Chapter 154

When he was about to succeed, he was suddenly stopped by someone. Long Jian's mood at this time was quite complicated. He looked at Wang Ming with an incredulous face, because Wang Ming was not armed at this time, so he stopped him easily. full blow.

"Why are you still standing there? I don't even know how to say hello when I made such a low-level mistake in battle."

Wang Ming's voice was teasing, and Long Ying came back to her senses at this time. She took a few steps back, and then walked directly into the hall. Now she is very confused and needs time to think and ease.

Seeing this, the female warriors of the Scorpion Clan immediately surrounded her for strict protection, and now there were only Wang Ming and Huo Linfei left in the square outside the main hall.

"How should I deal with you..."

Wang Ming looked at the three of them with an unpredictable smile on his face and muttered to himself, Huo Linfei and the other three were also looking at Wang Ming warily.

"What should we do? Now we're about to fall, Huo Linfei, what else can you do?"

Slender Jun said to Huo Linfei with a constipated look on his face, and the latter replied angrily.

"How do I know, why don't you try to beg for mercy and see if he will let you go?"

"It makes sense, I'll try."

For Huo Linfei's teasing words, Slender Jun actually took it seriously, he rolled over to Wang Ming, and shouted loudly.

"Brother, please spare my life. I have an eighty-year-old mother and a child waiting to be fed. Please spare my life!"

"Then let me ask you, how old are you this year?"

Looking at Slender Jun who came to beg for mercy, Wang Ming didn't kick him away immediately, instead he asked very patiently.

"Um, 16 years old, what's wrong?"

"Oh, so your mother gave birth to you in her [-]s. You got married and had children when you were [-] or [-] years old, but this seems to be against the law, right?"

Wang Ming's words left Slender Jun speechless, he rolled back to Huo Linfei and said in a low voice.

"Damn, this guy's math is too good, I'm no match."

"You scumbag, why are you joining in the fun?"

Slender Jun's words only brought Huo Linfei's contempt, but when they were in a dilemma, Wang Ming suddenly spoke.

"Forget it, I will show mercy and let you go. In the next parallel universe, you will see what true despair is. I will give that guy the chance to defeat you."


The three of Huo Linfei were startled when they heard the words, then they looked at each other a little puzzled, and finally Slim Jun asked tentatively.

"Brother, won't you kill us?"

"do not kill"

"Brother, are you willing to let us go to the third parallel universe?"

"Well, okay, if you ask me again, I'll change my mind."

"Brother, take care!"

After confirming that Wang Ming was a little impatient, Slender Jun hurriedly ran away with Huo Linfei and Long Jian, and they all ran back to Xuanwu, and then drove the spaceship away.

"This really is a slender and handsome style."

Seeing this, Wang Ming sighed, then he turned and walked towards the main hall. At this time, Long Ying was recovering with her eyes closed, Wang Ming looked at her and said with a smile.

"It looks like you should have found some incredible answer."

"That's right, I'm very confused now. If it's really him, then what's the point of everything I've done? Isn't it a tragedy from beginning to end?"

Long Ying's tone was a little tired, she seemed to have guessed some kind of truth, now she couldn't accept the reality, but Wang Ming didn't care, he still had a cynical smile on his face.

"If you feel disappointed and powerless now, how can you carry it so far in the future? Is it a tragedy? You have to go to the future to see what it looks like to be here now. You are one of the four guardians of Pluto, the Scorpion King. .”

"So you remember for me, the strong is not the body but the mind!"

When it came to the end, Wang Ming changed his style of painting and began to scold him harshly. After hearing his words, Long Ying felt like a blow to the head. Although it was not possible to clear the clouds to see the sun immediately, she still cheered up a little.

"I see, then how do you plan to deal with them, I..."

Long Ying's words were hesitant. After knowing Long Jian's true identity, she was already a little bit helpless, and she probably couldn't do it if she was asked to fight with her savior.

And Wang Ming obviously also saw this, so he suggested with a smile.

"Since that's the case, why not let them leave the second universe. Anyway, there are more powerful guys up there. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to defeat that person. We just need to follow them quietly to see the situation."

"It's true. The other guardians are several times stronger than me. With their current strength, it is impossible to defeat other guardians. It is not impossible to do so."

Obviously, Long Ying was very appreciative of Wang Ming's proposal, and she immediately agreed, and then Wang Ming and Long Ying discussed it for a while, and finally Tian Yu was released by the two of them.

Because if Tian Yu was not let go, Huo Linfei and Long Jian would definitely continue to come and harass her. This was not what Long Ying wanted to see. She no longer wanted to be an enemy of Long Jian.


In the fifth parallel universe, in Pluto's palace, the remaining three guardians were standing quietly. After a while of silence, the lion king spoke first.

"They have left the second parallel universe and are now heading for the third parallel universe."

"I didn't expect the Scorpion King to be unable to stop them."

Ye Lingyun also stood up and said something when he heard the words, while the lion king looked at Ye Lingyun and the whale shark king with a serious expression and said.

"It will take another three days for Pluto to wake up. According to their current speed, it is very likely that they will arrive here before Pluto wakes up."

"Don't worry, if I don't want to, no one can walk out of my territory alive."

At this moment, the Whale Shark King said something lightly, and then he walked out without looking back. After a while, he disappeared in Hades' palace and returned to the third parallel universe.


"Over there is the healing equipment, here is the control room, cough cough..."

In the Xuanwu, Tian Yu was introducing the Xuanwu to Long Jian, who had just joined the Super Beast team, but she started coughing after a few words. Her injury had not healed yet, and Long Jian asked with great concern.

"Tianyu, are you alright? Has the toxin been removed yet?"

"It's much better, but it's still in the recovery stage."

Tian Yu also replied with a smile, and then the two started talking and laughing again, and Huo Linfei on the other side became a little depressed after seeing this scene.

"Hey, I'm really depressed. If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't let him join our super beast team. This is simply leading the wolf into the house!"

(End of this chapter)

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