Chapter 203 Exploring the Mine
"Very well, Mr. Wang Ming is indeed a professional, so I will be blunt. Three workers disappeared in the mine a few days ago. Two workers who were traveling with them said that those three people were turned into stone by the mythical beast Jakuma. eaten."

"But the mythical beast Jakuma is just a legend on the island, so I suspect that the two workers are lying to me. There has indeed been an abnormal vibration in the ground recently, and many mines have collapsed. That's why I want to ask Mr. Wang Ming to help. Make sure Is there such a monster, if so, I can report it."

Yamada Yu said a lot in one breath, basically explaining the cause and effect clearly. Wang Ming heard a meaning from his words, afraid of taking responsibility.

Because if such a monster does exist, if he continues to mine it, he will lose everything if something happens.

But if there is no such thing, he hastily notified the government to suspend work and block the mine, and then investigate slowly. This set of procedures will go down well. His mine will not open for at least a few months. Counting hundreds of millions of yen.

That's why he wanted to ask Wang Ming, a detective who is very good at finding creatures, to investigate whether this matter is true or not, so that he can make corresponding countermeasures.

"I probably know the reason. At that time, I will take a camera to investigate in the mine. If I really find the mythical beast Jakuma, I will take a photo to prove it."

Wang Ming thought about it for a while, and gave an accurate answer. Yamada Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words.

"Then please leave it to Mr. Wang Ming. After the matter is completed, there will be a generous reward."

"Mr. Yamada, you're being polite. It's all part of my job. I'll go to the mine tomorrow morning to investigate."

Wang Ming replied very politely, and then he lived in the room arranged by the mine. Early the next morning, Wang Ming entered the mine wearing professional equipment.

Wang Ming was led by the two workers who had escaped from Jakuma's hands. After they brought Wang Ming to a fork in the depths of the mine, they dared not move forward.

"Mr. Detective, we don't know which way to go down, because we were too flustered at the time, so we forgot. Now this area has no workers willing to come, so it has been deserted. You must be careful. , Jakuma really exists!"

The two workers said to Wang Ming with a look of panic. It could be seen that they were quite scared when they came here. If the mine owner had not charged them a high price, they would not have come to lead the way.

"Okay, I see, you go back."

Wang Ming nodded very calmly, and then, regardless of the reaction of the two workers, he chose a random path and walked in. The two workers ran away in a hurry after seeing Wang Ming go in.

Wang Ming didn't panic when he walked into the mine. He wore a head-mounted light on his head, a camera in his left hand, and a spark prism in his right hand. If anything went wrong, he would transform immediately.

Only with such thorough preparations would Wang Ming have the courage to search for the existence of suspected monsters alone.

huh... huh...

As Wang Ming walked, he heard a very strange sound, like thunder in a cave, dull, low and rhythmic sound, constantly coming from the front.

Seeing this, Wang Ming raised his highest vigilance immediately, and continued to walk forward for a while, then Wang Ming stopped. The scene that appeared in front of his eyes could make ordinary people scream in fright.

There is a huge head in front of Wang Ming. This is the head of a monster with a single horn. After seeing it, Wang Ming immediately remembered that this is one of the monsters that appeared in the original book. Its name is his. I forgot it before but I still remember it.

'It turns out it's called Jakumar. '

Wang Ming murmured to himself, and then he took out the specially adjusted camera to take pictures under the light. Wang Ming's specially adjusted camera will not have flash and shutter sound.

So don’t worry about waking up Jakumar who is snoring in front of you. Wang Ming took more than a dozen photos in a row, from all angles. Of course, he only took the head, and Jakumar’s body was still buried in the soil. Can't see it at all.

After finishing his job, he and Wang Ming slowly backed away and exited the mine bit by bit, and he was not relieved until he reappeared on the ground.

"Okay, the job is done, it's really a surprise."

After seeing Wang Ming coming up, Yamada Yu, who had been waiting outside, immediately greeted him, and he said enthusiastically.

"How is Mr. Wang Ming? Have you gained anything?"

"I'm afraid you're going to have a headache for a while."

Wang Ming shook the digital camera in his hand very seriously, and then he showed the photos one by one to Yamada Yu. The latter saw his hands and feet were cold and his back was sweating.

He never thought that there was such a big monster sleeping under his feet. After the initial shock, he immediately began to think about countermeasures in his mind.

"Mr. Wang Ming, it's thanks to you that I didn't suffer such a big loss this time. The agreed commission, I'll transfer it to your account later, and now I'll notify the higher-ups and organize the evacuation."

Although Yamada Yu is a black-hearted mine owner, he is still very clear about some major events. If this monster makes a riot, no one on the island will survive.

At that time, even if he escapes by chance, he will have to pay for his underpants. Although he will lose a lot if he organizes the evacuation and notifies the senior management, it is nothing compared to the wealth he has accumulated over the years.

"Well, Mr. Yamada is indeed a smart man."

Wang Ming praised, and then Yamada Yu began to contact the ship and inform the superior department that so many workers needed a big ship to take them away at once.

The security department promptly forwarded the news to the Victory Team. It has to be said that the Victory Team's efficiency is really fast. After a while, the newly refitted Feiyan [-] and Feiyan [-] landed on Kura Island. .

At this time, all the workers were gathered at the pier, everyone including Wang Ming, were waiting for the arrival of the escort ship, and it would take about an hour for the arrival of the ship. Before that, he could only wait quietly. .

"Mr. Wang Ming, this is the Dagu member of the Victory Team. He wants to know about the situation of the mine with you."

When Wang Ming was getting bored waiting, Yamada Yu led Dagu to him, and Dagu was stunned when he saw Wang Ming, and Wang Ming was also stunned when he saw Dagu.

Dagu had rescued Wang Ming once in Feiyan-[-] before, and he had seen Wang Ming's face through the zoomed-in pictures of the plane. Wang Ming was a little surprised when he saw Dagu.

After all, this is a boy god. Although it is not as exciting as seeing a child goddess, it is also very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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