"You human beings are too greedy. The original ruins are divided into two. You already have the Lingxu Cave, but you want to get involved in the other half of the ruins. Are you trying to provoke a big war?"

"If you want to start a war, you can get your hands on this ancient temple!"

"This primitive ruin is our residence, how can we allow you to be so presumptuous!"

After the two sides were silent for a while, several big monsters from the Yaozu took the lead to stand up and denounced the shameless behavior of the human race, and the elders of the Lingxu Cave didn't care about it.

"This ruin was originally left by our human race. Now that a treasure has been born, what's wrong with me waiting to find the treasure of the human race?"

"That's right, here comes the ruins left by my human race. Your monster race is just living here, so how can you easily occupy it!"

In terms of lip service, the old foxes on the Human Race side are not afraid at all. It might be better to say that this is their strong point, while the Yaozu people are obviously not convinced.

"You are just arguing. The ancestors of our demon clan once said that this is not the homeland of your human race at all, but the imperial capital of our demon clan in its heyday!"

"You are just talking nonsense. The architectural style here is similar to my human race. How could it be the imperial capital of your monster race? I think you are deliberately finding fault!"

The monster race wanted to refuse reason and fight hard, but the human race directly cheated, and at this moment, the five-color temple below suddenly shone brightly, and simple and simple characters appeared on it.

"This is the imperial text of my demon clan! This is the mausoleum of the demon emperor!"

Suddenly, a big monster couldn't bear the shock in his heart, and cried out aloud, and the greed in the eyes of the human monks who heard his words became even more intense.

"Now you have also seen that this is the mausoleum of our demon emperor and has nothing to do with your human race, so hurry up!"

The big monsters of the monster race all had a smug look on their faces, while the monks of the human race sneered and said as if they were playing tricks.

"There is a treasure of my human race in the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum, we must get it back."

"I think you just want to start a war, brothers, go ahead, kill all the human race!"


After knowing the true identity of the ancient temple below, neither side has any reason to back down. Both sides are already on the verge of riding a tiger, and the only plan for now is a war!
With the start of the battle between the two sides, the demonic aura suddenly soared to the sky, and the evil aura soared into the sky.
At the same time, the four Supreme Elders in Lingxu Cave also all stepped forward. The source of divine power in their bodies boiled, and their divine light illuminated the entire sky brilliantly, dissipating all the demonic energy that hit them. The four powerhouses shot at the same time!
Immediately, several big monsters fought endlessly with the strong men of Lingxu Cave, and the scene was full of rays of light and various weapons were flying all over the sky, making the night sky as bright as day.

Fairy lamps, copper furnaces, golden swords, gossip mirrors, blood knives, etc. seem to be alive. They squeeze together and collide with each other, and the clanging sounds are endless. Every time is a contest of divine power, making the sky tremble!

"It's like watching a blockbuster movie with special effects. The frivolity of this monk's fight is much more powerful than that of Kamen Rider. Every shot is full of special effects."

Wang Ming watched this scene with great interest not far away. He was not very interested in treasures and the like. What good things could there be in the mausoleum of a great emperor who is also a constellation-level powerhouse?

Wang Ming said without exaggeration that as long as he finds someone with the strongest aura in this world and lends him the Asura Summoner to play with, he can directly create a character at the level of a great emperor on the spot.

And before Ye Fanshura was not given the summoner, it was because he couldn't use it if he gave it, and he didn't have the strongest aura in him. This thing doesn't mean that he can have it.

It takes time to polish and experience, what can be owned, the current Ye Fan and Pangbo are still far behind.

So Wang Ming is purely watching a play now, the following scenes are all about small fights, a group of planet-level little guys are fighting, in fact there is nothing to watch, Wang Ming is mainly watching the special effects.

But at this moment, the five-color temple below slowly rose from the magma, and finally stood in mid-air and released endless five-color divine light. stopped.

However, after a brief silence, it turned out to be an even crazier battle. At this time, the mausoleum of the Demon Emperor had completely appeared, and everyone wanted to be the first to open the gate of the palace and rush in to seize the treasure.

Neither side had any reason to back off. Everyone's eyes were red-eyed, and the treasure and witchcraft trees in the sky traversed the sky.

With more roars and roars, the strange beasts also joined the battle group. They are not members of the Yaozu, they are ancient alien beasts and the Yaozu are two races, but they are both beasts.

The temptation of the demon emperor's mausoleum is irresistible to them. At this time, all the places Wang Ming can see are wars. I have to say that the strong in this world are really able to sacrifice everything for the treasure and chance .

"It's such a spectacular scene, what is it that makes these people so crazy, I suddenly became interested."

Wang Ming saw these guys desperately making the scene into a real Shura field, and he also became a little interested. Immediately, he stepped out as if no one else was there, and came to the palace without anyone noticing him.

Wang Ming didn't choose to break the door violently, he walked directly into the so-called mausoleum of the demon emperor, but the things inside made Wang Ming a little disappointed.

There are quite a lot of ordinary treasures, which are rare treasures for those monks, but there are really not many things that are really valuable to Wang Ming.

To say that the most special of them is a small crystal coffin, which contains a beating heart, which makes a loud sound every time it beats, which is frightening.

But how could Wang Ming be interested in this kind of thing? It's useless to be ugly and bloody. It's disgusting to hold it in your hand.

If the people from the monster clan outside knew what Wang Ming was thinking, they might come up to fight him desperately. This is the heart of a great emperor, the sacred heart of a generation of monster emperors. How could such a precious treasure allow Wang Ming to slander it like this!
"Thought there were some things, they were not popular, and there were some strange ones that didn't work, so just take some Origin Stones and let them go."

Wang Ming shook his head in disappointment, then with a big wave of his hand, he took away the boxes containing the origin stones.

Then Wang Ming took a few weapons that looked good by the way, not for anything else, just taking them home for collection was worthwhile.

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