Chapter 181 Shura Lion King VS Snow Emperor
Ye Lingyun also stared at the Lion King in amazement. At this time, the Lion King's aura was not weaker than that of Pluto and Snow Emperor. His changes attracted everyone's attention.

"I'm not too sure. You have to ask Wang Ming. He gave me this power."

Lion King didn't know how to explain Pluto's doubts, so he resolutely threw the blame on Wang Ming. Facing Pluto's suspicious eyes, Wang Ming just shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

"It's just a small toy, I just lent it to him to play with, and I will take it away afterwards."

After listening to Wang Ming's words, the corners of the mouths of the other three present couldn't help but twitch. Do you call this powerful force a small toy?Why don't you go to heaven?

Seeing Wang Ming's appearance, Pluto also knew that he didn't intend to explain, so he simply didn't bother to care about it, and the Lion King was eager to try, wanting to beat the Snow Emperor.

"Snow Emperor, you were very domineering just now, do you dare to fight with me?"

The Lion King's tone was a bit arrogant, but his appearance was more in line with the attributes of the Shura Armor. For details, please refer to the first Summoner of the Shura Armor, Emperor Yan.

"Hmph, the weak are weak after all. After gaining strength, they start to get carried away. Anyway, let me teach you what is the real strong."

Xuehuang's posture is still arrogant, and she seems to have no regard for the Lion King at all. Although she believes in love and promotes great love.

But her love is only for a few ethnic groups, and she doesn't have any love for the several ethnic groups in the underworld camp, so it is normal for her attitude to be like this.

His behavior and ideas made Wang Ming think of Buddhism inexplicably. The ideas of the two have something in common, and everyone who is not my religion is heresy.

To be precise, it should be somewhat similar to Theravada Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism saves oneself and the people around you, while Mahayana Buddhism saves all beings.

At this time, the Lion King could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, he summoned the Shura Purgatory Knife without a teacher, and slashed towards the Snow Emperor with one blow!

"Out of control."

"Holy Glory Nebula."

Xue Huang gave a cold shout and then moved his hands falsely. The next moment, a phantom phantom, which looked similar to her own, appeared behind her. This was Xue Huang's nebula body.

With the power of 6 white holes, if converted into black holes, it is about 9 black holes. As for Xuehuang who said that her power has been improved, I don’t know if it is true or not. If it is true, then she probably has more than 9 black holes now. The power of a black hole.

Xue Huang controlled the nebula body and slapped it with one palm, and the next moment, she hit the Shura Purgatory Knife carrying the light of lightning!

It's sizzling!


The monstrous purple thunder engulfed the palm of the Xuehuang Nebula, and the huge explosion sound spread throughout the surrounding space, because this is the reason for the junction of the vast metaspace and the main universe, so many rules are not complete, and there is no void. There is a rule that no sound can be transmitted.

"What a domineering Thunder."

The two broke up immediately, Xuehuang looked at the Lion King and frowned and said to himself, but now it should be called the Shura Lion King.

She was injured by the sanctioning thunder of Shura's armor just now. Shura's armor has the power to judge all things in the universe. If she is hit by its thunder, she will lose her skin even if she doesn't die. Even Xue Huang's current performance is considered a strong performance.

"Hahaha! Come again!"

Seeing that he had broken the defense of the Xuehuang Nebula body in a single encounter, the Lion King was very excited. He no longer suppressed his emotions, and started to do things according to his heart, and this way he could better exert the power of the Shura armor.

"Tsk, you ecstatic villain."

The Snow Emperor clicked his tongue a little displeased, and then she didn't hold back anything, she took the initiative to attack the Lion King, and the next moment, the two began to fight fiercely in this special space.

The speed of the two was extremely fast. Except for Pluto and Wang Ming who could clearly see their movements, Ye Lingyun could only see a purple afterimage colliding with the white afterimage.

Every time the afterimages of the two colors collide, the surrounding space will be shaken, and a large number of holy rays of light and purple thunder will illuminate the entire starry sky.

Because the two were fighting at the edge of the crack opened by Wang Ming and Pluto that runs through the seven parallel universes, so the powerhouses of the seven parallel universes only need to look up to see the ongoing battle between these two figures.

"It's such a terrifying abnormal energy fluctuation. That white figure seems to be the Snow Emperor. Who is that person fighting her? I've never seen it before."

Yuan Zheng looked up at the huge crack above the starry sky and muttered to himself. The Whale Shark King beside him also looked through the crack, but with his strength, he couldn't see the specific situation clearly.

He could only see two blurred afterimages fighting, and the space around the crack trembled from time to time as the two clashed, because the things around the crack were almost destroyed by the explosion made by Wang Ming and Pluto. No, now the two of them can't destroy anything when they fight.

"God and Demon Exterminate!"

The Lion King fiercely slashed out a huge purple saber aura and went straight towards the Snow Emperor. The moment the purple saber aura appeared, the space began to shatter, which shows its terrifying power!
"I don't know what to do, but I let you do a few tricks, do you really think you are very powerful? If this is the case, then you should have a good experience of what a real strong person is like."

"Bai Xue Shenghui!"

The Snow Emperor's eyes were dark, and there was a hint of anger in his tone. The lightning of Shura's armor struck her a little bit uncomfortable just now. Now that the Lion King is so aggressive, she is not going to hold back.

Immediately, the Snow Emperor controlled the Holy Glory Nebula, and shot a holy and terrifying beam of light at the Lion King!
Xuehuang's move was real, and Pluto's face changed slightly when he saw this, because the strength that Xuehuang showed at this time was indeed far more than 100,000 years ago.

And Wang Ming also felt that the power of Xuehuang's blow was no worse than that of Pluto just now. There is no doubt that Xuehuang has been growing and becoming stronger in the past 100,000 years. Now she is also a half-step universe-level powerhouse !
"Tsk, why are the strengths of these ones so much stronger than the original ones? Forget it, you can do it now."

Wang Ming thought for a while, and felt that it would be good to take this opportunity to fill up the bond value of the Snow Emperor. Immediately, he took out the tablet again and bound the bond value of the Snow Emperor as quickly as possible.

At this time, the huge purple saber energy over there also collided fiercely with the pure white beam of light!
The scene of the earth-shattering explosion and catastrophe was transmitted to the seven parallel universes, and everyone could see the terrifying scene at the other end of the space rift.

This powerful force directly drilled out of the space crack and affected the seven parallel universes, but it still did not cause any damage, because what should be destroyed has already been destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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