Chapter 242 The Giant Gorge

Then Wang Ming absorbed the gene of Nuoxing God of War according to the same method just now, and there was an unknown consciousness in the gene of Nuoxing God of War, of course, Wang Ming also directly obliterated it.

After the initial fusion of the two super god genes, Wang Ming felt that his physical strength had been greatly improved, at least ten times higher.

Now he doesn't need any external force, and can smash a planet with a single punch with his own physical strength. His physical strength has surpassed the planetary level and is moving towards the star level.

"It's really a terrible gene. If I continue to improve like this, I'm afraid I can raise my physical strength to the constellation level. I'm really looking forward to what kind of bonuses I will get when summoning armor with this physical strength."

Wang Ming is like a child who got a new toy, constantly moving his body. In the past, he was at most a relatively powerful mage, a mage who could strengthen his physical strength.

But this kind of strengthening is based on his own physical strength, and Wang Ming has already started to improve his physical strength from the most basic level. Wang Ming didn't even dare to imagine how terrifying the strengthening and bonuses he would get later.

But one thing is undoubted, he is moving towards the multi-level level little by little, maybe after a few more worlds and waiting for him to perfect the super-dimensional God Lord, he will be able to truly reach the multi-level level.

At that time, give the super-dimension god master another shining card, and the buff will directly fill up the shining super-dimension god master to appear on the stage. In this case, even in the multi-level existence, he is not considered weak, at least not the weakest group .

And this world also seems to have cosmic-level powerhouses. That's right, what Wang Ming suspects is the Space Principal and the so-called ultimate fear.

These materials were given to him by Qiangwei a few days ago, and they can be regarded as relatively public materials in the Super Seminary, so they were sent to Wang Ming to understand the situation.

These include the God-Building Project, the Xiongbing Company, and the Black Great Wall Project. It can also be seen from this that the authority of Wang Mingchao Theological Seminary is actually very high, and it is impossible for ordinary students to know so many things.

Then for the next few days, Wang Ming stayed in the room to increase the strength of the super god gene. As for training and so on, it was none of his business, he didn't need that kind of boring training.

After more than a week like this, Qiangwei called Wang Ming again, and Wang Ming went down to gather urgently, saying that he had something important to say.

But when Wang Ming went down below, he found a very familiar person, no matter whether he had seen the works of the Super Seminary series or not, he could recognize this guy, that was the Monkey King Monkey King, of course, in this In the world, he is Sun Wukong who fought and defeated Buddha, the great hero who began to protect the earth thousands of years ago.

"Yo, I haven't seen you for a few days, so I invited Brother Monkey here."

After Wang Ming arrived at the scene, he said something with a faint smile on his face. After Sun Wukong saw him, he also looked at him carefully at this time, and it took a while before he said something.

"It's not a demon or ghost, and there is no righteousness or evil in my heart, but it is a bit like those so-called immortals thousands of years ago."

After hearing Sun Wukong's words, several other people also turned their attention to Wang Ming, especially Liu Chuang who was beaten up by Monkey King just now.

Because he was a gangster before, Sun Wukong looked down on him quite a bit, so he beat him up. Although the other team members looked down on Liu Chuang in their hearts, they didn't show it on the surface.

In fact, Liu Chuang is the most disliked person in the team. Don't look at Ge Xiaolun's naive appearance all day long, but in fact his popularity is quite good, even if it is the reputation of girls. Also better.

Because besides lust, he basically has no other shortcomings, and when others ask him for help, he will basically not refuse, and he can be regarded as an image of a good old man.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let me talk about today's events. As everyone's training continues to improve, it's time for us to board the Juxia for real combat deployment."

Lena came to everyone and briefly talked about the next arrangement. Simply put, they have graduated from the Super Seminary, and they need to really enter the army to become real soldiers.

As for what kind of training Ge Xiaolun and the others went through to reach the graduation standard, it was actually none of Wang Ming's business. He hadn't been out of the house for so many days, and he had been cultivating or strengthening his genes in the room.

If the military uses the equipment in their hands to detect the genes in Wang Ming's body, they will be surprised to find that this guy actually has two supernatural genes at the same time, and they are perfectly compatible.

And Wang Ming's achievements these days are not in vain. His current physical strength has been raised to star level. What kind of concept is this?

Wang Ming can walk freely in the sun with his body alone without any power. It is not very difficult to blow up a sun with a single blow.

Its physical strength can be described as abnormal. Now Wang Ming said without exaggeration that without using the six reincarnations, even if he only uses the most common Decade form, he can have power close to the black hole level.

It is probably the total level of E that can hit the peak state with normal Decade. Here we can see the influence of the user's strength on the form power.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Ming followed them on a military plane and flew towards the sea. After a while, the plane flew into the high seas and arrived at the sky above a huge fleet. The radio above everyone's heads also started broadcasting.

"Everyone, please confirm your landing coordinates. You will be entering the Juxia soon."

"Okay, this time we're going to test your ability to wear armor in the air, landing without a parachute, the target is the Juxia, and now it's time to land!"

Following Leina's order, the hatch of the military plane began to open, and below everyone was an extremely huge aircraft carrier, and this was where they were about to land, the Juxia!
As the cabin door opened, everyone jumped down one by one without hesitation, while Wang Ming took a step forward, and the next second he came to the deck, and looked up at the people who were landing.

His movements were smooth and smooth, and his sudden appearance startled the soldiers on the deck, but because they had been notified a long time ago that some people with super powers were stationed on the Great Strait today, they didn't care too much. .

Wang Ming did not choose to leave directly, but just stood there quietly waiting for them. After all, he is not familiar with the place, so it is better to keep a low profile when he comes to other people's land.

After a while, a few people landed with magical powers like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. Everyone was not surprised to see Wang Ming who had been waiting here for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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