Chapter 179 Battle of Myths!

After a stalemate between Pluto and Wang Ming for a while, they continued to fight. When their fists and feet collided, they exchanged millions of punches in one breath.

The speed of its attack had already exceeded the speed of light, and because Wang Ming was distracted and thought about other things, he was caught off guard by Pluto's punch in the chest.

Wang Ming immediately flew upside down, smashed into space, and fell into another parallel universe. Upon seeing this, Pluto rushed up and wanted to punch Wang Ming again.

But this time Wang Ming came to his senses, he moved a little for real, and then he punched Pluto Nebula's head hard!

Accompanied by the sound of space shattering, Pluto's body was smashed into an unknown space by Wang Ming, and Wang Ming followed him into this space.

This is a space full of sea water, and there is no land at all. It seems that this place should be a metaspace, not a parallel main universe.

Pluto's body fell from the sky and slammed into the sea water like a cannonball. Suddenly, the calm sea water space became turbulent, and all the sea water seemed to be boiling.
And almost the moment Pluto fell into the sea, Wang Ming had already come in front of him again, raised his right fist high, and then smashed it down with the terrifying power of darkness!

The terrifying shock wave almost shattered this metaspace. The space was like a shattered mirror, with large areas of cracks appearing. Pluto's body was knocked out of the metaspace again, and then fell into another metaspace.

Wang Ming punched more than 400 punches in a row, and Pluto's body shattered at least hundreds of metaspaces and penetrated tens of thousands of metaspaces.

As for why this happened, it was because sometimes with one punch from Wang Ming, Pluto's body would have pierced through several or even dozens of metaspaces.

However, these metaspaces attached to the periphery of the parallel universe are almost endless, and it's okay to create whatever you want, and it won't affect the main universe, so Wang Ming started to fight boldly with confidence.

"You also give me enough time!"

Pluto's slightly angry voice came into Wang Ming's ears, and after saying this, Pluto's speed began to increase terrifyingly. When Wang Ming reacted, Pluto had already punched Wang Ming hard. On his chest!

"Xuanming Tribulation!"

clap la la...

Wang Ming was caught off guard by this blow. Immediately, he felt an unmatched force coming from his chest, and he flew out uncontrollably, crashing into layers of space and piercing through the I don't know how many layers of element space it takes to stop!

The power of Pluto's punch just now was enough to destroy dozens of galaxies. Even with the protection of the Shadow Armor, Wang Ming also felt a little tight in his chest.

"Ahem, ahem, it's not rude to come and go, you should also try my trick!"

"Shadow Star Swirl!"

Wang Ming coughed a few times to stop his slump, and then he finished accumulating the moves before Pluto rushed over, and the endless power of darkness gathered on his right fist.

That is the original blackness, the original darkness, the power of the world and the universe before chaos!
Wang Ming took the lead before Pluto came over, and punched Pluto hard in the chest!
At this moment, the endless darkness engulfed Hades and surrounded him, and then Hades, engulfed in this pure and dark power of darkness, turned into a black shadow like ink and flew out.

Layers of space barriers emerged behind Pluto, and his body penetrated through many space barriers in an instant, and the smaller metaspace was directly smashed by him, and disappeared into the universe.

The larger metaspace was directly smashed through, and then set off boundless wind and turmoil. Pluto's body barely stopped after passing through millions of metaspaces.

Wang Ming punched through millions of yuan spaces!What is this concept?Each metaspace is equivalent to a small world in a fantasy novel. Wang Ming punched through millions of small worlds, probably because of this power.

"Cough, cough, what a terrifying strange power, what a pure power of darkness, you are a top powerhouse."

Pluto vomited blood directly from Wang Ming's punch, but he was not angry, instead, he looked at Wang Ming with more fiery fighting intent in his eyes.

"How about we decide the outcome with one blow."

Wang Ming did not choose to take advantage of the victory to pursue. He looked at the bond value on the tablet and found that it had reached 90.00% five before he knew it, so he proposed.

The battle between the two was quite fierce, it could even be said to be terrifying, not to mention the planets, even the galaxies can only be manipulated wantonly like a toy in the confrontation between the two, Pluto's half-step cosmic level strength It's really not covered.


Pluto also agreed without hesitation, and he also felt that if the two of them continued to fight without using their real strength, it would have no effect at all except meaningless destruction.

After Pluto finished speaking, he immediately started to act. He raised his hands to the sky and then gave a loud drink.

"Xuanming black hole!"

As soon as Pluto's words fell, there was a wind blowing in the void, and then a rather spectacular scene happened. A small black hole with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared above Pluto's head.

And this small black hole began to expand rapidly after it appeared, and reached the size of a constellation in the blink of an eye. Due to its terrifying gravity and mass, countless metaspaces around it were directly sucked into the black hole, crushed into pieces. part of the black hole.

This is Pluto's strongest stunt: Xuanming Black Hole!
This is a terrifying black hole that can crush and absorb even time, latitude, and space. Compared with this black hole, the natural black hole is like the difference between a giant and an ant. Even the largest black hole that is naturally born in the universe does not have Pluto The Xuanming black hole is powerful!
'Shadow Seizing Soul Knife! '

Wang Ming also became serious at this time. He took out the weapon card and inserted it into the driver, took out the matching weapon of the Shadow Armor, and then took out a skill card and inserted it into the driver.

'Shadow Extermination Slash! '

The incomparably huge shadow must-kill post appeared in front of Wang Ming. Wang Ming held the shadow-defeating soul knife and tapped the word "destroyed" on the certain-kill post. In the next second, all the power on the shadow-kill post gathered on Wang Ming's blade. middle.

"go with!"


Pluto and Wang Ming yelled at almost the same time, Pluto smashed the Xuanming black hole at Wang Ming brutally, and Wang Ming also slashed with a knife that could be said to destroy the world!

The moment the Xuanming Black Hole collided with the Shadow Extinction Slash, an extremely powerful and terrifying explosion erupted, and after the first explosion, many explosions sounded like a chain reaction.

Countless metaspaces were completely torn apart and turned into cosmic dust by the move of the two. The space barriers of the seven parallel universes were all torn apart in an instant, and the terrifying explosion power directly penetrated the outer layer of the parallel universe. The barriers have affected the main universe!
(End of this chapter)

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