Chapter 244 The Taotie Fleet Arrives

As time passed day by day, Wang Ming's life on the aircraft carrier was also very monotonous. In addition to researching the method of improving the super god gene, he was just watching the training of other members of the Xiongbing company.

Time passed and more than a week later, Wang Ming could feel that there were more and more powerful beings appearing on this planet, as if the great world was about to kick off.

On an ordinary morning, when Ge Xiaolun was practicing flying, he took Qiangwei to fly out of the atmosphere on a whim, and then received a lot of unknown information in his mind.

The information is very noisy, but it can be summed up in one sentence: the gluttonous army has invaded!

Ge Xiaolun did not slack off in the slightest, and immediately reported what he discovered, which aroused great attention from his superiors, and evacuated Tianhe City, which he foresaw was about to be invaded by a gluttonous army, in advance.

But the facts proved that this decision was quite correct. One afternoon two days later, the fleet of the gluttonous army really descended on Tianhe City.

They didn't fly directly into the earth from outside the atmosphere, they arrived at Tianhe City directly through space teleportation technology. It was very strange and without any warning, a whole fleet appeared in Tianhe City in an instant.

No country in the world can defend against this strange method of invasion, that is, with Ge Xiaolun's advance prophecy, otherwise it is unknown how many people will die.

However, the outbreak of war was inevitable. The army blocked Tianhe City in all directions from the sea, land and air due to their early preparations.

But they can't hold on for long, they need a company of soldiers to go immediately to wipe out the enemy, because apart from nuclear bombs, there is no weapon on the earth that can cause damage to the fleet of the gluttonous clan.

But obviously, it is impossible for the higher authorities to release such a big killer in the city of their own country, and it is the once extremely prosperous Tianhe City.

The current Tianhe City has been completely reduced to a frontline battlefield between humans and the Taotie. The soldiers on the front line are trying to prevent the fleet of the Taotie from leaving Tianhe City at all costs.

They bravely launched round after round of attacks on the warships of the Taotie clan, in order to interrupt their teleportation. It can be said that every minute and every second on the front line is won by the soldiers with blood.

After receiving the order, the Xiongbing Company started to set off immediately, but they didn't know why no one called Wang Ming. Maybe they thought that the vanguard fleet of the Glutton tribe didn't need the great god Wang Ming to personally take action.

So Wang Ming didn't know about it at all. He was not an all-knowing and omnipotent god, so how could he know everything in detail, not to mention that he was still concentrating on his own affairs at this time, so he had no way of knowing what happened outside.

So most of Wang Ming's consciousness was still immersed in the super god gene strengthening in his body, until more than an hour after the Xiongbing Company set off, there was an urgent knock on the door, which interrupted Wang Ming's gene strengthening process.

dong dong dong...

"Comrade Wang Ming, something has happened, open the door quickly!"

A breathless voice shouted from outside the door. Wang Ming also quit the genetic enhancement process directly after hearing the words. He opened the door and asked with a faint smile on his face.

"What happened?"

"The emergency army company in the whole front of the war has been strongly suppressed, and now you must take action."

It was Ducao's adjutant who came to knock on the door. His face was covered with sweat. It seemed that he ran down to look for Wang Ming at the first time, probably because he was afraid that the phone would not get through.

"Well, then why didn't you call me earlier? I have long wanted to meet these aliens."

Wang Ming gave him a strange look, and the latter scratched his head in embarrassment. Wang Ming could tell at a glance what he wanted to say, but now was not the time to worry about these things, so Wang Ming waved his hand and said.

"Forget it, the little things in your hearts are none of my business, I'd better go save people."

After Wang Ming finished speaking, he took a step forward. The next moment, his body disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in Tianhe City, hundreds of kilometers away.

At this time, the fighting situation here was very intense, and it was quite pessimistic. Wang Ming glanced over and found that the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company were basically disgraced and injured.

There is a small hole in Leina's abdomen that emits golden light. Someone should have stabbed him with something. Brother Hou was entangled in the densely packed gluttonous warriors in the sky. It's not too bad a situation in the hands of the enemy.

Cheng Yaowen was shot in the head, and now he is lying unconscious in the field hospital, and he is probably the only one who can be fired with a gun with a super god genetic soldier. He should have been hit by a bullet.

Ge Xiaolun had been beaten half to death, he couldn't even open his wings, he couldn't fly, he could only stagger and jump on the ground.

Xin Zhao was not much better either, he was hit by an unknown weapon and was lying in the ruins of a building panting heavily.

Rui Mengmeng was even more unbearable, being chased around by several Taotie warriors.

Qiangwei has been thinking of a way to bypass the fire defense and bomb the opponent's main ship. As long as she breaks through the energy barrier formed by the opponent, and then opens a space crack in the energy barrier, she can direct the fleet's firepower to these warships. The only way they can think of right now.

This guy Liu Chuang is really like a reckless man, jumping around with a big ax to chop those gluttonous warriors, he can't fly.

The only way to attack the Taotie warriors flying in the sky was by jumping, but it had little effect, and it made me very tired.

These gluttonous warriors are not monsters like in myths and legends, they are all aliens wearing advanced armor and holding sci-fi guns and weapons.

Don't be confused by their names. The equipment on their bodies is more technological than those in Star Wars. All they shoot are beams with extremely high damage. No matter how advanced the tanks are, they are hit by the most common guns in their hands. One shot has to explode.

Therefore, in terms of equipment, they have a crushing advantage. The reason why they have been dragged here is because the Xiongbing Company is struggling to support them. Before the Xiongbing Company arrived, they were all taking lives.

In fact, we can't blame the Xiongbing Company's poor combat power, because they are basically recruits except for Monkey King and Reina.

Although Qilin used to be a policeman, she only caught some gangsters, but now it is a real battlefield, and now the entire Tianhe City is full of wars and ruins.

A group of recruits were pulled over directly to the battlefield, no matter how talented they were, they would not adapt so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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