Chapter 111 Find the way
"You are very brave."

Wang Ming smiled and commented, and then his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the same place in the next second. When he reappeared, he was already behind the two of them. Without hesitation, Wang Ming directly slashed To the back of the two of them!

The two Nether Demons were staggered by Wang Ming's slash. They looked back at Wang Ming in astonishment. They didn't expect the speed of the other party to be so fast.

Swish swish!
However, during the moment when they were in a daze, Wang Ming rushed up and slashed at them, and the two had no choice but to fight in a hurry and were beaten back again and again.

In just a few seconds, the two Nether Demons were beaten back and fell into a disadvantage. Wang Ming didn't even use any of his skills.

'Come back soon! '

At this moment, in the minds of the two Nether Demons, Lufa's eager voice suddenly came, and the two jumped back without hesitation, then disappeared into the ground and disappeared.

"It runs pretty fast."

Wang Ming looked at the two Nether Demons that had disappeared, and said something lacking in interest. Of course, he deliberately released the water. If Wang Ming thought that these two Nether Demons would be instantly killed if they met each other, would it be okay if they wanted to escape? possible.

"Since this is the case, forget it, and you should die."

Wang Ming muttered something in a low voice, then he removed his armor and came in front of Xu Tingfei, and put the Feiying Summoner back into his hand.

"You'd better use it yourself, remember to practice more."

"Thank you coach!"

In front of Wang Ming, Xu Tingfei completely restrained his haughty character, he was very humble and respectful, he couldn't help it, he was afraid of being tortured.

"Okay, I still have things to do, you can go home too."

Wang Ming left after saying a word, while Xu Tingfei rubbed his sore body. He originally wanted to go to the hospital, but he thought about his pockets, so he gave up. Just a little bruising, nothing major.

After Wang Ming separated from him, he directly hired a taxi and headed towards the headquarters of Bawang Group, although he didn't intend to kill Lufa yet.

But it's good to say hello in advance, and he still has one thing to confirm, after all, Lufa still has a lot of good things on him, the Summoner of Shura Armor, and theoretically speaking, the Gengren Vajra Pestle that can control everything , were taken out by this guy when he defected.

Wang Ming just wanted to confirm whether he had these things, and if he did, he could find a way to get them, because Wang Ming also wanted to understand that with his current strength, he could use violence to snatch them, and there was no need to go Wait for the plot to develop.

But Lufa is an old fox. He must have hidden these two things very deeply. If Wang Ming forcibly seized them, he might not be able to succeed, because he might not be able to find where these two things are placed.

Soon Wang Ming arrived at the headquarters building of the Ba-Wang Group. After paying the fare, Wang Ming walked directly towards the Ba-Wang Group.

However, as one of the best supergroups in the world, its security strength is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary small companies. Wang Ming was stopped by security just as he approached.

"Who are you? Do you have a group pass?"

There was vigilance in the security guard's eyes, and he stared at Wang Ming with burning eyes, but Wang Ming didn't care about him, he just snapped his fingers and said something.

"Go back to stand guard."


After the two security guards heard Wang Ming's words, they responded as if they were bewitched, and then obediently stood back to their original positions, and Wang Ming walked in just like that.

This ability is somewhat similar to hypnosis, more precisely, it is the influence of spiritual will. This is some simple manipulation of spiritual energy by Wang Ming, and it is also some superficial application of the holy formula of heaven.

After entering the building, Wang Ming grabbed another person and asked where Croton's office was. Then Wang Ming took the elevator to the top floor, where Croton's office was located.

dong dong dong...

Wang Ming knocked on the door, but there was no response for a long time, probably because no one was in the office, since Wang Ming was not going to be polite anymore, he waved the door and the door opened automatically, and Wang Ming just walked in.

Then he came to Croton's desk very familiarly, and pressed the button to open the secret room. This was not something he had investigated in advance, but because this scene appeared many times in the original book, he had long remembered it.

And after Wang Ming pressed the button of the secret room, a passage suddenly appeared on the wall behind the desk. This passage was dark and had no lights. It looked a little scary, but Wang Ming walked away without any fear. go in.

After walking for a while, he came to the secret room. Looking at the strangely decorated secret room in front of him, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction. This is what he remembered.

"That's right, it's here."

Wang Ming turned around in the secret room, said in a relaxed tone, suddenly he looked at the gray robe hanging directly above the secret room and said.

"My guest is here, why don't you come out to greet me, General Lufa?"

The Lufa data body hidden in the gray robe was originally not going to pay attention to Wang Ming, because he also knew Wang Ming, and knew that this guy's combat power was ridiculously high, and he might not be the opponent's opponent if he was not resurrected, so he Is ready to play dead.

But now the other party actually called out his name directly, which is almost impossible. No one on the whole earth knows his name except his Ares fighters.

"who are you?"

After thinking for a while, Lufa still decided to explore Wang Ming's reality. He attached himself to the black robe and found Wang Ming. Wang Ming's eyes were empty, except for a floating black robe. It looks very weird, if it is an ordinary person here, he would have been scared to pee.

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider, don't worry about my identity, I'm here to make a deal with you."

Wang Ming smiled and said without fear, Lu Fa heard that he had thought about many things in his mind, he was planning how to use Wang Ming, since the other party wanted something, then there was a chance to use it.

"What deal do you want to do?"

Lu Fa asked in a deep voice, while Wang Ming said casually.

"If I remember correctly, the Shura armor is in your hands, right? And you can't use the Shura armor stably, and you will be forcibly disarmed in a short time. I am very interested in this thing, how about you borrow it?" I've been playing for two days, how about I help you revive?"

Wang Ming's words caused Lufa to fall into a long silence, because Wang Ming revealed a big secret of Lufa again, which made Lufa even wonder if his subordinates had an inner ghost?

Regarding the fact that he stole the Shura armor and the Gengren vajra, apart from King Peel and a few other high-level people on the Ares planet, the only one who knew about these things was the Nether Demon under his command.

(End of this chapter)

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