Chapter 183 Reincarnation Breaking
And Wang Ming also has some ideas of his own, just like the Shadow Realm and the Bright Realm, light and darkness co-exist and are indispensable, and the two mutually generate and restrain each other.

The same applies here. In the seven parallel universes, it is impossible to implement only one idea. Even religious beliefs are diverse. How could the rule and rule be static.

As long as the two sides maintain a stable balance, the current eternal reincarnation of the Super Beast Universe is caused by the imbalance of light and dark forces.

Either Pluto's big advantage is to crush Xuehuang, or Xuehuang's three nebula powerhouses fought on Pluto's side during the peak period, so there are super beast warriors to maintain this balance.

That's right, 100,000 years ago, at the peak of the Snow Emperor's camp, there were three nebula masters. strong.

So 100,000 years ago, the Snow Emperor camp oppressed the Pluto camp, causing the super beast warriors to side with Pluto and become their comrades-in-arms. After 100,000 years, it was the other way around.

Among them, the super beast warriors played a vital role in balancing, and Wang Ming's idea was that after these 100,000 years, he used his absolute force to force the two camps to reach a balance, and this so-called eternal reincarnation would be broken up.

Wang Ming punched Xue Huang flying again, and then stopped thinking in his mind. That's right, he had been thinking about things just now, and he didn't seriously fight Xue Huang at all, but just when Wang Ming wanted to continue punching However, there was a beep coming from the tablet on his waist.


The sound of this notification sound also means that Wang Ming has obtained the ability card of Snow Emperor, and then Wang Ming did not continue to pursue.

'Has he stopped fighting? '

Xue Huang, who had just stabilized her body and was about to be beaten again, had such thoughts in her heart. She was almost beaten to tears by Wang Ming. She had never been so angry since she was a child. Even her parents never beat her like this. It is normal to feel a little wronged for a while after passing her.

"Okay, let's all come over and have a good talk."

Wang Ming's voice reached Pluto and Xuehuang's ears at the same time, and without waiting for the two to react, he waved his hand, and the two appeared in front of him immediately.

After an unknown number of light-years, he easily captured the two most powerful beings from the super beast universe. The current Wang Ming's strength is so terrifying.

"Wang Ming, what is this?"

Pluto looked at Wang Ming with some doubts, Xue Huang also looked at Wang Ming strangely and she was a little scared, Wang Ming also bluntly stated his purpose.

"Cut off the war. No one wants to unify the seven parallel universes. You two divide the territory and don't fight anymore. As a notary, I will kill anyone who wants to break the rules."

Wang Ming's words were very domineering. After hearing his words, Xue Huang and Pluto were a little confused. Seeing that they hadn't spoken, Wang Ming and Wang Ming assumed that they were acquiescing, so they continued talking.

"In the future, parallel universes [-], [-], and [-] will be under your jurisdiction, Xue Huang, and parallel universes [-], [-], and [-] will be under your jurisdiction, Pluto. As for the fourth parallel universe in the middle, it will be used as a buffer zone between the two of you. One person will occupy half, and if there are conflicts, you will fight." , it will be resolved in the fourth parallel universe, but there cannot be a large-scale all-out war, after I finish speaking, who is for and who is against?"


Both of them were confused by Wang Ming's domineering appearance. Only now did Pluto and Snow Emperor realize what Wang Ming was talking about.

However, how could Wang Ming resolve the deep hatred between the two parties with a single sentence? Pluto immediately wanted to refute, but Wang Ming just gave him a faint look, and he stopped talking.

Xuehuang wanted to refute at almost the same time as Pluto, and then she saw Wang Ming's clenched fist at some point, and suddenly gave up this bold idea.

"Very well, it seems that you are all satisfied with my handling. I have always been a democratic and fair person. If there are any opinions that can be raised, I will adopt them as appropriate. If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hide it. .”

Seeing that both parties had acquiesced, Wang Ming also nodded in satisfaction, and then Wang Ming discussed the follow-up matters with the two of them in detail.

The two of them had already accepted their fate at this time, even if they added up, it was not enough, Wang Ming beat him with one hand, what else could he do if he didn't accept his fate?
Anyway, after Wang Ming's strong intervention, the two sides quickly reached a truce agreement, and Pluto also released the other trapped White Tiger Clan members in the Xuanming black hole.

Pluto was quite unconvinced when he released the White Tiger Clan members, but after Wang Ming helped him revive his wife Phoenix afterwards, no amount of resentment he felt was gone.

With Wang Ming's current strength in the parallel universe, it is still no problem to resurrect a person by reversing time. Of course, this is only limited to the parallel universe.

In the multiverse, Wang Ming can't do this kind of thing. There's no way he doesn't have enough personality. Parallel universes and multiverses are completely different concepts.

A parallel universe is equivalent to a copy of the universe. What this universe has, it will also have in its parallel universe, but the fate of the characters in it will change.

For example, the first parallel universe also has Ye Lingyun and Tai Lei Longjian, and there are also them in other parallel universes, but their fates are different. From this point of view, the parallel universe is actually quite boring, because they are almost the same. So the same universe.

The multiverse is another concept. The multiverse is a huge group composed of countless completely different universes. Their biological diversity, the birth rate of the strong, and the degree of technological development far exceed that of parallel universes. .

Because the parallel universe is like a group of countless identical universes, but the fate of the creatures in each parallel universe is different.

Under Wang Ming's forcible intervention, Pluto and Snow Emperor had divided their territories, and they no longer had conflicts, so the big explosion that caused the time reincarnation never happened.

The most critical seven days have just passed. These seven days are the time within 100,000 years that can be used to travel to and from the seven parallel universes with the smallest cost. It does not mean that other than these seven days, it is impossible to travel to and from the seven parallel universes.

With the power of Pluto Snow Emperor, it can be done. It is not too difficult to bring a few people, but the cost is too high. If it is not a very important matter, they can all be contacted through special communication means, and basically they will not come in person.

And these seven days are actually the best time to start a war. After these seven days, they will have to wait another 100,000 years, but Wang Ming guesses that they don't have the courage to continue to start a war.

(End of this chapter)

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