Chapter 202 New Commission
At this time, TPC is starting to transform Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-] into fighter jets against monsters. The previous Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-] have no attack capabilities, and at most they carry a little smoke bomb , not even a single missile.

Because there were no monsters at all before, and now there are creatures like monsters, TPC has already begun to take corresponding measures, but this temporary transformation plan is actually not very stable.

Dagu and Xincheng can’t blame them all for their frequent crashes, because this is an exploration aircraft changed into a fighter jet. Some places are incompatible, and it’s normal for the operation to affect the control. Well, yes, it must be like this .


In this way, three days passed in a flash. During these three days, Wang Ming received a lot of requests to find pets, and he didn't know why.

Every time he receives an entrustment to go out to find these pets, within an hour, these pets will appear in front of him very strangely, or Wang Ming will experience it personally from time to time, he will think that these pets are playing fairy dance together with him. Woolen cloth.

But today Wang Ming finally received the task of traveling over by himself. The first task was not to find a pet. Saori looked at Wang Ming very excitedly and said with a stack of documents.

"Wang Mingjun, this time we received a big order. The commission for this commission is 2 million yen. The commission was sent by the owner of a quarry on Kura Island. He heard that you are very good at finding animals.

So I would like to invite you to look for the legendary beast Gakuma in Kura Island. If you don’t find it, the reward of 2 million yen is still yours, but if you find it, the other party is willing to pay an additional reward of 8 million yen in return! "

Sazhi pressed her hands on Wang Ming's shoulders, shaking excitedly, but Wang Ming's attention was not in the entrustment she said at all. To be honest, he is a little distracted now.

Because the distance between the two is relatively close, and the weaving width is relatively large and considerable, they will bump into Wang Ming from time to time, how can Wang Ming bear this, almost nosebleeds.

Don't blame him for being worthless, but he can't bear this stimulation.

"Sister Saori, please stop for a moment, I'm a little dizzy."

"Haha, sorry, I was too excited."

In the end, Wang Ming couldn't stand the shaking anymore and hurriedly said, Shazhi really thought that she had shaken Wang Ming until he became dizzy, so she immediately stopped moving.

Then Wang Ming took the information that Shazhi handed over and looked at it. What was written in the information was similar to what Shazhi said just now, but the more Wang Ming read the information, the more familiar it became, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Especially the name Jakuma gave Wang Ming an inexplicable sense of familiarity. If Wang Ming hadn't lost his memory, he might be able to immediately remember that it was the name of a monster, but now that he has lost his memory, he can't recall many things.

After all, they are all childhood memories. Who can remember them so clearly? Every monster’s name is a mouthful. If you don’t memorize it specially, you can’t remember it at all.

"You can go and have a look, anyway, you won't lose money."

After Wang Ming read this sentence, he expressed his own opinion. This is also his sincere words. After all, 2 million yen is almost equivalent to [-] Huaxia coins. It is still a good deal if it is just a business trip.

"Sister Saori, are you going?"

"I won't go, I have to stay in the store to accept the commission, I can't eat the last meal without the next meal."

Wang Ming asked casually, and then got an unexpected answer. For a small firm like theirs, it would be a huge loss to lose a commission at random. Because there are relatively few people entrusting it, it will be a bit embarrassing.

Here, by the way, the relationship between Wang Ming's identity and Saori is not an ordinary boss-employee relationship. Saori should be regarded as Wang Ming's distant cousin, the kind who is five or six generations away, and has almost no blood relationship. It doesn't matter, this is something Wang Ming only recalled recently.

He felt that he had forgotten a lot of things, but occasionally he could recall some, which was considered good news.

"Okay then, I'll go back and pack my luggage and leave later."

"come on!"

Wang Ming put the materials into his briefcase, greeted him and was ready to go out, while Saori clenched his small fists to cheer him up.

It was only in front of Wang Ming that Saori would reveal her true character. In front of outsiders, she basically looked like a high-cold iceberg royal sister, with a look of keeping strangers away.

Originally, Wang Ming thought it was an ice sculpture beauty, but it turned out to be a sand sculpture beauty. After getting along with her for a few days, Wang Ming found that this guy had nothing but beauty.

Not to mention that her cooking skills are comparable to those of a British chef, and she is always clumsy in doing things. She often does not bring a change of clothes when she goes to the shower, and Wang Ming has to send them to her every time, which makes Wang Ming feel extremely embarrassed.

"Oh, I can finally rest for a few days."

Wang Ming packed his luggage from the apartment shared with Shazhi, and he sighed a little when he went out, then he took a car to the pier, took a boat across the sea and finally arrived at Kura Island that night.

Because this is a private quarry, there is no fixed flight. Wang Ming rented a small fishing boat by himself and asked the boatman to bring him here. The field boss greeted him warmly.

"You must be Mr. Wang Ming, a famous detective. I have been waiting for you for a long time. You must help me this time. The price is easy to negotiate."

"Mr. Yamada is polite, let's talk about that beast in detail."

The owner of the quarry, Yamada Yu, held Wang Ming's hand very enthusiastically, and Wang Ming responded very politely, and then Wang Ming came to the office that belonged exclusively to Yamada Yu, and Wang Ming asked straight to the point.

"Mr. Yamada, I'll just say it straight. Don't hide it from me. The information is not very detailed. You must have something you want to tell me in person. It should be some secret?"

"Hahaha, you really deserve to be a detective. You really have a keen sense of smell. I believe in Mr. Wang Ming's professional ethics, but some things can't be written down and can only be dictated. That's why I invited Mr. Wang Ming over here in person."

Yamada Yu had a sly smile on his face. Wang Ming naturally knew what he meant. Generally, these mine bosses would hide some accidents that happened in the mine for reputation or other reasons. It proved that something big happened to this quarry.

'No wonder you gave me such a high price. '

Wang Ming muttered in his heart that he probably understood, but he still said with a sincere smile on his face.

"Although Mr. Yamada said, I have received professional training and will not leak secrets."

(End of this chapter)

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