Chapter 248 The Power of Anti-Void
"Great God, you came at the right time. These angels want to fight us. They have seriously threatened the safety of the country and the people. Can you expel them?"

Ducao's eyes lit up immediately after seeing Wang Ming. In fact, they would not dare to ask Wang Ming for anything. After all, Wang Ming's personality, identity and strength are there.

Moreover, the other party is not from the earth, and if he wants to use the righteousness of the human race, it is impossible to ask him for help.

They couldn't find any way to get Wang Ming to take the initiative. They could only say that when the master was in a good mood, it was possible to have the cheek to ask him to help once or twice. Normally, they couldn't command Wang Ming at all.

"It turns out that this is an angel. It's a little different from what I thought. Aren't you afraid of being exposed when you stand so tall and wear a miniskirt?"

With a faint smile on Wang Ming's face, he looked up at the angels in mid-air. After hearing Wang Ming's words, the angels' faces all had sullen expressions.

Only Keisha's face remained unchanged, she looked at Wang Ming calmly and said.

"His name is Ni Dashen, you are also a god?"

"Could you tell if you just sense it, can't you read the information here? Try to see if you can read mine."

Wang Ming still had a calm smile on his face. He knew that the powerful in this world would read the information, but when Kaisha heard this, her eyes suddenly shone with a faint white light. After a while, she looked at Wang Ming with some doubts.

"What method do you use to hide yourself? Why can't I find any information about you? Even if you stand in front of me, it's as if you never existed. What are you?"

"I don't need to bother you if I'm something, but it's you, aren't you tired of being so high up all the time, come down and play."

Wang Ming didn't answer Keisha's question, he said something casually and then stretched out his hand to the angels, and the next second the anti-void launch!

Swish swish!
The angels who were still high above suddenly lost their ability to control the sky. They fell directly towards the sea one by one. No matter how hard they flapped their wings, they couldn't fly.

Even Keisha's huge cross throne suspended in mid-air fell straight towards the sea, and she herself could not avoid losing the ability to control the sky.

However, the angels are not simple characters. Although they lost the ability to fly, they all found something to rely on. After a few jumps, they came to the deck of the Juxia, standing opposite Wang Ming. He glared.

clap la la...

At this moment, the huge cross throne fell into the sea and splashed a large amount of water. Keisha also tapped the throne with her toes very gracefully, and boarded the deck one second before falling into the water.

"Who on earth are you, and why can you use the anti-void ability? This is the exclusive ability of the power of the galaxy."

Kesha frowned and looked at Wang Ming with a puzzled face, but Wang Ming was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, even though the angels were all fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged beauties.

It is simply the perfect image of a woman in the hearts of men, but what does this have to do with Wang Ming?The lesson still has to be learned.

"Since you keep asking again and again, let me tell you, I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it for me."

After Wang Ming finished speaking, he disbanded the black armor on his body, and then a golden belt that looked very expensive appeared around his waist.

Wang Ming pulled out the Decade main body card that had not been used for a long time from the card box, and then threw it into the drive with a casual flick.


'Kamen Rider'

'Decade! '

With a few phantoms flashing by, Wang Ming successfully transformed into Kamen Rider Decade, because Kaisha on the opposite side is not a weak player, and what he has to do later is not an easy task, so let’s take a look at the meaning of transformation. still necessary.

"Damn it, the great god's taste is a bit flamboyant."

"I didn't expect the Great God to be so girlish, and to wear pink armor."

"It's just that the style of this armor is a bit strange."

Seeing Wang Ming's sudden transformation, everyone in the Xiongbing Company started talking about it, but Wang Ming corrected them by looking back at them.

"It's not pink, it's magenta, and I don't have any art appreciation."

And after Wang Ming's transformation, Kaisha's complexion finally changed. She looked at Wang Ming with a very serious look, because now she could feel that Wang Ming was at least dozens of times stronger than before!
What is this concept?If the feeling Wang Ming gave Kesha just now is still palpable, now it is out of reach.

"Okay, let's get down to business first. You've been spying on that one over there. Have you seen enough? Did I beat you out or you came out by yourself."

Wang Ming didn't pay attention to the short-sightedness of the people in the Xiongbing Company. He suddenly shouted to the sky on the right, and the next second, a very evil woman with demon wings on her back and a very evil woman on her chest emerged from the void.

She is the king of all demons in the known universe: Morgana!
"Tsk, you can find out this for my old lady, you have something."

Morgana looked at Wang Ming with a displeased face. At this time, after seeing Morgana, the angels immediately opened their hands with wide-eyed eyes and were ready to swing their swords. It was obvious that they were stunned in shock.

They are full of questions in their hearts, who is this man in front of them?What is Kamen Rider?What is he going to do next?
"Okay, I still want to do it when I'm here. I've been too lazy to care about you, but since you like to make troubles, there's nothing I can do. I have to ask you to leave, and you angels, I don't want to be on the earth. See you again."

Wang Ming looked at Morgana with the same smile on her face, but there was no doubt about what she said, as if the other party dared to say half a word, he would do it.

"Damn, are you scared to be an old lady?"

Morgana is naturally not convinced, her character is like this, no one is convinced, but Wang Ming doesn't care what they think, he said to himself.

"I'm just a notification, and I don't need your consent."

Wang Ming directly returned what Kesha had just said to the Xiongbing Company, and Kaisha was also ready to go to war after hearing the words.

But she obviously thought too much, and saw a halo emerging from Wang Ming's back. This halo exuded a shining golden light, but if one looked from the front, one couldn't see Wang Ming's specific appearance.

The angels could only vaguely see Wang Ming's faint green eyes. In the next second, without waiting for them to make any moves, all the angels, including Morgana, as well as the devil and the devil's dependents, were all killed by Wang Ming. Ming moved out of the earth in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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