Chapter 208 Compound Monsters. Ligardron
Wang Ming still has some impressions of this monster. Its body is a space exploration spacecraft sent by the earth, and it is mutated later due to the erosion of unknown energy.

The entire spaceship, including the three astronauts in the spaceship, were forcibly fused together and turned into the current monster. By the way, those three astronauts can occasionally maintain their consciousness.

This is not a simple monster, it has the souls of three astronauts in its body, and this monster is very strong, and its defense is top-notch. It would be difficult for Dagu to deal with it alone.


After landing on the ground, Ligadron rushed directly towards the substation. During the period, several houses were directly smashed or crushed by it. It put its hands on the substation with great enjoyment, absorbing the electricity in it.

Swish swish!
At this moment, two bright yellow fighter jets flew over from a distance, and a dozen cyan light beams hit Lijiadron's body and splashed a large amount of sparks.

"It must be prevented from destroying the power station!"



Zongfang, Lina, and Horii piloted Feiyan No. [-], Xincheng and Dagu piloted Feiyan No. [-], and the two fighters cooperated tacitly to launch various attacks in an attempt to stop Lijiadron's destruction.

"Try the awesomeness of this!"

While talking, Dagu turned on the missile launch button next to it. This kind of missile is very powerful and is a special equipment, which should cause a little damage to the monster.


The next moment, two missiles flew out and directly hit the unsuspecting Lijiadron. A huge explosion sounded, and the latter was staggered and lay on the ground.


Dagu showed excitement on his face, while Xincheng looked at this scene with a complicated expression, because the three astronauts who were integrated into the monster's body were his very good friends, and he was quite contradictory now.


Not long after Dagu was proud, he suddenly exclaimed. Lijiadron rolled over and got up quickly after being blown up, and then its eyes released bright yellow beams, which hit Feiyan directly. on the wing of the aircraft.

"No, Dagu, skydive!"

Xincheng immediately sounded a reminder, and then he directly activated the ejection system, and ejected the two of them out of the cabin together with their seats. The movement was so fast that even Dagudu hadn't reacted, and the others were already in the sky.


Dagu's tone was a little helpless, and then he decisively took out the magic light stick!
In the next second, a white beam of light lit up, and Dagu transformed into Ultraman Tiga again!
Di Jia rushed towards Li Jiadron with a low shout, and immediately punched and kicked him, but all of Di Jia's attacks hit Li Jiadron without any effect.

On the contrary, Dagu felt pain in his hands and feet. This feeling was like touching steel head-on with his hands and feet, and Lijiadron's strength was astonishing. It could block Dagu's attack with one hand and move its overturned.

The pair of sickle-like hands kept slashing at Dagu's body, causing sparks to splatter and roll him out. After Dagu got up, he immediately switched to a powerful form.

But this time in the wrestling, Dagu had the upper hand. He pressed Ligadron on the ground to fight, because the latter was not very flexible, so it was right for Dagu to use a strong form to deal with it.

Dagu grabbed two of the three small horns on Lijiadron's head, and slashed hard a few times, but it was useless. He had no way to defeat the opponent. Lijiadron's defense was too strong up.

In desperation, Dagu pushed Lijiadron's head into the ground with some anger, but before he could do anything else, the jet holes behind Lijiadron ejected a large amount of white air. Dagu was directly rushed out!

Dagu was thrown out, and he leaned against a nearby hill. The hill collapsed in half, and Dagu was a little ashamed at this moment.

'Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong, this guy can be regarded as a relatively strong monster in the Tijia series, it seems that I still have to help Dagu. '

More than ten kilometers away, Wang Ming, who was watching the battle, secretly said in his heart that he didn't help immediately because there was a child beside him.

If he ran to the side to transform, let alone the matter of entrusting or not, it would be very dangerous to put such a child alone near the battlefield where two behemoths were fighting.

So Wang Ming thought for a while and didn't make a move immediately, but the current situation is that if he doesn't make a move, Da Gu will definitely be beaten severely again.

Although Dagu may be able to save the day because of the aura of the protagonist, it is also based on the situation of the original TV series, and this is the real world.

Dagu, Lina, and everyone in the Victory Team are real people, and the brat beside him is the living and fresh life in front of Wang Ming.

He is not separated from these people by a screen, but actually present on the scene. For Wang Ming, this is the reality, but the reality cannot be exactly the same as the original, and the reality is always full of variability.

Otherwise it doesn't deserve to be called reality.

"Ryosuke, wait here for my brother. My brother is going to help Ultraman Tiga fight monsters. Don't run around."

Wang Ming squatted down and stood in front of Ryosuke, looked straight into his eyes and said very seriously, then he was still taciturn, but gave an affirmative answer, and he nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I'll be back soon!"

A gentle smile appeared on Wang Ming's face, and he rubbed Ryosuke's head with his hands. The next second, he ran towards the direction of the power plant. Wang Ming took out his spark prism while running .


Wang Ming held up the spark prism and let out a low shout. The next moment, a white ray of light enveloped his body. When Wang Ming appeared again, it was already a flying kick on Li Jiadron's head!

"It's Ultraman Soruka!"

Seeing this, everyone in the victory team exclaimed excitedly. They were a little worried when they saw Ultraman Tiga was at a disadvantage, but now that Ultraman Soruka also appeared, they had nothing to worry about.

After Wang Ming kicked Fei Lijiadron, he also came to Dagu and stretched out his hand. Dagu also grabbed Wang Ming's hand and stood up again, and then the two of them put on a fighting posture together.

The current situation is two against one!

Wang Ming and Dagu rushed to Lijiadron together, and the latter was punched by Dagu just as he got up, and the powerful Dijia directly knocked Lijiadron down with a punch.

Wang Ming went up to make up a few more kicks, and then Wang Ming was not going to fight this guy hand-to-hand, it was too hard, and his feet hurt from kicking.

(End of this chapter)

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