Ye Fan's side started to arrange according to the routine he understood, because it was the first time for the Yaozu people to play like this, so their understanding of the rules was not that deep.

They don't know how to fight, and their minds are in a mess. Now that Ye Fan is willing to stand up and direct, they are naturally happy.

"Eagle King, your speed is the fastest and it is more suitable for you to go to the jungle to farm economy. After a while, you can go to the jungle to develop, and then follow my command to support."

"no problem."

Ye Fan said to a strange man with an eagle head and two wings on his back that their game experience at this time is still somewhat different from the real game experience.

The real game experience is God's perspective, and they are the No.1 perspective, but there will be a small map in everyone's vision, and there is also a voice function within the team, so communication is not a problem.

Ye Fan quickly assigned the lineup, the classic support in the early stage to help grab the line in the middle, and develop indecently in the upper and lower lanes, waiting for the support of the jungler.

After everyone bought the equipment, they went out of the spring directly. Here I want to say that the equipment they bought was all in their hands, not directly adding value like in previous games.

That is to say, in the later stage, everyone has a bunch of things on their bodies, which is relatively true. After all, they didn't bring weapons when they came in, so it's impossible to fight with bare hands.

"Ye Fan is a little strange, I didn't see anyone on the road."

"I didn't see it on the way down."

"Everything is fine in the wild."

The four reported their positions respectively, and Ye Fan played in the support position because he wanted to direct. He and the mage didn't see anyone in the middle.

Because this is a canyon created by Wang Ming using the king as a template, there are no such convenient things as eyes. This kind of map is most suitable for the sixth child to carry out sneak attacks.

After Ye Fan thought about it for a while, he suddenly thought of a situation he encountered when playing games before, that is, a first-level team fight. If you win the battle, you will gain a great advantage.

"It seems that this Ji Haoyue is not simple. She knew the routine of the first-level regiment when she came into contact with this kind of game for the first time. This kid is worthy of the Donghuang God Body, with unparalleled combat power and extraordinary resourcefulness!" '

Ye Fan was shocked. He didn't expect that a person who had never played this kind of game would be able to comprehend this kind of routine within a few minutes. This kind of comprehension is simply terrifying!
"The top and bottom lanes and the wild area develop normally. They may ambush in the middle lane. Don't worry about me and the mage being wretched."

"it is good!"


Ye Fan conveyed his order immediately, and the others immediately began to develop normally. By the way, the mage is Yan Ruyu, a descendant of the demon emperor who has many powerful skills.

"Be careful, the two of us, they may be in the grass."


Ye Fan said to Yan Ruyu very seriously, the latter nodded in response, and looked at the grass followers on both sides with some vigilance.

And Ji Haoyue, who was hiding in the grass, also admired Ye Fan's command, because this is a three-dimensional world after all, and the two sides can actually hear each other's words when they are close.

Just now Ye Fan's command was clearly heard by the five people hiding in the grass, but this did not stop the five people from planning a sneak attack.

Just when Ye Fan and Yan Ruyu were clearing the line of soldiers at the limit of the range of the tower, five big men suddenly jumped out from the grass next to them.

"The evildoer will die!"

The five members of Ji's family rushed out of the bushes with ordinary iron swords bought from a store, and Ye Fan and Yan Ruyu were taken aback.

The two subconsciously turned around and wanted to run, but Yan Ruyu didn't know if it was because she was used to using the kung fu, she subconsciously wanted to use the kung fu to fly away.

Then he stood motionless on the spot for a second, and it was this second that gave the five members of the Ji family a chance. They rushed directly to Yan Ruyu's side, raised their iron swords and slashed down.

"I'm going, why did you lose the chain at a critical moment!"

Seeing this, Ye Fan was also in a hurry. As an assistant to protect the C position, it was his bounden duty, so he turned around without thinking, and came to Yan Ruyu's side in a flash, and pushed her back fiercely.

"What are you doing in a daze, flash and run away!"

Ye Fan's loud shout made Yan Ruyu come to her senses, she trotted for two steps and returned to the tower in a flash, while Ye Fan was chopped back into the spring by five iron swords.

Yan Ruyu looked at Ye Fan's body outside the tower with complicated eyes. Because he hadn't been resurrected, Ye Fan's body was still there.

"Hahaha, if you dare to oppose our Ji family, this is the end!"

An elder of the Ji family laughed wildly. After they had eaten up this wave of soldiers, Ji Haoyue also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Old people, it seems that we can't stay together forever, which will seriously affect our development. It is estimated that when we blow up their two towers, these people will have learned the ultimate move at level [-], and then things will be troublesome. "

"We can't beat them without a big move, so now we are still developing separately. I observed their formation and it is a very reasonable economic distribution formation. I think we should learn from their formation."

Ji Haoyue looked at the enemy on the small map very calmly, and then said calmly, after hearing his words, the remaining four people immediately thought of the seriousness of the matter, and immediately nodded.

"That's right, the young master is right, we really can't end the battle in one wave."

"Then let's spread out the education, and I'll go on the road."

The people from the Ji family also learned quickly. Ji Haoyue went to the wild area to fight in the wild, and the other four went to the other three roads respectively. At this time, Ye Fan also revived and came to Yan Ruyu's side again.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, didn't the chief referee say that this place is just virtual, and nothing will happen if you die."

Yan Ruyu asked a question seemingly casually but worriedly, but Ye Fan didn't understand the meaning of her words, but patted his chest confidently and said.

And the people in the spectator seats outside didn't think it was very novel. They all thought that this kind of war confrontation game was very interesting and very good for training.

This can increase the monks' actual combat ability, as well as teamwork and strategic thinking. For Donghuang, which is already in some chaos, people's desire for strength is far greater than before.

And because the Ji family opened a wave of first-level regiments, although they took first blood, they lost a wave of troops, and there is still a lot of economic gap between them and Ye Fan's side.

The most interesting thing is the middle road, because the strong Ji family didn't know why two people were put in the middle road, so they stayed in the middle road all the time.

When Ye Fan saw the support on the opposite side, he didn't intend to help the shooter, so he could only stay in the middle.

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