"Want to go in and see?"


Wang Ming tentatively asked, and Dagu nodded affirmatively. Although the surrounding environment was very eerie, neither of them was very afraid, and then they walked directly into the weird wooden house. .

The style of this wooden house is a bit like a medieval witch's house, with all kinds of weird things, I don't know if they are props or something.

For example, an ax with legs, a clock with wide eyes, a broom floating in the air...

"It's really strange here."

Dagu was not afraid at all, but looked at the surrounding environment very curiously. Wang Ming also looked at it with great interest. This kind of picture can only be seen in movies.


At this moment, a strange and sinister laughter came from all directions. When Wang Lin and Dagu heard this sound, the hairs on their backs stood on end.

"The sound seems to be coming from upstairs."

"Go up and have a look."

Wang Ming made his own judgment, and Dagu also took out the pistol issued by the Victory Team directly from his pocket. This is not an ordinary pistol.

What this pistol shoots is a beam of light, and even monsters will be scratched a little, so it is considered a black technology weapon with great power.

Then the two walked up the wooden stairs to the second floor of this tall wooden house, and when they walked up to the second floor, they found that the place they were in had completely changed.

The place where the two are now is a very ordinary small park, and when they walked up to the second floor, the road behind them has completely disappeared, and the two of them seem to have come to a brand new space.

"Where is this place? It feels so strange."

Dagu held up his gun and looked at the surrounding environment with some doubts and vigilance. At this moment, a few children with pale faces and ghosts came over in front of the two of them.

Both Wang Ming and Dagu were frightened, because although they lived in different eras, both Wang Ming and Dagu had watched the ghost movie The Grudge. Not much difference.

Just as the two were about to say something, the children just took a look at them and then turned away silently. Just when the two were puzzled, there was a sudden burst of eerie laughter behind them.



Wang Ming and Dagu turned around abruptly, and what caught their eyes was endless purple light. The next moment, both of them lost consciousness and passed out.


I don't know how long it took before Wang Ming and Da Gu woke up slowly. After Wang Ming regained consciousness, he began to look at the current situation.

He and Dagu were imprisoned in two huge glass enclosures. At this moment, only a pair of underpants were left on the two of them.

Wang Ming's Spark Prism and Dagu's Divine Light Wand were quietly placed on a table not far in front of the glass cover, while an ugly witch with a hunched body was walking towards a woman riding on a wooden horse. The child walked slowly.

"Where is this place? Who are you!"

Seeing this, Dagu immediately slapped the glass excitedly and shouted, Wang Ming did not do such useless work, he observed calmly, and there was any way to escape. …

The witch didn't pay attention to Dagu's yelling, she still walked towards the child on the wooden horse, and Dagu's situation suddenly became anxious.

"Hey, what do you want? Don't get close to that child, let go of that child!"

But the witch just ignored his words. The witch came to the child and activated a strange device on the child's head. Then a colored liquid flowed out of a tube connected to the device. The witch held a goblet. Steadily caught these colored liquids.

"What did you do to that child!"

Dagu's voice was rarely angry. This was the first time Wang Ming saw him angry, and the witch came to Dagu just to show off, fiddling with the goblet in her hand and said slowly.

"I took all his dreams over here."

After saying this, the witch directly drank the colored liquid in the goblet in her hand, and Dagu said loudly.

"No, give that child back his dream, his dream belongs to you only!"

"Children don't need to dream, they just need to be manipulated like dolls and toys until they grow up."

As the witch spoke, she came to the child whose dream had been taken away and waved her hand. In the next second, the child disappeared on the wooden horse without a trace.

"Where did you get that kid!"

"I banished him to the grave of dreams."

"The grave of dreams? Is that the park just now?"

Da Gu and Wang Ming finally understood what happened to those little pale, lifeless, ghost-like children they met in the park just now. It turned out that they were all children whose dreams had been taken out of them.

But this time the witch didn't answer Da Gu's words, she just looked at Da Gu and Wang Ming indifferently and said something.

"I don't want adults' dreams, sucking adults' dreams will only make me sick, hehehe..."

After the witch finished speaking, she walked outside. As the witch left, a large amount of white mist suddenly sprayed out from the glass cover that imprisoned Wang Ming and Dagu.

"What a joke!"

Dagu, who was struggling hard now, suddenly heard Wang Ming in the glass cover next to him yell angrily, and then he heard a dull crash, and then the entire glass cover began to shatter and collapse.

Wang Ming directly punched the glass cover, he looked at his hands in disbelief, he didn't know why.

After hearing what the witch said just now, he became very angry. This kind of anger smelled like anger, but Wang Ming didn't know why.

Then he subconsciously punched the glass cover hard, but what he didn't expect was that his punch directly shattered the glass cover.

However, Wang Ming didn't have time to think about these problems. He walked to the table in a few steps, picked up his spark prism, and then directly pressed the switch of the spark prism!
In the next second, a blue light flashed, and Ultraman Soruka, who had transformed into a normal human size, appeared on the scene. Ultraman can control his own body size, but he usually transforms into that huge appearance , is the most comfortable state for the body.

If you become so small, you will feel a sense of depression. It's not that you can't do it, it's just that you don't want to do it.

"You step back a little."

"it is good."

Wang Ming said to Dagu who was a little shocked, and the latter moved to the side very cooperatively when he heard the words, and then Wang Ming stepped forward and smashed the glass cover with a punch!
clap la la...

The glass shattered all over the floor, and Dagu came to the table in a few steps and got his magic light stick.

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