"Welcome everyone to participate in this game. This game is called Canyon Jihad. The rules of the game are that each of you choose five people to enter the canyon..."

After Wang Ming crushed the game cassette in his hand, a huge canyon appeared out of thin air below the crowd, and then Wang Ming briefly explained to them the most basic rules of the tower pushing game.

Ye Fan rolled his eyes when he heard this, and he didn't know anything else, but he must have played the 2010 League of Legends when it was the hottest, so in Ye Fan's eyes, Wang Ming's so-called canyon jihad was a pirated hero alliance.

Anyway, it's a live-action 3D tower pushing game, with the minion line created by Wang Ming, the big and small dragon kings, and buffs of various attributes.

People who enter the game will have their power sealed to the same level. Everyone can only choose their five moves as skills to use, and other methods will be sealed.

According to the strength of these skills, Wang Ming reasonably designed the CD time and damage. Of course, there are also necessary virtual equipment.

Anyway, everything is the same as the content of the tower pushing game, and there are only heroes or these few characters. After Wang Ming's explanation, both sides understand that this is probably simulating a real war.

Five contestants are equivalent to five generals, and the virtual line of soldiers is the soldiers under them, the purpose is to conquer the enemy's base, the rules are quite simple and rude.

Everyone remembered after listening to it, that is, those skill mechanisms and equipment need to be studied carefully, but those who can cultivate to this level are not stupid. After a few minutes of familiarization, they probably understand the rules of the game.

This game is indeed the same as what the chief referee said, it is a very fair game, not just pure force, but also resourcefulness and some economic operations.

"Okay, you probably have a good understanding, now select your contestants, and then start to choose the skills you use."

With a wave of Wang Ming's hand, a menu appeared in front of everyone's eyes. These menus miraculously recorded the moves they knew.

While feeling the novelty, everyone glanced at Wang Minggao again. The strength of this chief referee is simply unfathomable.

Soon the two sides began to choose the participants, because everyone's strength was forcibly suppressed to the same level.

So to participate in this game, cultivation is not the most important thing, the main thing is that the things you know are not comprehensive, and whether you are good at it.

Therefore, the range of options for contestants has increased a lot, but to be on the safe side, the Ji family chose the four strongest and most experienced fighters to assist Ji Haoyue.

What they come up with here is the most ace lineup, at least the strongest in the real world, while the Yaozu's selection is more random.

And for some unknown reason, they actually brought Ye Fan in. Ye Fan naturally began to choose skills with a helpless face, and his first choice was the summoning armor ability of the King Catcher Summoner.

This ability is currently his strongest, and when Wang Ming assigns skill weights, he is directly assigned to the ultimate move by Wang Ming, which is the same ultimate move as Ji Haoyue's divine body's vision of the bright moon growing on the sea.

After tossing for about ten minutes, both sides selected the participants and all the skills, and now both sides are hurrying to discuss tactics.

And Ye Fan is more proficient in this kind of thing, so he quickly gave a lineup commonly used for playing tower pushing games.

It is the most classic lineup of fighter, shooter, mage, support, and jungler. Because Ye Fan is an old player, when they choose skills, they have already optimized these five professions.

The lineup allocated is quite reasonable, and you can understand that the Ji family has selected five fighters for them, and each of them has learned the skills to the greatest extent. Mang is done, that's probably what it means.

"Chief referee, we are ready."

Ye Fan was very smart, he didn't stand up and get close to Wang Ming, he directly opened his mouth to talk about the business, and Ji Haoyue was almost ready.

In fact, they have nothing to prepare. They don't understand the lineup at all. In this situation of using the economy to allocate strength, they will be beaten in the early stage, and only in the late stage will there be a glimmer of hope.

The premise is that Ye Fan and the others will give the Ji family a chance to delay to the later stage, but at this time the Ji family still doesn't understand the power of it, so Ji Haoyue also spoke quite confidently.

"The chief referee, we are also ready and can start at any time."

"Okay, since both of you are ready, the fun is about to begin!"

Hearing this, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then started his own operations. He waved his hand, and the contestants selected by both sides were sent to the base in the canyon below.

As for the surrounding melon-eating crowd watching the battle, Wang Ming did not let them just float in the air. He also waved his hand, and then countless stones floated into the void, and finally circled around the canyon, becoming A row of auditoriums.

It is where the auditorium is located, which is a huge stone wall surrounding the canyon. Sitting here, you only need to lower your head slightly, and you can clearly see the situation below.

After Wang Ming sent these people to the auditorium, he was ready to continue operating. Following Wang Ming's thoughts, many wild monsters appeared in the canyon.

Anyone who has played King of the Wild can recognize these wild monsters, they are absolutely the same as the original version, and the ten people below also took this opportunity to check the attributes of the equipment in the store.

After a while, seeing that they were almost ready, Wang Ming officially announced the start of the game.

"Then the war has begun! The whole army goes out!"


Following Wang Ming's yell, the horn sounded in the vastness and desolation in the canyon, and then small soldiers, about the size of ordinary people, began to move towards the third line. !

"Let's go together, go directly from the middle to concentrate our strength, forcibly crush them, and push their crystals."

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Haoyue decided to cut through the mess quickly, and charged directly, not giving the opponent any chance!

The remaining four elders of the Ji family also agreed with his tactic, which is very suitable for a cultivator to go forward bravely. They all took out the iron swords they bought from the store, and shouted with a little enthusiasm.

"Kill them all in one go!"

Then a few people rushed towards the middle road in a hurry. In order to seize the opportunity, they even used the flash skill they just got, because this way they could reach the grass one step ahead, and then catch the opponent by surprise from inside the grass.

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