Wang Ming didn't have that much face yet, and he was able to get all the S-level heroes to gather for a meeting because of his joining. It can only be said that he was a coincidence, and the president of the Heroes Association said two things together by the way.

Originally, the president of the Heroes Association wanted to meet Wang Ming alone, but things collided and he couldn't help it.

But when Wang Ming heard his words, he instantly remembered a familiar figure. It was a one-eyed blue-skinned guy whose skin would turn white after an explosion.

It was the legendary big brother who drove the spaceship, the overlord of the universe, the strongest Poros in the universe, this powerful alien, he was so angry when he met Saitama when he came to the earth.

At the beginning, Saitama just played with him and didn't take it seriously at all, but after Saitama was serious, he punched him in seconds, not to mention that Saitama has the characteristic of getting stronger as he fights.

Saitama's current basic attributes alone are almost at the galaxy level. If he really encounters a strong enemy, he will break through to the constellation level in a short time, or even the universe level or even half-step multi-level. .

As for whether Qitama can break through to the multi-level, Wang Ming is not sure, after all, no one knows where Qitama's upper limit is, not even the manga author has set an upper limit for others.

Wang Ming suspected that if Saitama, who possessed such characteristics, was thrown into the box-like world he was in before, this guy would probably have grown to infinite diversity.

The fact is that this guy has no other hobbies other than going to the supermarket to buy discounted goods and playing games. This is the real desire and desire.

This is also the reason why the earth in this world is still safe and sound. Thinking of this, Wang Ming has no interest in listening to what the president of the Heroes Association has to say on stage.

He just wanted to talk to Saitama after the meeting, and it would be best if he could exchange ideas with him. That's it, about 10 minutes later.

The president of the Heroes Association finally explained the matter clearly, and after listening to his description, all the heroes looked solemn and worried.

After the meeting, everyone left the meeting room. Wang Ming was surrounded by a group of reporters just as he came to the lobby of the Heroes Association.

Obviously, when they had a meeting just now, the news of the newly promoted S-class hero Kamen Rider had spread all over the Internet.

This is a trend created by the Hero Association on purpose for Wang Ming. The heroes in this world are a little different. They are not mysterious and powerful nerds who don't go out every day.

On the contrary, they have some idol qualities. Each hero has his own fan group and support group, and even some more famous heroes have their own managers.

Going on a variety show or a talk show from time to time, after all, no matter how a hero is, he has to eat, and the salary from the Hero Association alone is not enough to maintain the most basic life of being a hero.

Although Wang Ming didn't want to talk to these reporters, in order to save some trouble, he still answered a few questions selectively.

"Mr. Kamen Rider, what is your super power?"

"Does it count if I'm super rich?"

A reporter asked a question that everyone wanted to know. Regarding Wang Ming's superpowers, even the insiders of the Heroes' Association didn't know much about it, and they didn't dare to ask more questions. However, Wang Ming's answer was in a joking tone.

"Hahaha, Mr. Kamen Rider, you are really humorous."

The reporter laughed awkwardly, but Wang Ming showed them off in public, and said with a calm and indifferent smile on his face.

"Don't believe me, do you think I'm rich like this?"

clap la la...

In front of dozens of cameras, Wang Ming waved his hand lightly beside him. In the next second, countless gold bricks crashed to the ground, cracking the floor of the Heroes Association.


After seeing this scene, everyone gasped. What kind of ability is this against the heavens? It is simply shocking to be able to create gold out of thin air.

Wang Ming, on the other hand, didn't take it seriously. His hand seemed to be a creation of the void, but in fact there was still a process of transformation. To put it simply, he turned some air into solid gold bricks.

Although it sounds very unreal, it is not a difficult task for Wang Ming, and it belongs to the type of effort with little effort.

"Okay, friends from the press and the camera crew, these gold bricks are my gift to you. Share them among yourselves. I have to leave beforehand."

What Wang Ming said next made everyone on the scene go crazy. They didn't even care about interviewing Wang Ming, and rushed forward one by one to grab the gold bricks.

Wang Ming jumped outside in a flash, and by this means, he got rid of the entanglement of these people.

And the people who watched the live broadcast through various channels couldn't sit still at all. They left messages on the Internet one after another, marveling at this incredible ability.

And Wang Ming just ignored the reactions of these ordinary people, but he was holding a mobile phone obtained from the Heroes Association, checking the information of low-level heroes.

The authority of the S-level hero is to view the low-level heroes. If I remember correctly, the current level of Saitama should be the 388th in the C-level, which is the last one in the C-level.

And the lowest level of heroes is C level. That's right, this big guy with a ceiling of combat power is the last one in the Heroes Association, the bottom one.

"I found it. As expected in the original book, Saitama lives in the "ghost town" in City Z."

After Wang Ming browsed for a while, he found the information about Saitama. Just like in the original book, he lived in an area densely populated by weirdos.

That place is called a ghost town by the locals, because the weird people are too frequent, so the rent is quite cheap, which is why Saitama chooses to live there.

Don't look at Saitama's invincible strength, but he is really a good citizen who abides by the law and never does anything illegal. All income is obtained through the tasks of the Heroes Association.

And most of the tasks that he can receive at his level are trivial matters, even helping the old lady cross the road can be regarded as a task, and the reward is a full twenty yen.

Although living in poverty, Qiyu does not feel any dissatisfaction or suffering. This kind of mentality can no longer be described well, and the living Buddha is nothing more than this.

Although Wang Ming has read the original book and knows the approximate place where Qiyu lives, it is more convenient to look at the map for details. After Wang Ming glanced at the map, he stepped out and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already near the ghost town of City Z, where there was a small supermarket with many customers queuing up to pay.

And Wang Ming immediately saw a bald guy in the supermarket, wearing a yellow battle suit and a red cloak, queuing up to pay.

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