Chapter 233 Destroy Gatanjie!

"It turns out that I got Noah's card two years ago, and when, it should be after I entered this world."

Feeling the extra card in the card box, Wang Ming muttered to himself, the card depicting Noah's figure was signed: Noah Ultraman. Multiple Body!

Undoubtedly, this card perfectly inherited Ultraman Noah's terrifying strength back then, that is to say, after Wang Ming used this card, he would become as powerful as Ultraman Noah back then.

If it was in the past, Wang Ming should be ecstatic at this time, because his strength has improved again, but now Wang Ming can face these things calmly. Now I have the power I have.

At this time, the light spots floating beside Wang Ming suddenly rushed towards Wang Ming's belt, and a large amount of light penetrated into Wang Ming's belt. This light lasted for about two seconds, and was finally captured by Wang Ming. The waistband has all been absorbed.

At this time, there was another card in Wang Ming's card box, it was a pure white and flawless card, nothing was depicted on it, and its name was on the bottom of the card.

"Skill card, shining form."

Wang Ming took out this card and read it curiously. This card looks ordinary and I don't know what it is useful for, but now Wang Ming is going to completely deal with Gatanjieer, so it is time to try the effect.

Wang Ming first took out Ultraman Noah's card, and then pulled the drive open with nostalgia, then inserted the card and pushed it!

'Ott control! '

'Noah Ultraman! '

In the next second, endless rays of light erupted from the bottom of the sea, and Wang Ming instantly turned into a normal human-shaped Ultraman Noah. He has no choice to become bigger now, because he still wants to insert another card. Insert the card when it is bigger, and it feels a bit wrong to be looked at by everyone.

Then Wang Ming took out the skill card he just got, and inserted it into the drive with a curious idea!

'Skill control! '

'Shining form! '

With the insertion of this card, Wang Ming's whole body exuded a faint golden light. He felt that he was quite powerful. This was an all-round enhancement, which gave Wang Ming an illusion of invincibility.

Now Wang Ming's form should be called: Shining Ultraman Noah!
"It's so strong, it even feels like it has surpassed the six emperor's armors."

Feeling the condition of his body, Wang Ming said to himself, the next second he didn't hesitate, after hiding the belt, Wang Ming directly enlarged his body!

With a burst of dazzling light shining on the sky and earth, dispelling all the surrounding black mist, Ultraman Noah appeared in front of everyone exuding golden light!

"This is... the new Ultraman!"

"It's great that Ultraman finally appeared again!"

"Come on, Ultraman!"

People watched Wang Ming burst into cheers one after another, but Wang Ming didn't immediately attack Gatanjiehe.

He glanced at Gatanjiehe lightly, making the latter tremble with fright. At this time, Gatanjiehe had already realized that something was wrong, and ordinary humans or ordinary monsters might not be able to detect it.

However, as the ultimate dark evil god, Gatanjie'er, he could clearly feel the terrifying light power in Wang Ming's body!

"Wake up."

Wang Ming stretched out his right hand and used the power of ultra-special thoughts to fish out the stone statue of Dijia from the bottom of the sea, and then a pure light was injected into the body of the stone statue of Dijia by Wang Ming!

With the injection of Wang Ming's light, the stone statue of Ultraman Tiga regained its color in an instant, and Dagu also woke up in an instant!
'This is……'

Dagu looked at himself in surprise after waking up, and then his eyes were attracted by Wang Ming, and he asked a question tentatively.

'Wang Mingsang, is that you? '

'Well, this is my new form, and this is the light of the children's hearts, you should feel it too. '

Wang Ming nodded in agreement, and then he led the spiritual light in Dagu's body to attach it to his body surface. Wang Ming didn't need to do so much.

It was only because he absorbed more than half of the light of the soul just now that Dagu couldn't naturally become shining, so he needed Wang Ming's guidance and help.

In fact, he can completely solve Gatanjae directly, but it is not necessary. What the children want to see is that the Ultramans work together to solve the monsters.

It's not an instant kill king like Wang Ming. In fact, as long as Wang Ming wants to, he can kill Gatanjieer with one move at any time. Although this guy is already very strong, and his strength is close to the constellation level, but in the current king In the eyes of the bright, it is no different from the existence of ants.

With a brilliant golden light shining, Dagu also turned into Shining Dijia!

'let's go! '

Dagu felt that he was invincible now, so he was full of confidence when speaking, and then rushed forward first!
He kicked Gatanjiehe directly, and Gatanjiehe, who was unable to shake even the two of them with all their strength just now, was directly kicked away by this kick!

"Good job!"

"Come on, Ultraman!"

"That's it, destroy this nasty monster!"

The people who saw this scene stood up very excitedly and shouted. The ups and downs of the matter exceeded everyone's imagination. They were completely desperate just now, but now hope is ushered in again. It is really exciting.

Gatanjeh's huge body was hit and flew towards the sky, and a dent visible to the naked eye was punched out of its indestructible shell, and it immediately let out a strange roar. It was obvious that Dagu's punch Injured Gatanjeh.

And at this moment, Wang Ming's figure appeared behind it as if teleporting, and punched it fiercely!
Gatanjae was thrown back to the surface of the sea immediately. Although Gatanjae looked bulky, its speed was quite fast. It was just that Wang Ming used some domain suppression methods to forcibly suppress its power. .

'Dagu, it's up to you to give it the final blow. '

'it is good! '

Wang Ming contacted Dagu through his mind, and the latter readily agreed. Then Dagu stretched out his hands to accumulate energy, and endless brilliance burst out from his hands.

In the next second, a golden beam of Zapelio slammed on Gatanjiehe's body!

In the next second, people all over the world saw that Gatanjeh was blown into pieces all over the sky, and then the images in front of everyone's eyes disappeared.

Because the pictures they saw were actually projected by Gatanjae, and now that Gatanjae is dead, these pictures naturally disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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