Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 243 The Black Armor Belonging to Wang Ming

Chapter 243 The Black Armor Belonging to Wang Ming

"Soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, please gather here!"

After everyone landed, a soldier wearing a naval officer's uniform waved to several people, and the surrounding soldiers also started talking, obviously very interested in these guys who didn't take an unusual path.

"The chief was going to come over to welcome him, but he couldn't get away because of something. From now on, this will be your home. Please come with me."

The naval officer saluted everyone, and everyone returned the salute, including Wang Ming, who also returned a not-so-standard military salute. Being powerful and being polite are two different things.

Then, under the leadership of the officer, everyone walked towards the bridge. During the period, due to the fact that a few team members jumped out, they gradually dispersed, but the target direction was not wrong, they just proceeded from another route. .

Wang Ming came together with Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin and Liu Chuang. It was his first time to this kind of place, so he was a little curious about the surrounding layout, while Ge Xiaolun and the others were bragging without any hesitation.

At this moment, the door to Cambridge in front of them suddenly opened, and a tall beauty in a white navy medical uniform came out from inside.

This is also a standard beauty with an oval face, delicate features, and a chest so large that it almost breaks the buttons. The thing that makes people unable to take their eyes off is her pair of slender white legs.

Ge Xiaolun, Zhao Xin, and Liu Chuang's eyes were all straightened, they immediately stopped moving forward, and stared straight at this beauty, their expressions were as wretched as they could be.

And this beauty seemed to be used to such things, and didn't care, she just smiled at the four of them, leaving behind a beautiful back, and disappeared around the corner.

"I'll go, you can still see this kind of scenery on this aircraft carrier!?"

Xin Zhao was the first one to yell, who was very unpromising, and the other two reacted similarly to him, and Liu Chuang was the one who spoke the most blatantly.

"Oh, I'll go, what a big breast..."

"That, that woman just now, is so evil..."

"Yeah, that's right, what a great evil!"

Ge Xiaolun muttered to himself a little lost, Liu Chuang immediately made an exaggerated gesture, and Zhao Xin refuted Liu Chuang.

"You know the breasts, Ren Xiaolun is looking at the butt!"

"Ah, yes yes yes, butt is good too!"

"Let's go, don't waste time, hurry up and gather."

In the end, Wang Ming really couldn't stand the look of the three of them, Brother Pig, so he reminded them that before hearing Wang Ming's words, the three who had seen his strength didn't dare to refute, so they could only obediently continue to the meeting place.

A few minutes later, several people gathered in a place similar to a mechanical library. There were many empty glass jars, and there were two glass jars with something in them. There were two sets of black armor inside.

It seems that these glass jars were originally used to store the black armors, but now most of the black armors already have their own owners, and there are only two sets of black armors left, and no suitable owners have been found yet.

And the suitable masters are naturally Sun Wukong and Wang Ming, and they are the only two present without black armor.

"Hahaha, are you all here? Let me introduce myself. I am General Ducao, the commander-in-chief of the Xiongbing Company."

At this moment, a middle-aged soldier in military uniform with a heroic smile on his face walked up to several people. He looked at Monkey King in leather and yelled affectionately.

"Wukong, long time no see."

"Old Du."

Sun Wukong also replied with a smile, Ge Xiaolun was a little surprised seeing this.

"What, do you know each other?"

"Can I not know the real God of War on Earth? Well, let's talk about business."

Ducao replied casually, and then brought the topic back on track.

"Wukong, this Kamigawa armor is yours."

Ducao pointed to one of the glass jars storing the black armor and said with a smile, then he turned his head and smiled at Wang Ming.

"This great God of the Six Paths, it is the first time we have met, but I have heard about you a long time ago. Since you are willing to help the earth tide over the difficulties, then our Super Seminary will not treat you badly, and we will do it for you. Tailor-made a set of black armor."

Ducao pointed to the black armor in another glass jar. Was it to let Wang Ming know the uniqueness of this set of black armor? He continued to explain.

"We don't know what type of your power is, so we can't do special manufacturing, so we can only design it as an all-round augmented armor. As long as you wear this black armor, all your abilities including mind Including strength, it will be enhanced by 20.00%, how about it? Not bad, right?"

After Ducao said, his tone was a bit complacent. After all, this is the crystallization of technology between them and the Super Seminary. If he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face, Wang Ming naturally wouldn't refute anything. He wanted to increase his power by 20.00%. This set of black armor I'm afraid it's not enough.

It can increase his strength by more than 5.00%, Wang Ming felt that this set of black armor was very powerful, and at this time, Monkey King on the other side had already put on the armor.

Seeing this, Wang Ming also waved his hand, and the black armor in the glass cover disappeared in the next second, and when it reappeared, it had automatically attached to Wang Ming's body, and the armor was finished.

"It feels good, so thank you Super Seminary, I will try my best to help you survive this disaster."

Wang Ming felt his state after putting on the black armor, and replied with a smile. As expected, this black armor can increase his strength by up to [-]%, which is still better than armor and mask. Not far.

The main reason is that after Wang Ming has maxed out his bonds, whether it is armor or a mask that he summons, he has to add the word super-dimensional.

Their increase of Wang Ming's strength is directly calculated as a percentage. No matter how strong Wang Ming's own strength is, they can all increase Wang Ming's strength, and basically none of them is lower than 100%, and the weakest is more than 1000%. , is such a perverted increase.

In other words, even if Wang Ming summoned the worst set of armor or mask, he could directly increase his power by ten times. The black armor obviously didn't have such a bug function.

After all, Wang Ming's belt is not a reasonable thing, until now Wang Ming has no way to figure out its origin.


Just as everyone in the Xiongbing Company was adapting to the new life on the aircraft carrier, all forces in the universe also entered the earth one after another. Yan, who represented the arrival of the angel, Morgana, who represented the devil, and the main force who invaded the earth this time, represented Karl, the god of death. The gluttonous army.

For a moment, the earth was ready to move, and it looked like a war was about to break out, and once this war broke out, it would be a huge disaster sweeping the world!

(End of this chapter)

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