Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 190 The strongest opponent I have ever met

Chapter 190 The strongest opponent I have ever met

"Tsk, you guys are cheating..."

Wang Ming was a little speechless, this Noah definitely has a half-step multi-level strength now, as for the defense power has reached the real multi-level.

After all, if you want to eliminate Noah's method, you can't do it without blowing up the entire Ultra Multiverse, which makes Wang Ming completely dispel the idea of ​​defeating Noah.

Without a doubt, this is the strongest opponent Wang Ming has ever encountered since his debut!
Now Wang Ming wants to procrastinate and grind up the bond value bit by bit. After he has filled up Noah's bond value, he will perform a face-to-face account hacking for him, and let him experience the feeling of being beaten by his own strength. taste.

"Outsider, you have used up all my patience. I have given you many chances, but you don't cherish them, so I will use all my strength to completely destroy you."

When Wang Ming took advantage of Noah's inattention and slapped him on the face again, Noah finally spoke again, this time with anger in his tone.

Under Wang Ming's slap attack, Noah was finally completely enraged. I have to say that the slap is really easy to use. Ming's bond value has reached 50.00%.

It is conceivable how irritating Wang Ming's move is. Wang Ming originally wanted to try the Millennium Kill or something, but he couldn't find a chance to do it, so he gave up.

'Lightning Noah! '

Noah made a classic posture of radiating light, and then shot a pure white light with an arc at Wang Ming!
Wang Ming's first reaction when he saw this was to avoid it. Just kidding, this guy vomited blood even in hand-to-hand combat.

Wang Ming subconsciously wanted to use the time ability to increase the distance between the light and him, and then he found that this trick was useless for Noah's light, and Noah's light seemed to have a tracking function.

No matter how he turns around, he can't dodge it. The current plan is to fight hard or take it hard. Hard resistance is definitely impossible, so Wang Ming can only choose to confront Noah!

"Asura Road!"

Wang Ming yelled loudly, and then the six circles of samsara behind him began to rotate, and the circle of light belonging to the Asura Dao moved to the back of Wang Ming's head.

In the next second, the armor on Wang Ming's body began to change color, from bright gold to blood-like bewitching red, and this form can be called the Emperor's Armor. Asura Dao!

Among the six realms, the Heavenly Dao has the most comprehensive ability, but the Asura Dao's killing power is the strongest, so Wang Ming chose to use the Asura Dao's power to fight against Noah's light!
"Emperor Asura dies!"

Wang Ming took out the Aurora Sword at the fastest speed, and then concentrated the power on the sword body. The next moment, a huge red and black light beam shot out from the Aurora Sword, hitting Noah's light fiercely !
Two rays of light with extremely violent energy collided fiercely together, the barrier of the universe was instantly broken, and the terrifying energy shock wave spread tens of billions of light years in an instant. To put it simply, the energy generated by the collision of the two people this time The shock wave spread to the entire universe.

The starry sky, which was already relatively dim, completely turned off at this time, because all the stars swept by the energy shock wave were blown out or destroyed!
It is no exaggeration to say that if the move of the two of them hadn't consumed a lot of power when they collided, if one of them took it out and converted it into a range attack, it could directly blow up the universe.


The terrifying explosion only lasted for a while, and then Wang Ming's figure was sent flying by a white light with an electric arc.

That's right, Wang Ming lost the wave this time, and the half-step multi-level attack is not so easy to catch. The kill that Wang Ming released only weakened [-]% of the power of Noah's light.

With the remaining [-]% power, Wang Ming resisted with his chest firmly. Fortunately, his chest was protected by the Aurora Shield. Although he suffered some injuries, it was not considered a serious injury.

"Cough cough cough... What a terrifying attack, you have invoked the power of the multiverse again, right?"

Wang Ming coughed up a few big mouthfuls of blood, because the mask blocked it all on his face. At this time, his face was covered with blood and he looked a bit hideous, and Wang Ming was also really angry at this time.

"That's right, I mobilized the power of 130 six universes. I can only do this step because of the relatively short power storage time, but you can actually carry it, which really makes me a little impressed."

Noah almost answered every question, as if he didn't bother to hide anything from Wang Ming, but Wang Ming deliberately asked this sentence, in fact, he was delaying time, the six reincarnations in his body were running extremely fast, and it only took two breaths to recover. The injury he just suffered.

"You guy..."

Wang Ming was a little speechless, no wonder it was so difficult for him to pick up the move just now, the power of 130 and six universes are you kidding, he even wanted to report that someone here cheated.

Because there is a lot of information in these words, accumulating power for two to three seconds mobilizes the power of 130 six universes, and charging him for 1 minute, wouldn't it be possible to kill Wang Ming in seconds with one move?

The difference in strength between the peak of the universe and Duoyuan is indeed very different. Even if Noah is only a half-step Diversity, and it is a relatively weak half-step Diversity, it is not something that Wang Ming can resist now.

'The current plan is to successfully delay the time, so we can only actively launch an attack, not giving him a moment to breathe, not giving him any chance to accumulate energy, and delay until the bond value is full, or wait for him to have a chance to accumulate energy. After the power is over, I will really be killed by one move. '

Wang Ming secretly calculated the battle plan in his heart, almost instantly, he thought of how to delay the time, and then Wang Ming didn't hesitate anymore, he fully mobilized the power of the six paths of reincarnation in his body, and a layer of pale golden light enveloped him whole body!

"Six paths of reincarnation, fully open!"

With a low cry, Wang Ming used his last hole card, which was the power of fully opening the six paths of reincarnation. As Wang Ming's voice sounded, the six halos behind him also began to slowly rotate clockwise.

The speed of the six reincarnation halos ranges from slow to fast, and finally turns faster and faster, so fast that it is impossible to see clearly, until finally forming the illusion of a huge halo, it is because the speed is too fast, resulting in many afterimages. One piece formed this huge halo.

"The emperor's six reincarnation kills!"

Wang Ming's figure appeared in front of Noah in an instant, and then punched out fiercely. This punch carried the majestic power generated by the six paths of reincarnation. It will be so good.

Noah was caught off guard by Wang Ming, because he didn't expect Wang Ming to burst out with such a powerful force.

(End of this chapter)

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