor.

"What, what's going on..."

Xu Tingfei looked at Wang Ming in shock. He didn't know that Wang Ming had summoned the Vajra Armor. After all, he and Wu Gang didn't have a good relationship, so the latter naturally wouldn't talk about such things.

But Wang Ming didn't care about his reaction, he walked towards the two Nether Demons step by step, and Wang Ming also summoned the Swift Shadow Knife while walking, his tone still carried that An arrogant smile.

"Are you two good at beating? Can you be good at beating me? Can you beat me?"

Looking at Wang Ming who was getting closer and closer, the two Nether Demons were very nervous at first, but after hearing Wang Ming's arrogant words, the tension of the two disappeared instantly, replaced by full of anger.

"A mere human, why are you so arrogant!"

"Let's go together and hack him to death!"

The two Nether Demons were completely enraged, and then rushed towards Wang Ming with their knives in hand.

(Update one chapter first, then update three chapters at noon)
(End of this chapter)

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