Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 201 A Detective Agency With Only Two Persons

Chapter 201 A Detective Agency With Only Two People
"Haha, I fell outside yesterday and didn't wake up until now."

Wang Ming immediately made up a reason to get away with it. The extra memory in his mind just now told him that the beautiful Yujie in front of him was his immediate boss and also his boss, Tiandai Saori.

This detective agency is supported by two people. Originally, Wang Ming thought that he was the boss, but now it seems that he was thinking too much.

"Ah, you have been in a coma for a day, how is it, did you break it?"

When Shazhi heard this, she immediately went to Wang Ming's side and touched his head. Wang Ming, who was still a virgin, had never even held a girl's hand before. Such an intimate contact directly made him blush.

"Yo, are you shy?"

Saori obviously also noticed Wang Ming's performance, and a teasing smile appeared on her face, and Wang Ming immediately took two steps back to distance herself from her.

"It's all about talking, and it's all about watching, you don't need to touch your hands."

Wang Ming looked at Sazhi with a stressed reaction and said, and then he immediately recalled his relationship with Saori in his mind, he had to pretend to be the same as Wang Ming in Saori's memory.

Otherwise, it would be easy to cause suspicion, but Wang Ming thought about it for a long time, and he couldn't remember how he got along with him before. Wang Ming didn't even know whether he was soul-transmigrated or physically transmigrated.

It stands to reason that someone with an identity who is not a black household should be a soul wearer, but why Wang Ming in this world looks exactly like his previous life, Wang Ming had a lot of random thoughts in his mind for a while.

In the end, he didn't come up with a reason, and he could only play by ear, but fortunately, Saori didn't have much doubt about his performance, as if Wang Ming's previous style was the same as now.

In other words, Wang Ming didn't need to pretend anything, just be himself. After figuring out this joint, Wang Ming also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, you came back just in time, and there is a commission here that needs you to handle."

Saori smiled sweetly, then took out a document from behind the desk and handed it to Wang Ming. Although she was Yu Jie, she was not the cold type Yu Jie. What she gave to Wang Ming was A feeling of a big sister next door.

"I'll see what commission I'm looking for to find the missing Xiaoxing. Xiaoxing is... a cat?"

When Wang Ming got the commission, his face was a little weird. So that's what the detective agency does?And after seeing the word cat, Wang Ming suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, why is it a cat again?Sure enough, cats are the most troublesome pets.

"Why, is there a problem? Isn't this your specialty? After all, you are an expert in finding pets. Isn't that how you got your title of detective? There is no pet in the world that I can't get back! This sentence is yours. Let's talk."

Saori made a gesture of raising the gun to aim, and said in a very succinct manner, Wang Ming was completely speechless. It turns out that his title of detective means: a detective who is especially famous because he is good at finding lost pets.

"Yes, yes, I see. Is there anything to eat in the store? I'm starving to death. I haven't eaten all day."

Wang Ming replied somewhat discouraged. He originally thought that after he traveled through, some special event would happen. Even if he didn't intend to become an Ultraman who maintains world peace, he could become a well-known and famous detective.

In the end, the reality gave him a slap in the face, and that's right, there are so many difficult cases in real life that require detectives to do.

Detectives in real life don’t just help rich people secretly take pictures of whether their wives are cheating, or help rich women secretly take pictures of whether their husbands are cheating, or investigate some celebrities’ scandals, other than that, detectives seem to be unavailable What too much use.

Detectives in real life are more like an upgraded version of paparazzi, more professional and efficient than paparazzi, and are loved by the upper class.

"The ingredients are available, I'll make you omelet rice!"

"Then please trouble Miss Saori."


"What's the matter, Sister Saori?"

"No, it's fine."

Saori poked her chin with her index finger and said, but Wang Ming agreed without hesitation. Seeing that Wang Ming agreed so happily, Saori looked at him with some doubts, but the smile on her face in the next second became heated up.

After half an hour...

"No, don't! This is hell!"

"Hohohoho, Wang Mingjun, this is the fruit of my labor, you are not allowed to waste it, come, ah, have another bite."


Wang Ming was going through the greatest tribulation in his life at this time, a plate of purple omelet rice, it didn't look like it could be eaten.

But Wang Ming couldn't escape, so he had to bite the bullet and finish this plate of omelet rice that was even more hellish than hell cuisine. When Wang Ming walked out of the detective office, he felt that he had become a legendary zombie. There are no more souls, only the walking dead.

"Ah... why is it so unfortunate that such a beautiful girl made rice that made me see hell!"

Wang Ming complained a little weakly. Now he is weak and his whole body is numb. When Wang Ming was a little unsteady and sat under a tree to enjoy the shade, a black shadow quickly swept down from the branch above his head. It landed steadily on top of Wang Ming's head.

"Damn it, what the hell!"

Wang Ming was so frightened that he just wanted to stand up and back away, and then the thing on top of his head fell into his arms. A pair of big blue eyes were staring at Wang Ming curiously, and Wang Ming also looked at it like a ghost. Then, a kitten suddenly appeared in his arms.

"Xiao Xing?"

Wang Ming looked at the cat and subconsciously said something familiar, and then got an affirmative answer, and then Wang Ming was speechless.

According to the entrustment, the owner of this cat has been looking for this cat for half a month without a trace, and he was hit on the head by it as soon as he went out. Is it lucky or unlucky?

"Forget it, take it back and talk about it."

Wang Ming muttered helplessly, and then returned to the detective agency with the kitten in his arms. Seeing that Wang Ming left and returned so quickly, Saori asked a little strangely.

"Did something fall?"

"Here, I found it."

Wang Ming held the back of Xiaoxing's fate and handed it to the front. Seeing this, Shazhi's eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes were full of $ when he looked at Xiaoxing.

The reward given by the client of this kitten is 200,000 yen, which is equivalent to about [-] Huaxia coins. Because of its special significance, there is such a high price. From the time Wang Ming accepted the commission to the completion of the commission, It took just under an hour.

Earning 200,000 yen an hour is simply a cash cow. Because of Wang Ming's high efficiency, Saori even looked at Wang Ming with softer eyes.

"Wang Mingjun, are you still hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

"No, no, I have to leave first!"

Wang Ming was so frightened that he ran away, leaving only Sazhi who was stroking the cat with a smile on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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