Chapter 204 Gakuma

"Hello, Dagu team."

"Hello, Detective Wang Ming."

Wang Ming smiled and stretched out his hand, and Dagu also reached out to shake his hand. At this moment, Dagu looked at Wang Ming very strangely. He didn't notice it much before, but the more he thought about what happened back then, the more something was wrong.

He clearly remembered that Wang Ming ran to the giant on the left that day, and the giant who revived with him was the one on the left, so now Dagu suspects that Wang Ming is also Ultraman's human body.

The other members of the winning team didn't know about this matter. Only Dagu watched the whole process, relying on his intuition and almost irrefutable evidence of being absent for a long time, Dagu was [-]% sure that the detective in front of him was another The human body of an Ultraman.

"Will you explain to me the situation at that time in detail?"

"of course can."

After a few words of politeness, Dagu and Wang Ming came to the other side and began to talk about business. Wang Ming also told everything he had seen and heard in the cave.

"So Jakumar is now in a deep sleep..."

While Wang Ming was discussing with Dagu, there was a loud noise from behind them, which came from the direction of the mine. Immediately afterwards, Wang Ming heard Yamada Yu's angry roar.

"What the hell is going on, who exploded without authorization!"

That's right, the loud noise just now was someone blasting in the mine, and it was a destructive blast, but before everyone could figure out why, everyone felt the ground tremble.


With a huge explosion and a terrifying roar, a monster with one horn and crawling limbs appeared in front of everyone. This is the rock monster Jakuma, which can release terrifying rays of light that can petrify living things.

And things are far from as simple as everyone thought, only to hear another explosion sounded, and another Jakuma came out of the ground. two corners.

"There are actually two monsters."

Wang Ming looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, but those workers were already frightened into stupidity. As for Dagu, he didn't know when he quietly left the crowd.

Just as the workers panicked, Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-] also took off and began to expel the two monsters.

Whoosh whoosh!
Beams of beams shot out from Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-], hitting the two monsters and splashing a large amount of sparks, but they did not cause much damage to these two Jakumas. Their actions On the contrary, it completely angered the two Jakumar.

Gakumar's eyes shone with hatred, and they rushed towards the pier. They had a lot of wisdom and knew that they couldn't beat the two little flies in the sky, so they chose to fight the group of little ants on the ground. revenge.

But at this moment, a white beam of light shot up into the sky, and then a purple, red, and silver giant appeared in front of everyone. At the critical moment, Dagu really turned into light.

However, everyone did not feel at ease because of the appearance of Tiga, because the concept of Ultraman has not been popularized yet, and no one knows whether his attitude towards human beings is good or evil. It is normal for these people to feel scared.

However, Wang Ming heard something different. He could hear the specific meaning from the seemingly meaningless roars of the two Jakuma, and he could understand what the monsters were saying.

"Why do you destroy my still attack greedy bugs...death to me."

"Brother, let's kill these nasty bugs together."

Wang Ming muttered to himself and repeated what he had just heard. This was what the two Jakumas said just now. However, in the chaotic situation at the scene, no one cared about Wang Ming's murmur to himself in such a low voice. .

At this time, Tiga had already fought with two Jakumars. He rushed up and hugged the Jakumar with two horns, trying to stop him from advancing, but the strength of the opponent was too strong. The top flew the composite form of Tiga.

Before Tiga could stand up, that Jakuma slammed on Tiga's body, patting his face with its two front paws, and the other Jakuma also rushed over. Siege Tiga together.

Originally, in a one-on-one situation, Tiga had no problem dealing with one of the Jakumars, but now I don't know which bastard it was, and woke up the two Jakumars directly.

The current Dijia is not controlled by the fighting consciousness of the main body. The big antique is indeed a bit of a dish. It was knocked to the ground after just a face-to-face, and then his chest was beaten by two Jakuma and four small claws.

After a while, Dijia's red light turned on, but he also seemed to realize that the composite form is not suitable for the current battle, so Dagu decisively switched to the red power form.

The next moment, the two Jakumar were overturned by him abruptly, and Di Jia stood up again, but now his chest was flashing with a red light, and it might be difficult to solve the two Jakumar at once.

"Although I don't want to care about this kind of thing, after all, humans are evil to these two Jakuma, and if humans don't mine the stones on this island, these two monsters won't wake up either.

But in the final analysis, I am just a mere human being, and I am not qualified to represent anyone to criticize the right and wrong of this matter, and Dagu saved my life again, it is time to pay back this favor. "

Wang Ming looked at Di Jia who fell below and muttered to himself, and finally decided to help. To be honest, he really hates fighting.

After all, he was just an otaku a few days ago, and it was really embarrassing for him to fight. He has no combat experience, but the current situation is that he has to.

"Oh, what a hassle."

Wang Ming hid in a remote corner and sighed helplessly, then he took out his spark prism from his pocket, and directly pressed the switch on it!
In the next second, another beam of light rose, and a giant with blue as the main part and silver as the supplement appeared in the field. This is the ultra-ancient giant who also came from 30 million years ago, Ultraman Soluka!

After Wang Ming's transformation, he rushed up and kicked the one-horned Jakumar flying away. Dagu's pressure was reduced by half, and he also kicked the other Jakumar flying away.

At this moment, the two Ultramans, one blue and one red, stood side by side. Dagu turned sideways and nodded towards Wang Ming, who also nodded in response.

Everything goes without saying, if Dagu had great doubts before, it is almost certain now that Wang Ming is Ultraman Soruka!
(End of this chapter)

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