Chapter 207 Power Station

"Yes, this is indeed a big order. By the way, this is the fruit I just bought."

Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction after reading the information, then he handed the fruit to Shazhi, and began to read the information in more detail.

There are some fragmentary clues here, Wang Ming is memorizing these clues very seriously, and keeps taking notes and sketching them on the map. Ideas make plans.

The two of them studied it seriously for several hours, and then came up with a few approximate areas. Wang Ming has also been trying to supplement the knowledge of various reasoning during this period of time.

As well as the most basic quality of being a detective, since you have done this job, you have to study hard. This is Wang Ming's attitude towards life and work.

The next day, Wang Ming and Saori split up and began to search, because the location of the entrustment this time was in the city. If someone looked for it, Saori could rush back to the detective agency at any time, so she also went out to search together.


"Next to this park seems to be the Tsuruzaki Power Station. Is it possible that I got lost here and ran into the woods?"

Wang Ming looked at the marked map in his hand and muttered to himself. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go into the mountains to have a look. After all, if the child was really lost in the city, then with black and white resources He should have been found long ago.

So now Wang Ming is somewhat suspicious that this brat has run into the mountain. This park was one of the favorite places for this brat to come to before. There are several mountains next to the park, and the center of the mountain provides the entire Kanto area. % Electricity of the Tsurusaki Power Station.

It can be said that as long as there is an accident here, Wang Ming has no air conditioner to blow at night. After deciding on the goal, Wang Ming walked directly into the mountains and forests.

The inside is not completely closed, there are many artificially dug forest paths, and there is a large road directly below the Tsurumaki Power Station.

Wang Ming searched the vicinity for a while, but found no clues. After thinking for a while, he took a ride on the road and rushed towards the Heqi Power Station.

Because Wang Ming thought that if the brat really got lost around, the workers of the power station might have some clues. After all, they usually patrol the nearby forests in order to maintain the lines and check the equipment.

Therefore, Wang Ming felt that instead of looking around like this, it would be better to ask the workers of these power plants, and there might be some clues, so Wang Ming went directly to the gate of the power plant.

This is a very large factory area, and various generators are running non-stop, continuously providing power to the city.

Just as Wang Ming got off the bus at the gate of the power station, after thanking the driver and giving some token fare, he met an electrician who came out of it.

The worker was carrying a lot of things on his back, and it looked like he was going to do circuit inspections. What Wang Ming wanted to ask most was this kind of worker who ran out every day, so he directly showed a kind smile and stopped the worker. in front of you.

"Hello, I'm a detective from Dongdu Detective Agency. I have something to ask. Of course, I won't let you answer it in vain. I'm willing to use [-] yen as a reward."

"You! Oh, hahaha, it's Mr. Detective. I'd be happy to answer your question."

When the electric worker heard the first half of Wang Ming's sentence, his face was not very good-looking, but after Wang Ming finished the second half of his sentence, his face changed from cloudy to clear, and he even laughed very boldly.

This fully proved that money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible. Wang Ming also seized the opportunity to start asking questions.

Then Wang Ming showed the electric worker the photo of the bear child he was looking for, and he selectively said how worried the child's parents were.

After the electric worker listened to Wang Ming's words, his expression gradually became serious. He stared at the photo carefully for a while, and then suddenly exclaimed.

"This kid looks familiar. I remembered it. Five days ago, A Tuo, who was in charge of the East District, brought a kid back from outside. The kid was covered in tattered clothes, like a little beggar. We asked him, but he didn't Answer, we are going to send him to the police tomorrow.

Because the number of workers in the park is limited, only tomorrow when A Tuo is on vacation will he have time to take the child outside. After all, this place is too remote, and the nearest police station is about [-] kilometers away. Normally, those guys would not drive here. Yes, nothing major happened after all. "

The electric worker told everything he knew without reservation, and Wang Ming nodded understandingly when he heard the words. It turned out that the truth of the matter was like this.

It may sound outrageous, but if this happened in Japan, it would be normal. After all, Japan is said to be all rural areas except Tokyo. 80.00% of the police force in Japan is concentrated in the core urban circle headed by Tokyo. .

In a remote place like this, a small police station within [-] kilometers is considered good. Now Wang Ming is a little curious, how did this brat run so far?

Then, under the guidance of the electric worker, Wang Ming successfully met that brat, yes, he was the target person.

But after seeing him, Wang Ming felt a little headache, why did this child behave so much like Xiang Yang back then?He was taciturn and didn't speak, and didn't respond to any questions, which made Wang Ming a little speechless.

Wait, who is Xiangyang?Wang Ming suddenly felt a little inexplicable. He subconsciously thought of the name just now, and it was not until now that he realized that something was wrong.

In the end, Wang Ming directly dialed the client's phone number, and after explaining his identity, Wang Ming asked the mother and son to make a phone call.

Sure enough, this trick was useful. After hearing his mother's voice, the originally taciturn child was finally willing to speak. After the two had a brief chat, the phone returned to Wang Ming's hands.

Wang Ming and the client had a brief discussion, and finally decided that Wang Ming would take the brat back to Tokyo. After confirming the parents' identities, the electric workers did not stop Wang Ming from taking the brat away.

In the end, Wang Ming took the brat and left the Heqi power plant. The two left the power plant and went to the main road outside. There was a bus stop not far from here.

But just when Wang Ming breathed a sigh of relief, a violent explosion erupted from the power plant behind him!
"what's the situation?"

Wang Ming was startled by the sudden explosion, and the child was so frightened that he hugged Wang Ming's thigh directly. Wang Ming looked in the direction of the sound, and then he found that the loud noise just now was caused by It was caused by a huge object falling from the sky.

Looking at this monster, Wang Ming suddenly had a memory in his mind, and he couldn't help but muttered something to himself.

"Composite monster, Ligadron..."

(End of this chapter)

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