Chapter 191 The Great Destruction


The moment Noah was hit by Wang Ming's punch, the surrounding space began to explode and shatter, followed by a loud noise, the barrier of the universe was blasted away, and Noah turned into a streamer and flew into another universe.

Naturally, Wang Ming wouldn't let him go so easily, the entire Ultra Multiverse was his territory, and it was just a thought for him to come back.

It is impossible for him to be beaten to another universe, and Wang Ming's oolong incident cannot be found, so Wang Ming has to pursue it with all his strength, and cannot give him a chance to breathe for a moment!
Wang Ming's body suddenly disappeared again, and then reappeared. When he reappeared, he had already come to Noah's side. Wang Ming did not hesitate to strike again!
The fist that shone with a golden halo mercilessly hit Noah who was just about to stabilize his posture. The latter suddenly turned into a stream of light and broke through the barrier of the universe, flying to another unknown universe!

Wang Ming swayed the power of the six realms of reincarnation just like that, and Noah was forced to smash one universe barrier after another, breaking into many unknown universes.

Wang Ming punched Noah's [-] punches in just half an hour, and Noah's body also traveled through [-] universes. Wang Ming also saw the diversity of multiverses clearly in this glimpse.

As a universe in the multiverse of Ultra, there are actually magical civilizations derived from it, not only magical civilizations, but also extremely powerful technological civilizations. These technological civilizations have already begun to explore the mysteries of the multiverse.

However, Wang Ming has never seen the emergence of civilizations such as cultivating immortals, which may be related to the nature of the Ultra Multiverse.

However, these universes have observed a spectacle today, a spectacle of two streamers of one gold and one silver breaking through the cosmic barrier and heading to the next universe. Of course, this spectacle can only be observed by powerful existences or technologically advanced civilizations.

'not good! '

Wang Ming's heart suddenly rang alarm bells. Because of the huge consumption of the six reincarnations in his body just now, the supply of energy was delayed for a moment, which caused a momentary loophole in Wang Ming's perfect combo.

And in the eyes of a powerhouse of their level, a momentary mistake would be fatal!

Sure enough, Noah seized this rare opportunity, and shot out an extremely hot red light from his chest, directly flying Wang Mingding out!

Wang Ming immediately flew upside down and smashed the barrier of the universe, and flew to another universe. The moment Wang Ming was shot out, he wanted to escape, but Noah suddenly appeared just like Wang Ming did to him just now. Punch hard at Wang Ming's side!
The fist exuding red flames slammed into Wang Ming's chest fiercely. A light mark appeared on the Aurora Shield that had not been removed from his breastplate. This punch actually directly broke the Aurora Shield. The defense directly affected Wang Ming's body!


Wang Ming really couldn't hold back, a mouthful of old blood mixed with internal organs spewed out, if it wasn't for the six realms of reincarnation running in his body all the time, this punch would have directly killed him!
But fortunately, Six Paths of Samsara repaired Wang Ming's injury in time. For such a serious injury, Six Paths of Samsara directly reset Wang Ming's physical state one second before, allowing his body to return to the state before the injury.

This is a way of going back in time, more effective than any healing skills, but it can't stop Wang Ming from being beaten.

bang bang bang...

What did Wang Ming do to Noah just now? Now Noah has returned everything to Wang Ming. Noah didn't even give Wang Ming a chance to breathe for a millionth of a second. He punched Wang Ming fiercely one after another. on the chest and head.

Wang Ming's body broke through countless cosmic barriers and flew to the depths of the unknown multiverse. Wang Ming punched Noah 10 punches, and Noah also repaid Wang Ming [-] punches, but Noah punched Wang Ming [-] punches. The boxing only took [-] minutes, and it can be regarded as using his own way to treat his body.

And the Aurora Shield on Wang Ming's chest has been beaten into an ugly pit, and his brain is also buzzing, but Noah didn't show mercy at all.

If it weren't for the defensive power of the Emperor's Armor combined with the abnormality of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Wang Ming would have been beaten to pieces. It is no exaggeration to say that the power of each punch of Noah is enough to blow up a universe.

His random punch is equivalent to the full blow of an ordinary cosmic level powerhouse. To be honest, Wang Ming was a little bit numb from the blow, the opponent's opening and closing were too powerful.

Wang Ming's fight against Noah is tantamount to confronting the entire Ultra Multiverse, and Noah's fight against Wang Ming is equivalent to the entire Ultra Multiverse hammering him together. Who can stand it?

However, after Noah caught Wang Ming and beat him up, he also stopped the melee combat. Countless rays of light began to converge on him with his hands spread out.
'Tsk, why is it only 90.00% of the bond value of two, it's obviously almost there! '

Wang Ming roared unwillingly in his heart, as long as he persisted for a while, or found a chance to connect with Noah, he would be able to solve the current predicament, and use Noah's own strength to cooperate with Liu Dao reincarnation to beat him back .

Here, if Wang Ming succeeds in brushing Noah's bond value, he will not only gain Noah's own power, but all the multiverse power that Noah uses now will be copied and turned into cards. Now Noah No matter how strong he is, Wang Ming will only become stronger after his transformation.

At this time, Noah had already stored energy for more than ten seconds. He had been accumulating energy since he saw that Wang Ming hadn't moved, how long he could store it, and strived for Wang Ming's move in seconds!
"I'm not going to sit still!"

Wang Ming let out a low cry, and then mobilized his whole body's strength. The six reincarnations behind him began to rotate crazily. Wang Ming had already begun to overload the six reincarnations. He had to make the last fight!
'Noah. Hellfire! '

After Noah saw that Wang Ming was about to amplify his moves, he immediately stopped accumulating energy and prepared to strike first. He crossed his hands, and a strange crimson light shot straight at Wang Ming!

But Wang Ming's skills hadn't moved forward for so long, and he was also ready for his strongest attack at this time. The Emperor Light's Battle Dragon had appeared behind him at some point.

Moreover, Wang Ming has already swiped the ability cards of Pluto, Xuehuang, and Yuanzheng. Although their strength is too small for this level of battle, it is better than nothing.

Then the Battle Dragon of Emperor Light began to disintegrate into a pile of fragments, and together with the Aurora Sword, formed a new set of external armor equipment. This brand new external armor equipment was a huge laser cannon barrel.

The six circles of reincarnation halo behind Wang Ming are continuously sending the power of the six circles into the muzzle of the gun. For a moment, the entire gun barrel emits a shining golden light!
When the power of the six paths of reincarnation reached a limit, Wang Ming shouted and pulled the trigger!

"The emperor's six realms are shattered!"

(End of this chapter)

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