Chapter 209 Wang Ming before

Whoosh whoosh!
Wang Ming adjusted his strategy and released a few light bullets from a long distance, but something happened that gave him some headaches. The armor on Li Jiadron's body directly bounced Wang Ming's light bullets.

'The monsters of the mechanical system are indeed the most troublesome, and their defense power is a bit too high. '

Wang Ming frowned secretly in his heart, and at this time Dagu rushed up and wrestled with Lijiadron again, but the battle situation was not optimistic, Dagu was directly thrown away by Lijiadron who broke out with all his strength.

And Wang Ming has been thinking about the countermeasures against this kind of armor. Suddenly, he thought of a good way, he can try the most basic principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction, there is no need to directly violently break its armor.

So Wang Ming immediately used the skill of mental speech to transmit sound to Dagu. This is a common communication method among Ultraman, otherwise Ultraman would not be able to communicate without sound transmission in the universe.

"Dagu, I'll use the frozen light later, and you use the light flow of Dilasium, let's give it a double sky of ice and fire, and see if we can break its defense!"

"Makes sense!"

Dagu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately agreed to Wang Ming's plan. Wang Ming jumped behind Li Jiadron, and shot out a blue beam of light in his palm!

The moment the blue light beam hit Lijiadron, the latter turned into a big ice cube, and Dagu also seized the opportunity to start accumulating power.

He raised his hands in a virtual grip, and in the next second, a crimson fireball appeared in his hand. Dagu waved the fireball at Ligadron with one hand, and a crimson light shot directly at Li Jiadron. Gardron!
The next moment, the sound of a huge explosion spread for several kilometers around. Originally, Ligadron's reactive armor, which had a strong ability to reflect and protect light, lost its ability to reflect after being frozen by Wang Ming.

Dagu's Dilashum Light Flow is a powerful light skill. If you don't reflect it and eat it abruptly, even Elijadron's defense will not be able to bear it.

When the dust and mist gradually dissipated, Lijiadron revealed his true face. It is in a very bad state now. More than [-]% of the reactive armor on its body has been blown to pieces. It is covered with large and small wounds. It lies on the ground and cannot move. .

"Dagu, let's give him one last blow quickly, his injuries are recovering very quickly, we can't give him a chance to breathe!"

"it is good!"

The sharp-eyed Wang Ming saw something was wrong at a glance, and he immediately sent a voice transmission to Dagu, who immediately noticed this phenomenon and immediately agreed.

Dagu switched to a compound form and stretched out his hands to store energy. Wang Ming also raised his hand to start accumulating energy. The next second, two rays of light of different colors hit Li Jiadron fiercely, and the latter was immediately hit. It became a sky full of fragments.

Seeing that the monster had been eliminated, Wang Ming flew away without the slightest hesitation, followed by Dagu and flew in the opposite direction, making it look like the two of them parted ways, but in fact the two of them took a detour The circle is back.

"Ryosuke, are you okay?"

Wang Ming got out from the woods beside him and came to Liangjie. The child was really obedient, and he would not run around if he said that he would not run around. Liangjie didn't answer Wang Ming's words, he just looked at Wang Ming blankly. It took a while to speak out loud.

"Brother, you are Ultraman!"

"Hush! Keep a low profile, Ryosuke can't tell other people about this, it's a secret between me and you."

"Brother, can you come and see me later?"

"of course can."

Wang Ming fully grasped the child's psychology, and after a few words of comfort, the two began to wait quietly for the bus to arrive.

But after waiting for a while, the bus didn't come, but the fire engine did. Then Wang Ming took another ride, and he and Ryosuke took the bus to evacuate the employees of the power station and returned to the city.

What happened afterward was naturally logical. Wang Minghe had already waited for the client in the office to meet. After hearing that the two had just encountered a battle with Ultraman monsters, the client was terrified.

In order to express his gratitude to Wang Ming, the client gave 5 million yen directly, almost doubling the commission, which made Saori almost laugh out loud. The bow is pretty standard.

"Wang Mingjun, let's post this time!"

Saori attacked suddenly again, and hugged the unsuspecting Wang Ming. Wang Ming's face turned red immediately. He is a pure and innocent little virgin, and basically has no resistance to the beautiful opposite sex, let alone Saori's sudden sex. Such an intimate move, how could Wang Ming bear this.

"Sister Saori, you, let go..."

Wang Ming struggled for a while, and then he didn't dare to move, because his struggle directly caught his hand. At this moment, both of them became quiet, and the atmosphere at the scene was a bit ambiguous and awkward.

"Well, I'll sort out the information first!"

This time it was Saori's turn to blush, she let go of Wang Ming, and then shyly ran behind the desk, using the computer screen to block her face from Wang Ming's sight.

Only then did Wang Ming heave a sigh of relief. At this moment, both of their faces were as red as apples, and they didn't dare to look at each other.

Saori's heart was beating very fast at this time, and an inexplicable feeling came to her heart, which was a feeling she had never experienced before, and she couldn't tell what it was.

And Wang Ming's reaction was not much better than hers, his heart beat quite fast, a feeling of ignorance welled up in his heart, Wang Ming murmured to himself with some uncertainty.

'Is this what it's like to like someone?No, it shouldn't be. Sister Sazhi and I have only known each other for a few days, and I dare to say that I like someone in a few days. This kind of relationship is definitely fake, an illusion, and an illusion caused by male hormones. '

Wang Ming is a little self-denial, he has a kind of humbleness from the bottom of his heart, before he crossed, he just made a living by cutting short videos on the Internet, which is the so-called UP master.

Wang Ming didn't dare to go out to do other jobs of a particularly social nature before, because he had no scheming and always offended people with his words, so he had to leave the job before he could last long.

Over time, Wang Ming became tired of going out. He earned five to six thousand a month by editing short videos. Apart from the daily living expenses and necessary savings, he could save one to two thousand pocket money every month. .

Life is still relatively leisurely and contented, so since then Wang Ming has been out of control and has become a complete squatting at home, but it is not an abandoned house.

But for some reason, Wang Ming felt that he had changed a lot after time-traveling, and his personality was not as introverted or even socially fearful as before. Wang Ming attributed this to the psychological impact of time-traveling on him.

(End of this chapter)

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