Chapter 232 Restoring memory
Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Ming directly shot out a frozen ray, but after the invincible frozen ray hit Gatanjiehe's body in the past, it didn't cause any ripples, let alone freeze it into ice cubes.

And after Dagu switched to a powerful form, he directly released the light flow of Dilashum, and the red light hit Gatanjiehe, but there was no effect except for a large number of sparks.

'What a hard snail shell. '

Wang Ming said something in his heart, but his hands were still not idle. Immediately, he stretched out his hands to accumulate energy, and released a beam of freezing and exterminating death that is currently the most powerful.

The blue light representing destruction hit Gatanjae's shell, sending it flying hundreds of meters away, but when it landed, it was still unscathed.

And this level is already the highest damage that the two of them can cause to Gatanjae, so far Gatanjae is unscathed.

The damage from the two of them couldn't penetrate its armor at all. Simply put, they didn't even knock out a drop of blood. Just when Wang Ming wanted to try more methods.

Countless tentacles shot out from Gatanjae's body, their speed far exceeded the speed of sound, Wang Ming and Dagu were caught off guard by Gatanjae and tied them upright.

It seemed that the attack of the two of them had completely enraged it, and now he was about to make a serious move. The two of them were strangled to death by dozens of extremely hard tentacles.

Although the two struggled hard, it was useless. Even with Wang Ming's current strength, there was no way to break free from the entanglement of the strong tentacles.

"Come on, Ultraman Soruka, Ultraman Tiga, you must not lose!"

"come on!"

"Get free!"

At this moment, no matter adults or children, they were frightened by the thrilling situation at the scene and screamed. Everyone cheered for Wang Ming and Dagu.

Although the two of them couldn't hear the voices of cheering, they were trying their best to break free from this bondage. However, Jiatanjiehe was too powerful, and the two of them couldn't break free at all.

But at this moment, Gatanjiehe made a new move, two purple rays of light shot out from his mouth, hitting Wang Ming and Dagu's chests fiercely!

"Ugh!" ×2
Someone directly penetrated through the purple light with their backs on their backs, and even Wang Ming couldn't help crying out in pain, and then the struggle between the two became weaker and weaker.

Until the struggle was completely stopped at the end, and Gatanjae also let go of the two after seeing this situation, because after the purple light penetrated the bodies of the two, the bodies of the two began to gradually petrify, and finally completely changed. It became two stone statues.

The bodies of the two turned into stone statues fell out of the deep sea outside the ruins, gradually sank into the bottom of the sea and disappeared, and the light of the two ultra-ancient giants disappeared...

"How is it possible, Ultraman actually..."

"No, it's not true, how could it be like this!"

"Both Ultraman were killed..."

Now the people were completely desperate. Ultraman, whom they regarded as the savior and god, fell like this, and it seemed that the monster won very easily. The chance can be said to be effortless, and defeated the two Ultraman.

"No, Ultraman won't lose!"

"Stand up, Ultraman Soruka, Ultraman Tiga!"

"Don't just admit defeat so easily, you are the heroes who protect the earth!"

At this moment, a child suddenly yelled loudly, his face was full of unwilling tears, and inspired by him, more and more children followed up and yelled.

Unlike adults who are easily overwhelmed by reality and give up easily, only children believe in the light when it is darker!
At this time, both Wang Ming and Dagu were protected inside the stone statue by a layer of crystals made of light, and both of them fell into a coma for a short time.

And vaguely, both of them heard some shouts, which were childish and hopeful voices, accompanied by the children's calls.

One after another light spots also burst out from them, these light spots spanned the distance of time and space, and appeared in front of Wang Ming and Dagu.

This gave the two people who were in a coma a faint sign of awakening, because this is the light of pure faith, without any impurities, and is the purest thing in the universe.

Far from being comparable to the so-called light in nature, this is the light in the hearts of children, and in this idealistic Ultra universe, this is the supreme, most powerful power that surpasses everything!

The light of the mind can surpass everything!
At this time, Wang Ming, who was in a coma, felt extremely painful in his head. He suddenly woke up with a start, and when he woke up, he found himself in a sea of ​​light.

The light of countless children's hearts is surrounding him, and these purest lights have washed away all the pain on Wang Ming's body, which may be incredible to say.

The six paths of reincarnation in his body, which reached the half-step multi-level, were instantly repaired under this light, which is quite inconceivable. That is to say, Wang Ming's path injuries were completely healed!

And these rays of light not only repaired Wang Ming's Dao injury, but also directly destroyed the Ultra Seal left by the Ultra King. Now, Wang Ming remembered everything.

However, there was no happy expression on his face, just a little confused and disappointed. Even after recovering his memory, Wang Ming had to admit that he really fell in love with Saori.

Because he has stayed here for almost two years, from the time he traveled to the present, the time he has experienced has only passed more than ten years.

Most of the time was spent fighting, fighting non-stop, and constantly plundering in pursuit of power. It was not until the appearance of Saori after his amnesia that he felt the warmth of home again. Love, and a little affection.

To put it simply, Wang Ming treats Saori like a relative. Family affection is above love, because all love will eventually become family affection, which is a complete emotional transformation.

"After all, I still can't let go... I used to go too far."

Wang Ming sighed helplessly. At this moment, he realized many things, and he also felt some other emotions. Now Wang Ming's state is a bit like the legendary great enlightenment.

"Since I am expected by the children, then I can't live up to your expectations."

After Wang Ming was silent for a while, he suddenly put away his chaotic thoughts, his eyes became firm, and then he put on the expression of half a smile that he hadn't made for a long time.

In the next second, Wang Ming had a thought, and the super-dimensional Decade belt that had been dusty for two years appeared on his waist. Then Wang Ming felt the cards in the card box, and a somewhat surprised expression appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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