"That guy must have a bigger conspiracy, let's stop her!"

"it is good!"

Dagu held the magic light stick and said with a serious expression, he didn't transform immediately, after all, people's physiques are different, Wang Ming can transform for a long time, but he can't do it, and Wang Ming is also very serious It's a little bit.

He hates the guy who likes to destroy other people's dreams the most, because there are not many people with dreams in this world, but there are quite a few people who like to destroy other people's dreams.

It is because there are too many such people that more and more people lose their dreams. Although some people's dreams will be crushed by reality, no one will refuse to realize their dreams once given the opportunity.

The act of forcibly plundering children's dreams like this witch is even more unforgivable!
Wang Ming didn't know how long it had been since he was really angry, but today he was indeed angry.

When the two came out of the room, they realized that they were actually in a pumpkin house just now, and at this time the witch was standing on the top of the pumpkin house.

Whoosh whoosh!
Wang Ming didn't hesitate at all, and directly threw three light bullets over. The witch seemed to be casting some strange spell, so she didn't move for a while, and was hit by Wang Ming.

"Ah! I'm so mad! I'm going to kill you!"

The witch was so angry that she screamed, and then she jumped back and her body grew rapidly, and finally turned into a colossus more than 50 meters high.

At this time, her appearance is completely different from before. After she grew bigger, she directly became a one-eyed monster with a huge vertical child. This is the witch monster. Gillanbo!
Seeing this, Dagu raised his divine light stick to transform without hesitation. Seeing this, Wang Ming also began to enlarge his body. In the next second, two giants of light appeared in front of Ji Lanbo.

'Give back the children's dreams! '

'Hee hee hee, this is impossible~'

Dagu issued a final warning to Jilanbo through the skill of mind reading, but the latter smiled strangely and didn't care. Now the two sides have nothing to negotiate, and Dagu rushed towards Jilanbo in the first place , Wang Ming followed closely behind.

Dagu punched Ji Lanbo, and the latter also stretched out his hand to block the punch without showing any weakness. Then Wang Ming suddenly went up and kicked her, and Ji Lanbo was immediately kicked out.

Although this two-on-one fight was not about martial arts, it was indeed a crushing battle. After Ji Lanbo got up again, he rushed up without being so reckless.

Whoosh whoosh!
Wang Ming was not polite when he saw this, and shot towards her with a few missiles, but the latter's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already come to Dagu's back and kicked him fiercely!
Dagu was stumbled by this kick, and almost fell into the mud. After kicking Dagu, Ji Lanbo's body suddenly disappeared in place, and then came behind Wang Ming to prepare for a sneak attack. A monster that knows short-distance teleportation skills.

However, Wang Ming's body suddenly started to move by itself, and he turned around reflexively, which was a roundabout kick!

Ji Lanbo, who was originally here for a sneak attack, was suddenly attacked by Wang Ming's magical kick, and she was kicked flying out of her body by surprise. …

"Dagu, we fight back to back. This guy has teleportation skills, and he is best at sneak attacks." '

'it is good! '

Wang Ming said very calmly, and Dagu also nodded, and then looked around with Wang Ming back to back, so that it would not be so easy for Ji Lanbo to carry out a sneak attack.

Sure enough, after Wang Ming and Dagu formed this formation, Ji Lanbo no longer planned to sneak attack, because Wang Ming and the others now had no blind spots.

But Ji Lanbo had other moves, and her body suddenly split into eight, surrounding Wang Ming and Dagu Tuan.

"I already knew you would come to such a trick."

Wang Ming, who has read the original book, naturally knows some of Kilanbo's tricks, so now he has a way to crack it. I saw Wang Ming's fists raised in front of the blue timer light on his chest.

The next moment, a strong light illuminated the night sky. After being illuminated by the light, the phantoms transformed by Kiranbo also began to disappear one by one, leaving only the last body, and this body was facing Dagu.

'Dagu, great opportunity! '

'clear! '

Wang Ming immediately said to Dagu that the latter had already prepared to start accumulating power, and when Kilanbo's real body was revealed, the Pelelio light he had prepared a long time ago was already heading straight towards him. Call the other party!


The sound of a huge explosion spread all around, and then the sky sprinkled a rainbow-like light, which was the dream of the children swallowed by Kiranbo, and these dreams returned to where they should have been with the death of Kiranbo. to the place.

Some of the rays of light transformed from these dreams penetrated Wang Ming's body and flew into the distance. When Wang Ming was pierced by the rays of the purest dreams, countless thoughts spread in Wang Ming's mind.

He suddenly remembered his childhood dream. When he was a child, he said in front of the whole class in kindergarten that he would become a policeman when he grew up, but the reality was that he became a squatting at home when he grew up.

"It's really a cruel reality, how precious are children's dreams..."

Wang Ming sighed somewhat disappointedly, but Dagu just didn't feel this way, because he has been moving towards his dream, and it hasn't changed since he was a child.

To be honest, Wang Ming was a little envious of Dagu. These days, there are very few such pure people, and then Wang Ming flew directly towards the sky.

Seeing this, Dagu followed closely behind and left. This was the first time since his debut that he defeated the monster without turning on the red light.

The two circled in the sky, returned to the edge of the garden party, and then returned to the venue together. At this time, the people in the venue had already left.

After all, there was too much commotion just now. Although the place where they fought Ji Lanbo was at least one or two kilometers away from here, it is human nature to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. There are not many people who like to eat melons with their lives to watch the excitement .

After Wang Ming and Dagu returned to the venue, they saw the person they wanted to see. Saori and Lina were still in the venue, and neither of them chose to leave, but waited for the person they cared about to come back.

"Miss Saori!"


Wang Ming and Dagu showed bright smiles at the same time, and then they both ran towards their goals, but at this time, Saori and Lina looked at them strangely.

Because Kiranbo had stripped off their coats before, when the two went out to fight, they just put on T-shirts and shorts, which means that the two are wearing very cool clothes now.

The two big men dressed so coolly and ran out of the nearby woods together. What do Saori and Lina think?
No matter how you think about it, you will think crookedly!


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