"What a big mosquito!"

Qiyu couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the mosquito queen, while Genos looked solemnly at the mosquito queen in front of him.

"Yo, it's quite lively. We're having a meeting here."

Just when the atmosphere of the scene was tense to the extreme, a voice with a slight smile broke the atmosphere of the scene. After hearing the voice, everyone couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

Then they found that the person who spoke was a handsome man wearing a black casual suit with a very flamboyant purple shirt inside, a large bag of ingredients in his hand, and a black and purple dial and camera hanging around his neck. youth.

That's right, it was Wang Ming who came here!
He jumped over to find Qiyu just now, and then found that something interesting happened here, but what he didn't expect was that Qiyu was also there.

"Wang Mingsang, you are here, you are here to play games with me, then wait a while, I have some troublesome things to deal with here, I can't pretend that I didn't see it, such a big mosquito."

After Qiyu saw Wang Ming, he also greeted Wang Ming immediately. Wang Ming glanced at Mosquito Queen and said something disapproving.

"I thought it was a big deal. I'll solve it right away. I brought high-grade Wagyu ingredients here today. We can't delay our game play because of this guy."

While Wang Ming was talking, he slapped the mosquito queen not far away, and the next second.It rained blood in the sky.

Because the Mosquito Queen had already been slapped to death by Wang Ming, leaving nothing but the blood of the animals and humans she had sucked. The streets were dyed red.

"Okay, isn't the trouble solved? Let's go back and play games. You will be lucky at noon."

Wang Ming was as relaxed and freehand as if he had slapped a mosquito to death. He turned his head and said something to Qiyu whose eyes had been shining for a long time, but what was left in Qiyu's eyes was only the Various advanced ingredients.

"Okay, okay, this salmon looks so fresh."

"Of course, the ones that have just been sliced ​​from the fish, and this wagyu beef is the most suitable for frying steaks."

Wang Ming and Qi Yu walked towards the other side of the street while chatting. The two of them discussed the quality of the food just like ordinary aunts who went out to buy food.

And Genos stood there with a dazed face. He first looked at the blood-stained street, and then at Wang Ming's back. It took him a while to realize that he suddenly looked at Wang Ming. shouted from behind.

"Who are you, a hero?"

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider."

Wang Ming waved his back to Genos, and then disappeared into the corner of the street with Saitama, leaving only Genos with a thoughtful face muttering to himself.

"Kamen Rider, the No. 11 hero of the S rank, so it's him..."

Genos didn't catch up immediately, because his current body was seriously damaged and needed a doctor to help him repair it, so he left after a while.

After Wang Ming and Qiyu returned to each other's apartment, they couldn't wait to start today's game, and Qiyu even expressed his victory speech with confidence.

"Don't even try to beat me today, I'm not who I was yesterday!"

"It seems that you must have practiced secretly for a long time last night, but it doesn't matter, the strong must face the challenge bravely, so let's go."

There was also a faint smile on Wang Ming's face, and then the sound of the handle buttons beeping intensively came from the living room, and the two started today's battle again.

Wang Ming still chose his best chicken, Daying, and Qiyu also chose his favorite chicken, Dakun. Two chicks flapping their wings against the basketball played passionately on the screen.

After the two fought for more than an hour, Saitama still won less and lost more. In the end, Saitama chose to eat first under the temptation of gluttons.

After this meal, Wang Ming was surprised to find that the bond value between himself and Saitama had directly increased by 5.00%. You must know that he only increased by [-]% after playing games with this guy all day yesterday.

It seems that in Saitama's heart, food, no, to be precise, precious food is more important than games, and the two of them continued to play games after eating.

In this way, another day passed, and Wang Ming reached 11.00% of Saitama's bond value in two days. According to this progress, he can fully brush it in about a month.

But a plan is just a plan, and there will always be accidents. When Wang Ming went to Qiyu's house the next day, he found a familiar figure standing at the door of Qiyu's house.

This figure was Genos, he saw Wang Ming coming over with a bag of ingredients, bowed ninety degrees respectfully and said loudly.

"I went back yesterday and thought about it for a long time, and I decided to worship Mr. Kamen Rider as my teacher!"


Wang Ming was in a daze, what's wrong with being so good-looking?In the original book, shouldn't Genos be worshiping Saitama as his teacher? Why did he somehow get entangled with him?

Soon Wang Ming figured it out, probably because his performance yesterday was too cool, which caused Genos to change his mind, and that's why today's show happened.

"Then let me ask you, do you want to become stronger by taking me as your teacher?"

Wang Ming asked with a faint smile on his face. After Genos heard Wang Ming's words, his mechanical eyes miraculously burst into firm light.

"I want to find the runaway robot that destroyed the town when I was 15 years old. I want to destroy it, because my family, including me, are all thanks to it. After eliminating it, I will become a robot of justice. Continue Fight against evil!"

Genos's tone was firm and confident. Seeing his resolute appearance, Wang Ming also felt that things were getting more and more interesting.

"In this case, I can help you, because you are a robot, so I don't have anything to teach you, we are not the same species, but I have a way to improve your combat effectiveness .”

Wang Ming said with a smile, and took out a copy of the Xingtian armor from the space dial. This is not the original version of the Xingtian armor.

But in terms of power, it is actually a little worse than the original version, but it is not as high as the original version, and with the power of the mass-produced version of Xingtian armor, it is possible to reach the planetary level when it explodes with all its strength.

In this world, it is close to the power of the lowest-level god-level disasters. If Genos uses it to train and use it, not to mention defeating god-level monsters, ordinary dragon-level monsters can be beaten casually.

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