Chapter 249 Leave
When they came over, they realized that they had arrived at an unknown starry sky. Seeing this, Ducao asked curiously.

"Where did you get them?"

"It's just a small punishment and a big warning. I brought them to the end of the known universe. It will probably take decades for them to come back."

Wang Ming replied in a flat tone, and the soldiers who heard his words gasped in shock. Wang Ming didn't care about their shock, and he said lightly.

"Since it's out, let's solve all the troubles at once, so as not to cause trouble every now and then."

As Wang Ming said, he took a step forward, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the battleships of the Taotie tribe near Pluto. These warships stopped here to prepare to invade the earth.

"Really, one or two don't make people worry, if that's the case, let's destroy them."

Wang Ming said something calmly, and then waved directly at these battleships. In the next second, all the battleships turned into fly ash and disappeared into the universe.

There was no big movement, and there was no earth-shattering big explosion. The main force of the Taotie clan just disappeared peacefully.

It took less than two seconds for Wang Ming to finish these things, and the next second he returned to the Juxia, looking at the bewildered people, Wang Ming said a word.

"The gluttonous tribe's army has been completely wiped out. The earth is probably not in danger for the time being. I'm going to do my own thing. You can do what you want."

After saying these words, Wang Ming returned to his room, as if he just did a trivial thing to destroy the main force of the Taotie clan.

Now there is nothing that Wang Ming can care about here. After returning to his room, he devoted himself to researching the super god gene. After half a month, Wang Ming completely developed the perfect galaxy power.

Then Wang Ming began to study the genes of the Luoxing God of War, and after another month, Wang Ming also fully developed the genes of the Nuoxing God of War.

As for the other types of super god genes, Wang Ming really doesn't like them, because the effects that those super god genes can achieve, Wang Ming can express through the six reincarnations, and they are stronger and faster.

Only Nuoxing God of War and Galaxy Power are the two most special super god genes, so Wang Ming will devote himself to research and development. After he finished these things, almost two months have passed.

Then Wang Ming was about to leave the earth to look for the legendary void, or the so-called ultimate fear. It was also on that day that Wang Ming bid farewell to the people of the Xiongbing Company and set foot on the vast galaxy alone.

Wang Ming searched aimlessly in the galaxy, but it wasn't aimless. The first thing he looked for was Karl, the god of death, because the other party was also studying the void and ultimate fear.

But he didn't get what he wanted. Karl didn't know much about these things, and he didn't understand them thoroughly. However, this guy's strength was beyond Wang Ming's imagination.

It is also a constellation-level powerhouse, basically at the same level as Pluto in the Super Beast Universe, maybe a little weaker.

But he didn't get the answer he wanted, so Wang Ming had a friendly discussion with him and successfully got his card.

Anyway, I have come here, so I can't return empty-handed. Time flies and half a year has passed, and Wang Ming completely lost the patience to find the ultimate fear.

Because he couldn't find any of the people he was looking for, and he didn't know where he was hiding. What space principal, what ultimate fear, one hides deeper than the other.

So he decided not to look for it anymore, and it would be a waste of time to look for it any longer. This so-called ultimate fear is probably not a powerful existence, and there is no point in wasting time looking for him.

"It's time to go to the next world, and I don't know what a wonderful world it will be."

Standing on an earth-like planet, Wang Ming spoke in a relaxed tone. He is like a traveler who is about to go to the next travel destination, full of expectations for the unknown.

Then Wang Ming clicked the button on the tablet without hesitation. In the next second, a gray mist appeared in front of Wang Ming, and Wang Ming walked in without hesitation.


"Sugar-coated haws!"

"Fried buns, delicious fried buns!"

“Old Beijing authentic fried noodles!”

After Wang Ming came out of the Dimensional Wall, he heard a voice that was very reminiscent of life in the city, but he could roughly judge from this voice that he should have entered a world centered on China again.

As for what kind of world it is, it's hard to say whether Wang Ming has read this work, but from his perspective, he can only find that this is a very ordinary world.

Wang Ming probably felt the situation of the earth with his mental power, and he discovered a very strange thing, this world seems to be a very ordinary and ordinary world.

It is different from the world that Wang Ming traveled through before. The world that Wang Ming traveled through before had more or less supernatural or alien things, but this world has nothing.

There are no aliens who will invade, no monsters that haunt every day, and no strange-looking monsters wandering around.

"Did I return to Earth?!"

Wang Ming came to a bold conclusion. Now he has some doubts whether he has returned to the earth before he crossed.

But when he saw the year in this world, he gave up this idea, because he saw the time from a watch shop on the side of the road, and learned that this is 2010, and the time Wang Ming traveled through was 2018.

This is a clever stagger, and now Wang Ming is a little disappointed. If the above-mentioned possibilities are excluded, then the place where Wang Ming judges himself is with a high probability is an everyday world.

It's the kind of love or campus youth, the ordinary world where there is no supernatural power, which makes Wang Ming a little depressed.

His current mentality has already passed the age when children like to play around, and he can't experience the freshness of new journeys in this world.

After all, if it was the same as in the normal world, then Wang Ming would have been tired of it a long time ago. After much deliberation, Wang Ming decided to practice here for a month and then leave.

Since it is cultivation, it is natural to find a good place. It is best to find a quiet place in a famous mountain or river. After all, with Wang Ming's current cultivation base and strength, he has already broken away from it, and he needs to rely on food to maintain his life.

Then Wang Ming took a look at where he was, and found that it was a coincidence that he was in a prefecture-level city around Mount Tai, which was very close to Mount Tai, the legendary head of the Five Sacred Mountains.

Mount Tai is the most famous mountain in China. Since ancient times, emperors have enshrined Zen here. In addition to the emperors known to mankind, there are also 72 emperors who enshrined Zen here in ancient times.

If there is any place in China that is more suitable for seclusion and cultivation than this place, then there is only the legendary Kunlun Mountain, but it is fate to be close, so Wang Ming decided to stay in Mount Tai for a month before leaving this world.

(Xiong Binglian has completely collapsed after the original book. There is nothing to write about. He didn't plan to stay here for a long time. The protagonist is just here for a vacation. The next world is the world where he really wants to do things.)
(End of this chapter)

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