Chapter 182 Emperor Armor VS Snow Emperor!

clack clack...

The purple saber energy and the pure white beam of light were in a stalemate for a while, and there was a clear cracking sound, and the next second, the purple saber energy was completely shattered, and the pure white beam of light hit the Lion King's chest fiercely !

The Lion King was directly beaten and flew backwards, but Pluto quickly caught him, and he was also beaten until his armor was removed.

Seeing this, Wang Ming also directly ingested the Shura Summoner from the air, and after putting the Shura Summoner back on the dial, Wang Ming shifted his gaze to the Snow Emperor.

"You have become a lot stronger. Even if Pluto is at his peak, he may not be able to beat you. Yes, you are an opponent worthy of my shot."

Wang Ming looked at Xue Huang with a vision of examining prey and said, but due to the obstruction of the armor, outsiders could not see his expression, but the meaning contained in his tone was indeed quite obvious.

"who are you?"

Inexplicably, Xue Huang felt that Wang Ming was not pleasing to the eye, she asked in a cold tone, and Wang Ming replied with an arrogant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me."

As Wang Ming spoke, he took out a card. The golden figure on this card was very majestic and domineering. This was the Emperor Armor. Liu Dao card. Then Wang Ming directly inserted the card into the driver and pushed it with one hand!
"The Emperor's Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

As the voice on the belt sounded, a golden beam of light piercing through the seven parallel universes erupted from Wang Ming's body, sweeping across the entire seven parallel universes with mighty coercion like the might of the sky.

After feeling this breath, countless creatures knelt down and prayed for blessings from the heavens, and even those hidden strong men had the idea of ​​surrendering.

This is the power of the emperor's armor today, it overwhelms the seven parallel universes, and all living beings submit to it!
This is also the reason why Wang Ming doesn't use the Emperor's Armor now. The commotion is too loud. To use the Emperor's Armor against unqualified enemies is to use cannons to fight mosquitoes. Suitable.

"It's a powerful force, but it's very strange. I can't feel the attributes of this force, but it seems to contain everything."

Pluto looked at Wang Ming who had summoned the emperor's armor with burning eyes. At this time, there were six solemn and sacred halos behind Wang Ming. These rings formed by pure light were actually engraved with very complicated and ancient words. .

Of course Pluto and Snow Emperor didn’t know the words on it. The words on the halo were ancient words from the Ming Realm, and their approximate meanings were: the way of heaven, the way of Asura, the way of humanity, the way of animals, the way of hungry ghosts, and the way of hell.

And the halo facing the back of Wang Ming's head now is the Dao of Heaven, which also means that he is only using the power of the Dao of Heaven now. When Wang Ming uses the power of a certain Dao alone, the corresponding halo will rotate and move to the back of his head.

And when the Six Paths of Reincarnation halo behind Wang Ming started to turn, it proved that Wang Ming had fully activated the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The combat power of the pinnacle!
"The power of light, since you have such a pure power of light, why do you still stand on the side of Hades to help evildoers?"

After seeing Wang Ming's appearance, Xue Huang also raised her vigilance, and at the same time she was a little puzzled. In her understanding, light and darkness are incompatible, and light should not stand together with darkness.

"The way of heaven is not benevolent. I regard everything as a dog. In my eyes, light and darkness are equal. There is light to have darkness, and darkness to have light. Mutual generation and mutual restraint, and the cycle of heaven, you are too one-sided."

Wang Ming answered Xue Huang's question with a solemn and sacred tone, and then he directly attacked Xue Huang without waiting for Xue Huang to say anything!

"The way of heaven. Destroy the law!"

Wang Ming punched the space to collapse and explode, and countless laws were smashed and collapsed under this punch. This is a punch that destroys laws, and thousands of laws can be destroyed with one punch!
"Bai Xue Shenghui!"

Xue Huang didn't dare to be careless when she saw this, she used all her strength to hit her strongest blow, an incomparably holy light beam with endless bright power shot straight at Wang Ming!

The next moment, a crisp sound came into the ears of everyone present. There was no earth-shattering explosion, and there was no pinpoint confrontation as imagined.

Wang Ming's ordinary punch hit Snow Emperor's strongest kill, and then the pure white light beam disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

The strongest attack of the Snow Emperor was obliterated by Wang Ming. This is the terrifying power of the Emperor's Armor after it has been promoted to Six Paths.

"This, how is this possible!?"

"Nothing is Impossible."

Great shock appeared on Xuehuang's calm face, Wang Ming just said something lightly, then came to Xuehuang's side and punched hard!
This no-frills punch slammed into Snow Emperor's abdomen, and the latter turned into a white light and disappeared into this space.

Wang Ming is not afraid that she will take the opportunity to run away, because she cannot escape. Wang Ming stepped out of the law of space to operate, and the next moment he appeared behind Xuehuang, and kicked her hard on the back. .

Xuehuang had no chance to react at all, and under Wang Ming's all-round law, she had no room to resist.

Wanting to escape, Wang Ming directly crossed the space and came to her side.

Wanting to fight back, all her counterattacks were smashed by Wang Ming like a fly.

Sometimes she was even stopped by Wang Ming before she even made a counterattack. This was a unilateral attack, and there was no need to elaborate too much. After all, Wang Ming was using the Emperor Armor Six Ways.

However, Wang Ming acted with discretion. He didn't want Xue Huang's life. Although this guy was a bit hypocritical and extremely racist, what he did was actually just for human beings.

Positions belong to positions, and pros and cons belong to pros and cons. These two points must be clearly distinguished. Wang Ming will not help him destroy the Snow Emperor just because he admires Pluto, at most he will be taught a lesson.

After all, the idea that the strong are respected is correct, but Pluto's side is a bit overkill. No one wants to be a slave, no matter whether it is the strong or the weak.

In fact, mixing and synthesizing the ideas of Snow Emperor and Pluto can create a seemingly ideal society.

It's a pity that the personalities of both parties are a bit extreme, and it is impossible to sit down and talk about it. Neither party seems to know what the golden mean is, so they are destined to be enemies for life.

(End of this chapter)

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