Chapter 155 The Third Parallel Universe
"Who did you say?"

Slender Jun also came to Huo Linfei's side at this time, he looked at Huo Linfei and Tianyu, and then said as if he had suddenly realized.

"Oh~ are you jealous?"

"Who is jealous? How could I be jealous!"

For Slender Jun's groundless guess, Huo Linfei naturally chose to refute, but Slender Jun took out a book of unknown meaning and read it seriously.

"According to the description on page 21, line 290 of "Adolescent Love Collection in the 53st Century", jealousy occurs because the envious person feels inferior to the envied person."

"Who are you talking about, who is jealous of him!"

Huo Linfei was a little anxious when he was told about the pain, he grabbed Slender Jun by the collar, and Slender Jun continued to speak like a knife.

"The Book of Love also says that if the person being envied is always targeted by others, he will react strongly and like to grab others by the collar."

"Say it again, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

Huo Linfei was already a little bit annoyed, but Slender Jun didn't take it seriously, he turned around and ran, talking while running.

"Hit me? You catch up with me first!"

"You are dead!"

"Help! The Book of Love also says that killing people and silence is the last act of jealousy!"

"Look at my shadowless legs!"

The two started chasing and fighting in the Xuanwu, Long Jian said worriedly after seeing this scene.

"Is it really okay for the two of them to fight like this?"

"They're always like that, and you get used to it."

Tianyu replied with a smile, and at this moment Lisa's voice resounded throughout the Xuanwu.

"Attention, the spaceship is about to enter the third parallel universe, and the spaceship will reach the earth in the third parallel universe within 2 minutes."

As Lisa's words sounded, information about the third parallel universe Earth appeared on the big screen in the control room.

This is a golden planet. The surface of the planet is covered by yellow sand. It doesn't even have an ocean. It looks a little lifeless.

The social form here is still in the era of slavery, but the technology here is not backward, and it is a place full of contradictions.

"This is the third parallel universe..."

"It's spectacular."

Huo Linfei and the others sighed when they saw the earth not far away. A few minutes later, the Xuanwu successfully landed on the earth in the third parallel universe.

What no one knew was that a small black space battleship landed in a hidden place following the Xuanwu, and Wang Ming and Long Ying walked out of it.

The two of them dressed lightly this time and did not bring any subordinates. The female warriors of the Scorpion Clan were left by Long Ying to guard in the second parallel universe.

And Huo Linfei's landing was quite blatant. They landed around the huge pyramids without any scruples, which immediately attracted the attention of the whale sharks stationed here.

"What it is?"

"Let's go take a look."

Several members of the Whale Shark tribe rode motorcycles and headed towards the place where Huo Linfei and the others landed. At this time, Huo Linfei and the others walked off the Xuanwu ship in a swaggering manner.

Should it be said that they are big-hearted, or do they think they have the strength to have no scruples?To descend into an unfamiliar universe without any disguise is no different from a reckless behavior.

"Wow, this place is even more spectacular than the ancient Roman Forum on our earth."

Slender Jun looked at the surrounding environment and sighed. Several people looked at the surrounding environment very curiously. The surrounding environment was quite similar to the ancient Egypt described in ancient documents.

Whether it's the pyramids, or the statues of unknown gods, and those slaves who are constantly driven to do coolies, this sense of sight is too strong.


At this moment, the roar of motorcycle engines came from a distance. Several people heard the sound and looked around, and found a few Whale Shark tribesmen on motorcycles rampaging, knocking many slaves into the air and rushing towards them.

"Then what, I'll go back to the spaceship to direct you, let's take a step first!"

There is no combat capability around, and even the commander who does not have any offensive power with different energy, Slender Jun very decisively chose to sneak back to the spaceship first.

"Who are you!"

Those members of the Whale Shark tribe sternly asked Huo Linfei and the others, and when Huo Linfei saw this, he wiped his hair coquettishly and stood up.



Huo Linfei's answer made those members of the Whale Shark Clan impossible, but Huo Linfei didn't care about their reaction, he said to Tian Yu and Long Jian on his own.

"These people seem to be the slave owners here?"

"No, it should be the lackey of the slave owner."

Long Jian stood up and corrected the mistakes in Huo Linfei's words, but his words completely pissed off those whale shark tribe members.

"You are courting death!"

A few people shouted and rushed towards them, and Huo Linfei and the others naturally wouldn't get used to these whale shark soldiers.

"Armed!" ×2
Immediately, Huo Linfei and Long Jian summoned the armed forces, and then dealt with the soldiers of the whale shark tribe three times, five times and two times. After defeating them, Huo Linfei started to be mean again.

"Let me tell you, how many of you have the nerve to come out and be thugs at this level?"


I don't know if it was because of Huo Linfei's crow mouth. Before he finished speaking, more whale sharks came over on motorcycles. The three of them were surrounded by dozens of whale sharks immediately.

"Ah, it seems that there is something to play."

Huo Linfei was not flustered by this, and was even in the mood to tease, and then the three of them started a big battle with this group of whale sharks.

"Fire Cloud Art!"

"Cold Shadow Technique!"

"Illusionary Art!"

The three of Huo Linfei each used their unique skills, and within a short while, all the surrounding whale shark tribes were knocked down by them.

"Taylor, you dare to rebel with these outsiders, your people will be punished!"

"I'm not, I'm not, I'm just passing by!"

Suddenly, a distraught voice came from not far away. Huo Linfei and the others heard the words and looked, and found that it was a strong boy with blond hair, who was being beaten with a stick by a whale shark clansman. Although this strong boy named Tai Lei He kept explaining, but in exchange for more violent beatings.

"Bastard! It's too presumptuous to dare to act violently in front of us!"

Seeing this, Huo Linfei yelled and rushed over, and then he kicked the head of the whale shark clansman. He pressed the emergency warning button on his wrist.

This button means that the slaves below are going to rebel. When Tai Lei saw this scene, panic flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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