Chapter 178 Fighting Pluto
However, the strong in the super beast universe mainly focus on training their minds. As strong as their minds are, they have as much power. How do you say that, the height of the fountain will not exceed its source, and the power of super beast warriors will not exceed his beliefs.

"Lord Pluto, let's go to another place to fight. I'm afraid this place won't be able to stand up to the two of us."


Wang Ming took the initiative to request to switch to normal, and Pluto agreed immediately. Both of them understood very well what fighting at their level meant, and it was normal operation to raise their hands to destroy stars.

"Then let me lead the way."

Wang Ming said with a smile, but this time there was a little evil in his voice, which was affected by the shadow armor.

After Wang Ming finished speaking, he waved his hand. The next moment, the environment around the two of them turned upside down. When Pluto came back to his senses, he found himself in a strange starry sky.

"This is the other side of the universe. We can fight with our hands and feet without worrying about damaging the earth."

Just when Pluto was puzzled, Wang Ming took the initiative to explain that this was just a simple means of space replacement. With the blessing of the Shadow Armor, it is not unusual for Wang Ming to be able to do this.

"It's a good way."

Pluto commented very calmly, but Wang Ming had already put on a fighting stance.

"Then let's start now."

"it is good."

Pluto responded, and then black mist began to rise from his body, and more and more of this black mist condensed on Pluto's head, and finally condensed into a phantom similar to his body.

"Xuanming Nebula!"

Pluto uttered the name of the move in a low voice, and opened the nebula body when he came up, obviously he had already attached great importance to Wang Ming.

After the Xuanming nebula was completely condensed, Pluto controlled it to wrap his body. Looking from the outside, it seemed that Pluto had suddenly grown bigger. The nebula body, which is more than ten meters high, was quite oppressive standing in front of Wang Ming. of.

"Come to fight!"

Seeing that Pluto was ready, Wang Ming was not polite, he just punched Pluto!
Pluto also controlled the nebula body and punched Wang Ming with a punch. Although his nebula body felt illusory, when the two fists collided, Wang Ming did not feel illusory at all. Punch!
There is no air flow in the universe, but the fluctuation caused by the punch of the two of them is a different kind of hurricane blowing in the universe starry sky.

The space was dented and trembling, almost torn apart, and then the two started a terrifying fight with an asymmetrical volume but appalling destructive power.

The speed of the two has exceeded the speed of light by an unknown number of times. Under the light of some stars, only two black shadows can be seen colliding non-stop, and then layers of invisible impacts set off the surrounding star fields.

For a while, the star field where the two were located seemed to be in a doomsday crisis. Smaller meteorites and even planets would be directly shattered into powder, while larger planets would be shattered into pieces.

Some stars with better luck and farther away will end up a little better, at most they will be extinguished by the invisible impact, while the closer stars will be directly kicked back and forth by the two of them like a ball.

At this time, the battle between the two has almost reached a god-level height. Reaching for the stars and taking the moon, covering the sky with one hand is what is being said.

When the two were fighting fiercely, Wang Ming even threw a black hole towards Pluto with one hand. The so-called black hole is a star with super-massive gravity. In fact, the black hole is not a hole, so Wang Ming was able to use it to smash people.

And Pluto's performance was quite fierce, he directly smashed the black holes one by one!

Although the official setting that Wang Ming has seen before, Pluto only has the power of ten black holes, but the combat power shown by Pluto now is definitely not as simple as ten black holes. The only explanation is that Pluto was sealed for 100,000 years. But it keeps getting stronger!

In terms of the intensity that Wang Ming feels of Pluto now, it is already close to half a step to the universe level. What is the concept of this?Cosmic level powerhouses can destroy a universe.

But now Pluto has been able to destroy half of the universe. This strength is far beyond the constellation level. Wang Mingde admitted that he had greatly misjudged the strength of Pluto. He underestimated the ultimate power of this world. strong.

"He is truly a powerful man, then you can try my trick."

"Nebula Explosion!"

The two separated again, and Pluto suddenly spoke to Wang Ming with his mind. His voice was full of excitement and fighting spirit, and then Wang Ming saw a rather shocking scene.

I saw Pluto casually looking towards the starry sky on the left, and a galaxy over there with a diameter of at least [-] light-years began to shrink rapidly, and then flew towards Pluto at an incredible speed!

What is the concept of a galaxy with a diameter of [-] light-years?This thing is about the same size as the Milky Way. Holding the sun, the moon, and picking up the stars is far worse than this. Pluto holds the galaxy with his hands and plays with it in the applause.

When the galaxy flew over, although it looked slow, it was quite fast. In just three to five seconds, it had been shrunk down to the size of five or six meters by Pluto, and he held it in his hand.

Then Pluto's figure disappeared strangely, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Wang Ming, his right fist was raised high, and the fist containing the power of an entire galaxy smashed towards Wang Ming!

There was a loud noise, like a big bang when the universe opened up. Although Wang Ming had already reacted and wanted to avoid Pluto's powerful punch, he chose to take it hard in order to clear up the bond value faster. !
The next moment, the entire starry sky trembled slightly. Of course, this was just an illusion, because there was an invisible and terrifying impact that swept across the entire starry sky, resulting in this visual illusion.

Although the trembling of the starry sky is an illusion, the galaxy where the two are located has suffered a catastrophe. As the core of the explosion, it has withstood the force equivalent to the explosion and collision of two galaxies, and its fate can be imagined.

The nearby stars were all blown up into dust, the gaseous stars were all blown away, the solid stars were blown into starry dust, and the stars were directly extinguished. The entire galaxy was forcibly destroyed by the two fists.


Before the power of the fist of the two of them was completely dissipated, the surrounding space began to crack and shatter, falling like smashed glass, and the punch of the two of them shattered the barrier of the universe .

There is a big hole in the space, and the other side of the hole is another parallel universe, originally.If you want to travel between parallel universes, you need to pass through natural wormholes.

And the fist of the two directly opened the portal of another parallel universe, but it is not known whether it is the barrier of the fourth parallel universe or the sixth parallel universe.

(End of this chapter)

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