"Be careful when you go out this time, they will definitely take the opportunity to attack."

"I know this, and it's not like we don't have cards."

Before setting off, Pang Bo said to Ye Fan, and Ye Fan nodded seriously, and then they followed the elders of the sect to the primitive ruins.


"Let me remind you one last thing. Be careful. Don't think that there is no danger just on the edge of the original ruins. I can't take care of every disciple. Don't go deep into the ruins."

The elder who led the team said to the disciples who participated in this training, because this time it was two elders who brought [-] disciples out to practice, if these people were scattered too far, they would definitely not be able to take care of them.

There are not only human races in the primitive ruins, but also creatures of other races are doing similar things. Once the two sides meet, they will kill them directly. After all, they are not my race, so their hearts must be different.

Not long after the training began, there was a sharp and loud bird song from the depths of the primitive ruins. The disciples who heard this sound felt their eardrums go numb and deaf from the shock.

Everyone was attracted by the sound and turned their heads to look, and then they saw a golden lightning, flying towards a mountain deep in the primitive ruins!

"That's the Lightning Bird, born with the power of lightning, I'm afraid I'm not even its opponent."

The elder who led the team looked at the direction where the lightning bird disappeared, and said solemnly, and at this moment, there was another loud roar from the depths of the ruins.

A blue-gray figure rushed hundreds of meters into the sky, and directly fought with the lightning bird. This blue-gray figure was a giant ape covered with scales, and its aura was extremely powerful, not weaker than Lightning bird!
"This is the Scaled Ape. The Scaled Ape who can fight with the Lightning Bird can be regarded as the king among the Scaled Apes. What happened to this primitive ruin? It feels a little strange today."

"This route is too dangerous, let's go another route."

The two elders who led the team looked at each other and made a decision, and then the group headed towards the original ruins from another, more remote route.

This side is much quieter. The route they were going to advance just now has almost become a battlefield for monsters, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's move forward here. You each spread out to collect resources. Remember not to leave here for more than ten miles, otherwise we will not be able to save you."

The elder who led the team took a look at the relatively safe environment around them, nodded in satisfaction, and then ordered everyone to disperse, and everyone heard the words and went to collect resources in various directions.

"Han Feiyu, these two people almost killed you?"

When all the disciples dispersed one after another, there were a dozen or so people who stood still and did not leave. They looked at the direction Ye Fan and Pang Bo left and discussed in low voices.

"Although one is a fairy seedling, it's just a beginner and hasn't learned any exercises. The other is a piece of trash that can't cultivate. You'll really embarrass Elder Han if you are defeated by such trash."

A few seventeen or eighteen-year-old disciples with divine light flowing on their bodies, looked at the backs of Ye Fan and Pang Bo leaving, and taunted a young man who was about their age.

"That's because the two of them took the magic medicine and gained a lot of brute force. Otherwise, I could kill them both by myself. It's a pity that my uncle won't let me trouble the two of them now. This matter can only be solved." Think long term."

The young man named Han Feiyu was very angry. He was used by his uncle, an elder in the sect, to catch Ye Fan and kill the blood refining pill to help the elder live longer.

However, Pang Bo and Ye Fan beat him up severely, and they were almost beaten to death by the two of them, so the relationship between the two parties ended like this.

This is also the reason why Ye Fan wants to run away, staying in a sect, but the elders want to eat you all the time, everyone wants to run away.

"Okay, it won't be long for the two of them to be arrogant. Sooner or later someone will take care of him. Don't forget our purpose this time. We must be able to go deeper together and gain a lot of money. Let's act quickly."

In the end, Han Feiyu and the others also headed in the direction Ye Fan and Pang Bo were going, but they were not looking for trouble, they were just passing by, and Han Feiyu said something coldly when passing by.

"Leave the periphery to you trash to explore, we are going to the depths."


After hearing this, Pangbo immediately became angry. He almost couldn't hold back and put his armor together, but Ye Fan who was beside him stopped him in time and shook his head at him.

Unlike Pang Bo who likes to be angry, Ye Fan belongs to the kind of person who doesn't talk too much. He has his own account in his heart, and he will kill anyone who has accumulated full points with him without hesitation.

When I was on Mars before, some classmates wanted to harm him because of greed, and Ye Fan killed him without hesitation. He belongs to the kind who doesn’t say a word, doesn’t say a word, and doesn’t like to speak harshly. Ye Fan just likes to fight , and being able to sneak attack is never just head-on, that's how he got his nickname Ye Heizi.

"Now that we have the armor, we can actually try to go deep into the ruins. Risks and benefits coexist. After all, the armor is just a foreign object. Sooner or later we have to return it to him. We must do everything possible within the time period when we have the armor. Only by improving your own strength can you maximize your benefits."

Ye Fan thought for a long time before suggesting it, and Pang Bo also nodded his head to express his affirmation after hearing the words. Although the two of them don't know the specific strength of their armor after summoning.

Because they haven't tested it, they can't guess it by guessing, but they have a basic judgment. After summoning the armor, they will definitely not be weaker or even stronger than the two elders leading the team.

And this was their confidence to go to the depths of the ruins. After making up their minds, the two immediately started to set off and rushed towards the depths of the ruins.

When Ye Fan and Pang Bo were heading towards the depths of the primitive ruins, Wang Ming was also eating melons and watching a show in the depths of the primitive ruins. At this time, it was quite lively here. Around them, no one could find him.

This is a huge crater. In the center of the crater, there is an extremely simple five-color temple, and the strong people on both sides of the human race and the demon race stand here and refuse to give in.

The strong people on the human side are mainly the head of Lingxu Cave and the four Supreme Elders, while on the side of the Yaozu are seven big monsters whose bodies have been partially transformed.

The two sides were at war, and seeing that the battle was about to break out, Wang Ming happily watched the live broadcast of this scene.

Because Wang Ming felt that this was indeed a bit like the treasure-hunting battle written in the novel, and seeing it with his own eyes today is still a bit novel.

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