"It really is here."

Wang Ming recognized the bald guy as Qiyu at a glance. He said, wouldn't he really feel ashamed to walk on the street dressed like this?

Regarding Qiyu's strange aesthetics, Wang Ming expressed some incomprehension, but Wang Ming didn't go in directly to find him, he was going to wait for the other party to come out before talking to him, which seemed more natural.

But at this moment, a sudden loud noise broke the calm of the city, and half of the supermarket where Saitama was located disappeared.

Looking out through the remaining half of the supermarket, you can see a very exaggerated scene, inexplicably appearing an extremely huge pothole in front of you.

The buildings in the potholes turned into ruins, and Wang Ming, who was standing outside the supermarket, looked up at the sky and couldn't help being amazed.

"This giant is a bit big. Visually, it must be at least a thousand meters high. It is almost comparable to some ancient alien species in the previous world."

Wang Ming couldn't help sighing, that's right, what happened just now was a giant passing by here, the reason why half of the supermarket disappeared was because the other half was crushed and disappeared directly.

And the footprint of this giant is at least several kilometers long, and at least a thousand people have been killed by his foot. I have to say that it is indeed dangerous for ordinary people to live in this world.

Because no one knows that one day, he will die for some inexplicable reason, just like the person who was shopping on the other side of the supermarket just now.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, brother! I didn't expect this medicine to achieve such an effect!"

"Yeah, it's beyond imagination, brother."

On the giant's shoulder, a middle-aged man in a white coat and glasses shouted frantically, and the one he called his younger brother was the giant.

From this dialogue, it can be heard that this is another bloody story about a mad scientist brother and a brother who is willing to be a guinea pig.

"My brain plus your muscles, the highest intelligence and the strongest muscles that our brothers have been pursuing, are now perfectly combined! As long as we join forces, we can conquer everything on the ground and become the real king!"

"Yes brother!"

The elder brother in the white coat was still laughing wildly, and made a declaration that he didn't know what to do. Or to confirm his words, the giant brother suddenly slapped a piece of the city!

When he slapped down, the terrifying palm wind broke through the speed of sound instantly, and these palm winds that broke through the speed of sound were not just one point or two, but covered a whole range of several kilometers.

Imagine intuitively, what kind of house can withstand the airflow that reaches the speed of sound in an instant?The answer is definitely no, at least with the current technology in this world, ordinary houses cannot achieve this kind of wind resistance.

And the area swept by the palm of the giant brother seemed to have been plowed flat, and there were even a few buildings of better quality that flew up into the sky, flew out for several kilometers, and hit other buildings fiercely. Another large number of people died.

After living in this world for a long time, you will realize the concept of human life as worthless, and after seeing this scene, the brother in the white coat also let out a crazy laugh.

"Hahaha, it's amazing, brother! It's amazing, tens of thousands of people died!"

"That's right brother, this is the strength I have been pursuing!"

The giant brother also made a dull voice, because of his size, the words he said made the surrounding air tremble.

"Aren't you going to take action? Such a powerful weirdo is destroying the city recklessly."

Wang Ming walked to Qiyu's side and said with a light smile. At this time, Qiyu was staring blankly at the back of the giant Didi going away. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't make a move immediately.

After a while, he touched his big bald head and said something thoughtfully.

"In this case, I don't have to pay for it?"


Wang Ming was left speechless for a long time. He really couldn't understand what was going on in this guy's mind. Horrible weirdos were destroying the city and the supermarket where he bought things by the way, but he was thinking about whether to pay for it or not. Money matters.

"Hey! Who are you? When did you come here?"

Suddenly Qiyu seemed to have realized it again, and looked at Wang Ming in shock, Wang Ming was completely speechless to him now, this guy is definitely not a normal person.

"Oh, by the way, there are weirdos doing the damage, now go and get rid of it."

Qiyu's brain circuit seemed to have slowed down a lot, and he only now realized that there was a strange person. Seeing him like this, Wang Ming suddenly understood many things.

Why didn't Saitama rush over there immediately after many powerful weirdos appeared in the original book?

It's really not that he is pretending to be coercive and procrastinating on purpose, I'm afraid it's really because he is thinking about some things that he doesn't have. He is obviously an extraordinary powerhouse, but is he so natural?
"Forget it, you'd better watch it, the day lily will be cold when you fly over."

Wang Ming shook his head speechlessly, because Saitama can't fly, and the way he travels is to perform miracles vigorously. That's right, he likes to jump to the destination, the kind that can jump tens of thousands of meters in one jump .

As Wang Ming spoke, he took a step forward. At this time, there were already several helicopters hovering around the giant, but these were not armed helicopters of the army.

It is the helicopter used for TV interviews. I have to say that journalists in this world are really dedicated enough, and it is also a high-risk industry, the kind that walks on the edge of life and death.

"Dear viewers, a giant monster has appeared to destroy the city, and now we can see that several B-level heroes have been defeated.

It will take 3 minutes for the nearest A-level hero to arrive. If he is allowed to continue to destroy like this, many people will die!Hero, where is the hero! "

On the helicopter, the reporter explained to the audience in a very high-pitched tone. The reporter turned his back to the helicopter hatch, and his background was the unscrupulous giant who was destroying everything.

And at this moment, the cameraman was very excited and pointed at the back of the reporter, his eyes were hinting at something. This reporter was also a veteran for many years, and he immediately looked back after getting the hint.

Then he saw a handsome young man in a suit standing quietly in the sky, blocking the way of the giant.

"It's a hero! It's Kamen Rider No. 11 of the S rank who appeared!"

The reporter yelled as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and the people who were watching the live broadcast at this time became extremely excited.

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