Chapter 156 Whale Shark King

"No, no!"

Tai Lei uttered a terrified cry, and then ran towards the very center of the pyramid group, because once this button was pressed, a large number of Golden Elephants would be slaughtered.

"Follow up and have a look, we seem to be doing a disservice?"

"Okay, who to go with to see."

Long Jian looked at the back of Tai Lei trotting away with serious eyes, Huo Linfei and Tian Yu also nodded without any objection, and then they drove the Xuanwu towards the center of the pyramid complex.

However, after the Xuanwu number flew to the place, it issued a reminder. Tianyu was a little surprised when he saw the reminder.

"This reminder... Could it be that there are super beast warriors on this planet?"

"Yes, this is indeed the energy response of the super beast warrior."

After checking the details, Slim Jun confirmed Tian Yu's words. He also searched for the person carrying the power lock by the way. After the screen was enlarged, the person who caught everyone's eyes was actually an old man.

"This old man is actually a super beast warrior, why doesn't he feel like it?"

Slender Jun questioned, and at this time Lisa also operated the search page to capture a new figure, a tall figure in dark blue armor, and Lisa also directly analyzed the information of this person.

"Whale Shark King, the overlord of the third universe, can reach up to a black hole with supernatural energy."

"What! A black hole? This level of supernatural energy seems to be stronger than the Scorpion King."

Huo Linfei was directly frightened by this statistic. Long Ying, who had made 0.7 black holes before, had spent a lot of effort, and almost wiped out the whole army there. The new enemy that appeared now seems to be even more powerful than Long Ying... Huo Linfei Thinking about it, Fei felt his scalp tingling.

"Hey, look at the man next to him, isn't this the man just now?"

"He seems to be receiving punishment now. We killed him, and we have to save him!"

"Okay, let's go save him!"

Huo Linfei suddenly saw Tai Lei who was lying on the ground next to the Whale Shark King, and then several people reached a consensus almost immediately, Slim Jun pulled Huo Linfei and asked everyone.

"You are going to save people, aren't you afraid of the Whale Shark King?"

"I don't want to do anything without a challenge."

"There is no pass that cannot be broken, no enemy that cannot be defeated!"

Huo Linfei and Long Jian made very firm voices, and then they walked down.


"Why did you rebel?"

Whale Shark King looked at Tai Lei calmly and asked, while Tai Lei retorted firmly.

"I didn't rebel, I was just passing by. I was not wrong, and my people were not wrong!"

"You are not wrong, but we are not wrong, but we are stronger, so the rules of the game are determined by us. If I say you are rebellious, you are rebellious."

The Whale Shark King talked about his dominance unhurriedly, and then he waved his hand towards his subordinates. The Whale Shark clansman understood, and began to control the machine to pour sand into the potholes. All the Golden Elephants were buried alive.

"No! Let us out!"

The members of the Golden Elephant Clan below panicked and started yelling. The Whale Shark King was unmoved by this scene, but he started to mock Tai Lei instead.

"I just want you to watch helplessly as your people are buried alive."

"No, all of this is my fault. If you want to punish, you can punish me alone! Let them go!"

Tai Lei fell to his knees and kowtowed to the Whale Shark King to beg for mercy, but the Whale Shark King was unmoved at all, he said lightly.

"You made a foul, so your people must also be punished."

"No, it's not fair, why should my own people be implicated in my own fault!"

"There are many things in life that are completely unfair, so you just have to accept it."

Tai Lei tried to refute, but was stunned by the domineering words of the Whale Shark King. Then he gritted his teeth, stood up from the ground, and attacked the Whale Shark King!
But his resistance was in vain. Before he got close to the Whale Shark King, he was kicked out by the latter. The Whale Shark King looked at Tai Lei who was lying on the ground, struggling to remember, and said lightly.

"Why, do you still want to resist? Didn't the last failure make you give up this idea?"

"I don't want to fight, but I have to!"

Tai Lei struggled to get up, and then swung his fist at the Whale Shark King with all his strength, but his weak fist was blocked by the Whale Shark King at will.


"Because I want to save my people!"

"Okay, I can give you another chance, as long as you kill those outsiders, your clansmen don't have to die."

The Whale Shark King's words made Tai Lei a little moved, and the miserable cries of the people below strengthened his belief. After hesitating for a while, he nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I promise you!"

After saying this, Tai Lei ran towards the outside, but when he passed the big pit, he was stopped by his master, that is, Elder Yuanzheng.

"Taylor, it's time to give this to you."

While talking, Yuanzheng threw the power lock in his arms towards Tai Lei, and Tai Lei held the power lock in his mind, what his master said to him before, he immediately understood what Yuan Zheng meant up.

"Master, I understand!"

Tai Lei nodded vigorously towards Yuan Zheng, and then ran outside. After a while, he met Huo Linfei and Long Jian who came here on motorcycles.

"You escaped, and we are going to rescue you."

Huo Linfei smiled happily after seeing Tai Lei, but Long Jian's eyes were a little wary, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, and Tai Lei's actions also confirmed his thoughts.


Tai Lei took out the power lock and shouted. Surrounded by a burst of khaki-yellow light, he finished arming. After arming, Tai Lei rushed towards Huo Linfei and Long Jian without hesitation.

Tai Lei punched the two of them, but they avoided them. His fist hit the ground hard and made a dull sound. Huo Linfei asked in confusion.

"What are you crazy about!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Tai Lei didn't intend to explain anything, he directly attacked and killed the two of them, and at this moment, another "Fire Linfei" appeared on the scene. People who are armed like Lin Fei.

Because of the same reason, if you don't distinguish carefully, even acquaintances can't tell the difference between the two, and this person is naturally Wang Ming, and he walked towards the three of them in a leisurely manner.

"Hey, it looks like it's very lively here, can I get involved."

(End of this chapter)

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